Well-Known Member
Image Source: Crunchyroll (I'd prefer three heads, but I have yet to find a good picture of such.)
Intent: To strip my enemies of flesh and armor in a new and exciting way
Development Thread: I have something in the works for Stygium (Which while not needed, I was thinking of having it be some sort of power whip, having the charge go through a stygium crystal. Or the opposite end of the whip handle could be a lightsaber...opinions?)
I am trying to work on the Bes'kar, I could use Phrik, Songsteel or Ultrachrome as well...
Manufacturer: Sick, demented Sith. AKA Alyssa
Model: SS-1 (Savored Sting Version 1)
Affiliation: Alyssa
Modularity: Handles can be swapped out likely, but not much else, even if it is electro/vibro/powered.
Production: Unique, unless more want them and then I can help with Dev threads to make it Limited.
Material: Bes'kar. Possibly Stygium crystal, conductive materials, battery/power pack, circuitry.
Classification: Whip
Size: One Handed
Length: Handle: 25.4 cm Lash: 1.524 m
Weight: 3 kg
Special Features: Lightsaber resistant. Possibly Shock inducing, stun inducing or powered cuts similar to lightsaber/vibrosword.
Description: Troubled youth often breeds troubled adults. As a child, Alyssa was brought to heel with a lash quite often as she often had trouble with authority. She never reacted to the pain in quite the right way, though she longed to turn the lash on her masters. Now that she is free and becoming more powerful, she has envisioned a way to bring the beautiful torture of her past into a symbol of her power in the present. To go up against the most powerful of foes, the Jedi, she needed something that would be able to stand up to a lightsaber, thus needing the Bes'kar (or other restricted resource) to create a five foot segmented lash that ends in three barbed razors. The segments are forged and shaped in a way to allow the whip a maximum of mobility, the links between segments are also forged of Bes'kar, maintaining integrity all along the length of the lash. Each of the segments outer portions are also edged and razor sharp, meaning that if not handled correctly by someone with training in the weapon, the weapon will cut indiscriminately.
(Following added if powered, again opinions are requested)
To add the maximum amount of anguish to her foes, partially out of a well developed sense of schaudenfreude and partially out of a far more sadistic portion of her psyche, Alyssa opted to have conductive material threaded throughout the length of the bes'kar lash, down to the razors. These conductive materials are attached to a powercell in the handle of the whip. Strikes from the whip, able to go through most light and medium armors, will induce electrical damage as well as slashing damage in opponents it strikes. Enough strikes can induce numbness in a localized area all the way up to cardiac arrest.
Primary Source: N/A