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Stun Guns - useless for self-defence

Today i got a good laugh at the expenze of my cousin, vho decided to buy her-self a stun gun. One of thoze litle sparkly things that are suposed to "incapacitate a attacker". :p She comes over to my place, to brag about it, how now she can defend her-self "vithout haveing to learn to fight" - something i have been urging her to do for years, even ofered to train her my-self, but she refuzed.

There she vas, waving that litle sparkly box around, all proud of her-self, how it has a 2.000.000 volts, how its so super-duper, and all i ask is: "Ok. How high is the amperage on that thing?" She has no idea "doez it mater" she asks. lol So i checked the net, for that same model she got - 1.9 mA. Piece of crap. She falled for the big voltage on the box, and buyed a little bug zapper.

I kind of feled sorry for her, teling her that thing wuld be useless. She didnt belive me. Then to prove my point, i ofered her to test it on me. Took me 10 minutes to re-assure her that she vont kill me XD . So aniway, eventualy i got her to zap me in the chest, right under the breasts. No clothes on, just my tank top and slacks. Bare skin. Vas moderatly painful, but it didnt even phaze me. Then she zaped me in the back, then the belly, same rezult. Litle pain, no big deal.

She vas pissed, to put it mildly, teling me the store riped her off, etc. Finaly she decided to return it, and ask for a refund. I told her most "stun guns" are useless, and that they ofer a false sense of security. They vont stop any half-determined attacker. I can only hope this debacle wil make her re-konsider my offer to train her.
Hehe, its a pain in the ass to get a fire-arm license vhere I live. I got a couple guns, becauze I vas in the army, so i kind of keped some of the "suvenirs" after, but she wuld have to go thru alot of paperwork to get it. And they are expenzive to buy.

I prefer something that can lethal and non lethal.

Gives ya more options. Of course a straight up pocket knife will do as well, just put in a reverse grip and box with it.

That also requires you train a lil bit with it though, so you can get to it in an emergency.
I would definitely propose taking self defense classes. when you know what you're doing you can use it for both lethal and non-lethal situations. my dad teaches karate classes and one of the things we did once was do our kata while being hit by a taser to see if we can keep moving. 9 out of 10 of us could do it easily.
[member="Cait Sandusky"]

No, no reverse grip boxing. It comes from above, thats very easy to block vith a forearm. Keep it in a regular grip, and stab low for the gut. Lot more efektive.


Disney's Princess
Never been a fan of the technology. Pepper spray works for most civilians though. Against a firm attack you’ll probably want competitive edge though. Years of training help. As do firearms. Etc.

You did well to help your friend understand that conflict is often more complicated than picking a winning horse. :p
That wuld be the case if she did pick a "winning horse". She didnt. Most civ-grade "stun guns" are toys for kids. Vorse, they can get ppl kiled, since they provide a false sense of security.
Most types of weapons can be harmful to the wielder without proper training. This includes pepper spray. By all means, choose anything you prefer for self defense - but make sure you learn how to use it properly, and are practiced enough to increase your odds of using it properly when you're operating on instinct.
Natalija said:
1.9 mA. Piece of crap.
The average taser is 2.1-2.5 mA, so this is perfectly effective. A stun gun isn't supposed to drop someone (like a taser), it's supposed to leave the person dazed for long enough for you to get away.

And considering 1.9 mA is going to be severely painful anyways, I'd say it's fine.

To note: Law enforcement use tasers that release an average of 2.1 mA, so this isn't even a debate - it's going to be effective.
[member="Lily Kuhn"] Realy? Then i feel sory for those law enforcement people who carry those. Like I sayed - I vasnt even phazed. I mean sure, im a bit more buff and conditioned then the average guy/girl, but stil not something id trust my life on.

Konklusion: No, they are not efective. Agenst kids, or some less-healthy adults, maby. Agenst a healthy adult person, i doubt it.

Also, some ppl have very high pain tolerance, or are on drugs vhen they attack - so it wuld be even less efektive on them. Sorry, stun guns are a failed technology, IMO.
Natalija said:
[member="Lily Kuhn"] Realy? Then i feel sory for those law enforcement people who carry those. Like I sayed - I vasnt even phazed. I mean sure, im a bit more buff and conditioned then the average guy/girl, but stil not something id trust my life on.

Konklusion: No, they are not efective. Agenst kids, or some less-healthy adults, maby. Agenst a healthy adult person, i doubt it.

Also, some ppl have very high pain tolerance, or are on drugs vhen they attack - so it wuld be even less efektive on them. Sorry, stun guns are a failed technology, IMO.
I mean, they seem to work perfectly fine in the real world.
Wel, from vhat i seen, most of that compilation is 2 or more police tazing the same guy. Sure, if I got tazed by 2 of thoze at once, it wuld be a bit more efektive. 2x2mA is 4 mA. Thats not bad. Also, that 1 naked guy keped moving and trying to get up, even vith 2 of thoze things zapping him at once. My point proved. If just one cop vas tazing him, it wuld have failed.

Also one of the comenters has a point "They are vonderful, vhen they work." Thats a hand-picked compilations of sukcessful tazes. Not all ppl are as low-pain-tolerance as thoze in this vid.

So my claim stands - they are not efektive, in a average self-defence situation. Also keep in mind, thoze police-grade charges are more efective then vhat you can buy in a store. Over here vhere I live, cops dont use those. They use good old fashioned batons, for non-lethal submision. Bit more efektive in puting a perp down. And martial art corses are a rekuirement for a police oficer.
skin, bone, and arrogance

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