Okay, this occurred to me and i tried to look it up on Wookieepedia to no avail. How does armor effect stun blasts?
I know stun blasts can be "Shattered" lightsabers, but when i looked it up, there was absolutely no comment on what armor does to a stun blast. Does the armor absorb the blast? Or does it just go right through and ignore the armor? Is it somewhere in between where the stun blast is reduced because of the armor?
My current theory is that unless its specifically designed for it, armor does not in fact effect stun blasts. For instance if my armor is just phrik plate overlapping a bodysuit i don't see why it would block a stun blast, given that the stun blast strikes and then overlaps the whole body anyway rendering the victim unconscious. This is just an opinion in fact, and i'de like someone to weigh in.
I know stun blasts can be "Shattered" lightsabers, but when i looked it up, there was absolutely no comment on what armor does to a stun blast. Does the armor absorb the blast? Or does it just go right through and ignore the armor? Is it somewhere in between where the stun blast is reduced because of the armor?
My current theory is that unless its specifically designed for it, armor does not in fact effect stun blasts. For instance if my armor is just phrik plate overlapping a bodysuit i don't see why it would block a stun blast, given that the stun blast strikes and then overlaps the whole body anyway rendering the victim unconscious. This is just an opinion in fact, and i'de like someone to weigh in.