Image Source: Star Citizen Idris
Affiliation: SIS
Manufacturer: SIS
Modularity: No
Production: Semi-Unique (3: The Subversion, The Epsis, The Aryx)
Material: Durasteel hull
Classification: Light Frigate Carrier (Stealth)
Length: 250m
Height: 60m
Width: 100m
Armament: 10
- 1 Hypervelocity Cannon (spinal)
- 3 Dual Heavy Turbolasers turrets (prow, aft, ventral)
- 10 Warhead Launchers (5 prow, 5 aft)
- 2 Assault Concussion Missile Launchers (Prow)
- 16 Quad lasers
- 4 Anti missile octets
- +Advanced shielding
- +Good missile defence
- -Small for a frigate
Special Features:
- Gravitic modulator
- Thrust Trace Dampers
- Advanced Sensor Bafflers
- Low profile hyperdrive (see below)
- Hangar runs down length of ship
- Advanced Sensor Array with CGT, HSI, and various signal interceptors
Speed Rating: 7
Hyperdrive Class: 0.8
- Relatively quick: Good straight line speed in both realspace and hyperspace.
- Advanced stealth features: at long range and when at slow speeds in hyperspace very difficult to detect.
- Self sufficient: Can go for months without resupply.
- Advanced sensors: Capable of detecting ship movements at very long range
- Analytical suites: Office space is used by intelligence analysts to process and decrypt large volumes of data
- Poor manoeuvrability: Distribution of mass and engines makes it slow to turn.
- Ships must launch two at a time and hangar is relatively exposed when bay doors open.
- Not a primary combatant: Can hold its own, but stealth features have limited effect in close range engagements.
- Raw: Hastily finished, the amenities for crew are not the best.
The Subversion class is a hastily completed project for the SIS. Initially designs as standard carrier frigates, the project was hijacked given an urgent requirement for the SIS to have several frigates capable of operating independently behind enemy lines.
Each vessel supports an advanced hyperdrive capable of acting in two modes. Pushed to the limit it can reach speeds of 0.8 and outpace most capital ships. However it can also run in a near silent mode. This greatly extends journey times. It can take a day to reach a neighbouring system or a week to cross two hexes. A journey from one end of the galaxy to the other would take near on a year even on a straight hyperlane. However, the ship is generally capable of avoiding most hyperspace detectors, enabling it to cross into enemy territory and get quite close to a fortified system without detection. It also has a special feature to deal with interdiction. Ships are capable of launching to hyperdrive within gravity wells, and the advanced computer systems have an emergency override. If interdicted this takes ten seconds to initiate, but enables a Subversion class to make a short distance microjump even when interdicted. The ship must then reorientate and re-enter hyperspace to minimise the risk of the interdiction field adversely affecting the calculated course.
The vessel also has advanced stealth systems. This is not a true cloak and cannot be used within weapons range of a capital ship. Heat distribution systems and clever engineering keep emissions to a bare minimum when running on covert mode. The hull can be reduced to near background temperatures. The hull is hard to detect with active scanning at long ranges. As a side effect the ship has large water tanks to dump heat and uses a hot water hygiene system instead of sonic showers.
A massive sensor suite extends behind the bridge. This is capable of detecting ship movements at extreme range and intercepting a broad range of transmissions for analysis. A CGT allows the detection of cloaked vessels, but not when a Subversion class is operating in covert mode itself.
The hangar runs the length of the ship, with massive bay doors to the front and rear. The deck has a number of landing pads that allow ships to descend into maintenance bays to keep the decks clear for emergency landings. Vessels typically carry a mixture of starfighters, scouts and shuttles.
Three vessels have now been launched, with the Subversion the first to enter operation and the namesake of the class.
What follows is locational fluff for RP purposes that does not influence the capabilities of the vessel:
Deck A
The top deck is comprised of the bridge which extends above the main vessel. It has a forwards section with a large holoemitter and chairs that face towards the prow of the ship. The lower rear section has a number of stations either side of the walkway.
Deck B:
The next deck down is primary used for restricted quarters for SIS Agents as well as the CO and XO. There is a missile room at the front and rear of the ship. There is a restricted briefing room for sensitive mission planning.
The two ‘wing’ of the ship house an armoury on the starboard side and an infirmary on the port side.
Observation decks are located at the front of the wings and provide space to work and relax with a view out the outside.
There is a brig behind the prow missile room:
Deck C:
Deck C houses the main engineering which features poorly lit gangways around the main reactor and hyperdrive.
A large briefing room is used for large scale planning and crew briefings:
There are two mess halls located on the deck, for officers and general crew.
A range of crew quarters fill the deck. From individual small cabins for ranking officers and pilots, to cohabitation space for other crew.
Deck D
This deck is almost entirely comprised of the flight deck that runs the length of the ship.
Deck E
Maintenance bays exist on this deck for smaller vessels that are brought down from the flight deck. There is also a cargo bay to the rear.
The top deck is comprised of the bridge which extends above the main vessel. It has a forwards section with a large holoemitter and chairs that face towards the prow of the ship. The lower rear section has a number of stations either side of the walkway.
Deck B:
The next deck down is primary used for restricted quarters for SIS Agents as well as the CO and XO. There is a missile room at the front and rear of the ship. There is a restricted briefing room for sensitive mission planning.
The two ‘wing’ of the ship house an armoury on the starboard side and an infirmary on the port side.
Observation decks are located at the front of the wings and provide space to work and relax with a view out the outside.
Deck C:
Deck C houses the main engineering which features poorly lit gangways around the main reactor and hyperdrive.
Deck D
This deck is almost entirely comprised of the flight deck that runs the length of the ship.
Deck E
Maintenance bays exist on this deck for smaller vessels that are brought down from the flight deck. There is also a cargo bay to the rear.
Bridge Crew
CO Captain Amadgener (Haruun Kal)
Amadgener is a tall and broad-chested man with dark skin. He likes routine and discipline. Often he prefers to micromanage situations and whilst he does this well, same chafe under his supervision. His inability to trust lower echelons of command is perhaps why he commands such a small ship.
XO Wek Tarn (Fondor)
Wek is a slender man. His softly spoken, diplomatic nature is a start contrast to the Captain.
Lieutenant Vaal Pal Vo (Sullustan)
Vaal Pal Vo oversees the human intelligence side of the Subversion's work. He manages the agents deployed from, or reporting back to, the Subversion
Lieutenant Stistek (Rodian)
Stistek is the intelligence officer who works most closely with the flight crew. He's responsible for planning reconnaissance flights and has a team of analysts who process sensor data from flights.
Head of engineering. Chief Officer Inx
Inx is a either a loud, brash and friendly soul, or an easily angered slavemaster depending on whether you work for him or not. One thing is certain about Inx, he rarely holds back his opinion.
Petty Officer Lucy Cheville:
Lucy is one of the maintenance crew who work on the ship's fighter complement. Her bright red hair is often seen bobbing across the flight deck.
Petty Officer Elsis De’nar (bothan, almost black fur with ochre stripes)
De'nar is a softly spoken bothan, but is exceptionally good at getting shuttles working with basic spares. Known to have an off and on relationship with Detreet Omar from Ghost Squadron
Flight commander:
Max Odennus https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e7/6f/66/e76f66666f5dd677d8351629954ae2f0.jpg
Max is too young for his position, but the SIS don't always get to hand pick from the GADF. He is open and honest and has a good relationship with his pilots, who often look out for him in return.
Wraith Squadron (1 Flight):
Wing Commander Asmus Janes
Jay Wilson
Asmus' junior wingman. Flies a modified Y-Wing. Easily amused.
Eston Chad (Fondor)
Best dogfighter on the vessel. Flies a form of TIE Advance. The more serious of Asmus' wingmen.
Ghost Squadron (2 Flight):
FC Lieutenant Ro'vena:
Didn't attend university and has a chip on her shoulder about pilots who act like spoiled jocks. Flies an Eta-class interceptor
Lieutenant Detreet Omar:
Omar likes to live up to the Zeltron stereotype. Flies a T-70 X-wing
Flight Officer Lowin Delaney:
The junior pilot onboard the Subversion. Easily influenced by Asmus, Omar and Wilson. Ro'vena takes a firm hand in his training.
CO Captain Amadgener (Haruun Kal)
Amadgener is a tall and broad-chested man with dark skin. He likes routine and discipline. Often he prefers to micromanage situations and whilst he does this well, same chafe under his supervision. His inability to trust lower echelons of command is perhaps why he commands such a small ship.
XO Wek Tarn (Fondor)
Wek is a slender man. His softly spoken, diplomatic nature is a start contrast to the Captain.
Lieutenant Vaal Pal Vo (Sullustan)
Vaal Pal Vo oversees the human intelligence side of the Subversion's work. He manages the agents deployed from, or reporting back to, the Subversion
Lieutenant Stistek (Rodian)
Stistek is the intelligence officer who works most closely with the flight crew. He's responsible for planning reconnaissance flights and has a team of analysts who process sensor data from flights.
Head of engineering. Chief Officer Inx
Inx is a either a loud, brash and friendly soul, or an easily angered slavemaster depending on whether you work for him or not. One thing is certain about Inx, he rarely holds back his opinion.
Petty Officer Lucy Cheville:
Lucy is one of the maintenance crew who work on the ship's fighter complement. Her bright red hair is often seen bobbing across the flight deck.
Petty Officer Elsis De’nar (bothan, almost black fur with ochre stripes)
De'nar is a softly spoken bothan, but is exceptionally good at getting shuttles working with basic spares. Known to have an off and on relationship with Detreet Omar from Ghost Squadron
Flight commander:
Max Odennus https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e7/6f/66/e76f66666f5dd677d8351629954ae2f0.jpg
Max is too young for his position, but the SIS don't always get to hand pick from the GADF. He is open and honest and has a good relationship with his pilots, who often look out for him in return.
Wraith Squadron (1 Flight):
Wing Commander Asmus Janes
Jay Wilson
Asmus' junior wingman. Flies a modified Y-Wing. Easily amused.
Eston Chad (Fondor)
Best dogfighter on the vessel. Flies a form of TIE Advance. The more serious of Asmus' wingmen.
Ghost Squadron (2 Flight):
FC Lieutenant Ro'vena:
Didn't attend university and has a chip on her shoulder about pilots who act like spoiled jocks. Flies an Eta-class interceptor
Lieutenant Detreet Omar:
Omar likes to live up to the Zeltron stereotype. Flies a T-70 X-wing
Flight Officer Lowin Delaney:
The junior pilot onboard the Subversion. Easily influenced by Asmus, Omar and Wilson. Ro'vena takes a firm hand in his training.
Development Thread: Gravity (The entire thread is set on the namesake Subversion, but the linked post starts a tour that explores key systems)
Intent: Create a submarine-type intelligence carrier for operations behind enemy lines
Who Can Use This: Authorised by SIS Admins
Primary Source: