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Approved Tech Subject RAINBONE

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  • Manufacturer: Tartarus | The Mechanicum
  • Model: Subject RAINBONE - Semi-Sentient Shard Android Canine Unit

  • Production: Unique
  • Affiliation: Archim Calixis
  • Modularity: No.
  • Material: Tartarine Crystal, Turadium Alloy Plating

[*]Misc. Equipment:

  • System Link: Directly interfaced with its master, Lord Calixis, at all times except for in power save move. Efficacy restricted by physical proximity, but when close enough Archim is capable of seeing what Rainbone sees, triggering its attack protocols from afar, and even remotely interfacing with computer terminals by proxy using the android's scomp link.
  • In-Built Deflector Shield: Very similar to the design of a droideka, Rainbone is capable of activating an internally powered personal energy shield that is capable of deflecting or absorbing any manner of energy or projectile fire up to the level of a light artillery bolt.
  • ECM Pulse: Although it takes some time (at least a round) to charge up, the android is capable of triggering an electromagnetic pulse strong enough to temporarily knock out all electronics in its immediate area. The power drain, however, is significant and takes some time to recharge (can only be used once per engagement).
  • Attack Protocols: Rainbone was designed with violent intent, and possesses advanced combat programming which allows it to understand complex strategy and tactical thinking. Capable of distinguishing friend from foe as dictated by its system administrator Archim Calixis, the android is primarily a close range fighter, using its personal deflector to fend off ranged assaults until within reach.
  • Local Area Network: The android's system link functionality allows it to operate as a limited extension of its cyborg enginseer master. Suitable for reconnaissance as well as initiating remote access to terminals within Rainbone's proximity, the closest analagous organic relationship would be some form of psychic bond.
  • Meatbags Suck: While its system administrator has managed to patch over much of Rainbone's anti-organic source code, there are still digital fragments of a prior firmware state which follows clear extermination subroutines. Should the android's link with Lord Calixis ever become disrupted, Rainbone would cease to recognize its established friend or foe parameters and be just as likely to attack nearby allies as anything else.
  • Shield Weak Point: Also similar to destroyer droids, Rainbone's personal deflector has a weak spot at the very top of the shield, a point where lightsabers and blasters are able to penetrate. Not possessing any blaster weaponry like a droideka, this shield also limits the android's offensive options, making it a tool most often used for closing the distance and escape.
  • Ion Vulnerability: Not a true Shard, ion weaponry and high powered EMPs are capable of damaging not only its exterior systems, but high level functions as well. Like any other droid, if subjected to a sustained ionic barrage the resulting damage would be enough to overload its cognitive centers resulting in permanent death.

Not much is known about the details of Rainbone's creation or its early service span, although Mechanicum enginseers are already hard at work attempting to understand and recreate as much of the technology that makes the android function as they possibly can. It is hypothesized that the semi-sentient Shard was intended as an early stage experiment by its own kind on the merits of more fully interfacing their physiology with synthetic components. A complex interlace of Shard crystal and cognitive processors appear to comprise the canine's high level functions, and it could be argued that Rainbone is some form of Shard cyborg.

First discovered on Tartarus, the android was apparently dispatched as a calculated lure by the Shard overmind to draw first responders from across the galaxy deeper into their trap. It was here Rainbone first encountered the Archim Calixis of the Mechanicum, a Metal Lord and sworn vassal to the Iron Protector [member="HK-36"]. Attempting to interface directly with the android's systems in an attempt to gain some intelligence on the current situation, Lord Calixis unintentionally developed a form of local area network with Rainbone that persisted even after its masters' Incursion was repelled.

While much of Rainbone's inner workings are fundamentally alien in design, Mechanicum drones have on several occasions been granted access to install adapters and other technological components that allows for it to interface with most standardized galactic technology. Devices such as a scomp link and coded transceiver allow for it to not only better communicate but also assimilate data. Lord Calixis himself wrote the codecs that allow for its holocamera feed to be decrypted and its transmissions translated from Shard machine code into a form of simplified Basic similar to an astromech unit in vocabulary.
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