Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Stybla'orn'om




Core Name: Laorno [Lay-orn-o]

Species: Chiss




Hair color: Midnight Blue

Eye color: Red

Complexion: Fair

Force sensitive: No

Force alignment:



  • Stybla'orn was born on the planet Sposia. As blood of the Stybla family he was raised on the small family homestead on the planet and lived an extremely privileged life. Unlike most Stybla, who went into merchant trades or worked in the Universal Analyis Group, Orn went on to join the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet as a warrior. From a young age, the Chiss loved to fly and so his interests naturally shifted towards piloting. Eventually he was able to fly and command his own flight of the highly coveted Clawcraft. He had a stable career, fighting off pirates and the human invaders from the old Iron Empire. But everything changed when the Brotherhood of the Maw attacked.

    For months, the Defense Council on Csilla had been following the development of the Maw with caution. However, soon the maw turned their gaze on the Ascendancy, pushing them back battle after battle until the Defense Force attempted a final stand at Csilla. The planet was destroyed and the fleets scattered.

    Stybla'orn'omi and the life he led before the destruction of Csilla are gone. All that remains is a single objective:

    The destruction of the Brotherhood.

    And no family politics would stand in his way.

    At some point during the seven years between the destruction of Csilla and the battle at the Copero shipyards he was promoted to the rnak of Admiral and given command of the Chimera Man-of-War 'Breath of Vengence'. As the lead Admiral in the offensive battle against the Maw he worked closely with GADF forces.

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    Orn was a personable and dutiful Chiss warrior before the destruction of Csilla. He had been noted for his leadership ability and piloting skill but before those skills were a dime a dozen among the disciplined and dedicated Chiss Ascendancy. Now with the Defense Force devastated and the expansionary fleet scattered, his expertise has propelled him into a role of responsibility. Orn's experience as a pilot has made him a caring commander but a ruthless tactician.

    Plagued by the ghosts of Csilla he lives for revenge.

    Strengths and Weaknesses
    +Ace Pilot


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Credit Annasari
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