Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Stygium Heist

Deep in the bowels of space several ships floated listlessly through the endless vacuum. They all appeared to be ancient TIE fighters. Lost ships out of time, with no place or base to call home. While there was no obvious damage to the ships, it seemed as though they had been there for awhile. They made no move to avoid the small rock that floated listlessly by them and a strange signal emitted from the vehicles that no modern day scanner could identify. The rocks pinged off the ships hulls as they floated along in no apparent pattern.
A lone freighter carrying Stygium outside the Kazahana Asteroid Field picked up on the strange signal and decided to investigate. The freighter was called Steam Boat One and it’s captain was a graying old man who had been all over the galaxy. As a result of his restless spirit he often went places he should not and saw things that many would never believe. So it was only natural that when he received the signal he delved deeper into the matter. Floating closer to the signal he maneuvered around the treacherous terrain. Stray rocks bounced off the ship harmlessly as the ray shielding did it's work. Even though most of the Silver JEdi fleet was in no place to guard the lone freighter due to fighting on the front, the pilot still felt relatively safe. Like he had his own little ray shield protecting him from the asteroids of life.
As he approached he was amazed at what he saw. The captain had seen a great many things. But, never a ancient TIE fighter. And, they were so well kept.Truly they belonged in a museum. He often fantasied of such machines. Pretending he was a rebel pilot fighting against the injustices of the ancient Empire. He theorized the TIE’s had probably been part of a lost reconnaissance team. There was no way he could take the vessels with him, but he could at least satiate his curiosity and intrigue. The man put on a vacuum suit, exited the freighter and ventured out towards the derelict craft. But, unbeknownst to the aged captain he was being watched. Still his feeling of safety only slipped marginally as he left the dock. He pulled out a ranged computer spike and quickly went to work in trying to decipher the code.
On a nearby asteroid sat a small team of five. They knew exactly when the cargo ship would be passing through the belt. But, in the ever shifting field it was impossible to tell what route he’d take. It was a one in a million chance, and they had their million. They had done their research on the man who had been hauling the stygium freight for some time. They monitored when he came and went. They even knew about his small condominium on Voss. They took advantage of his interest and brought a few very old TIE’s from scarif, parked them where they theorized he’d next be and then simply waited. The process was long and dull. They found themselves waiting for almost hours, but soon enough their patience paid off. The Freighter had taken the bait and now all that was left was to complete the mission.
[SIZE=11pt]The thieves used their oxygen packs to slowly boost them through space. Carefully and nimbly avoiding the rocks that jetted around they drew ever closer. They reached the Cargo freighter and boarded. The leader of the group and overseer of Imperial Intelligence made his way to the cockpit while his comrades checked the cargo. It was indeed Stygium and they were set to go. Desmond activated the hyperdrive and they headed for the Mara corridor. Leaving the old man with his relics. When the old man realized what had happened he began to panic, but he soon realized he still had a ship. While the thieves were already gone they did not leave him without a way home. He deciphered the code and soon realized it was clearance [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]for the ignition. Counting himself lucky the old man boarded the TIE and flew home. He had a hell of a hard time explaining ot his superior's why he had an ancient TIE fighter and not a cargo hold full of Stygium though...[/SIZE]

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