Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Such Good Luck

Ivalyn sat up in the chair, gazing over the grounds of Foxwood Grove. The estate, one of her mother's favorites, was bathed in the soft glow of the rising sun. The peaceful morning was interrupted only by the sweet tweets of birds conversing among the trees. Jaina Agows, her lady's maid, had just finished braiding her hair, leaving her to enjoy the tranquility.

Foxwood Grove's serene atmosphere was momentarily disturbed by the arrival of Bartin Varell, one of the footmen. He approached with a tray of tea, greeting her with a respectful, "Your ladyship," before setting the tea down and disappearing back into the estate.

Wrapped in a quilt, Ivalyn carefully nursed her tea, savoring the warmth and comfort it provided. Time passed in peaceful solitude until Mr. Varell reappeared, announcing the arrival of Fevris Derzelas Fevris Derzelas . The footman then escorted the doctor from the entrance hall to the terrace.

"Dr. Derzelas, your ladyship," he introduced, offering refreshments before guiding the doctor to her seat.

Ivalyn greeted the blonde woman with a warm smile. "Doctor, a pleasure to see you," she said, her voice carrying the elegance and poise befitting her station. "I'm pleased that you were able to meet with me at such an early hour." She paused to take a delicate sip of her tea. "I hope your travels were well, and I can assure you I am feeling better as of late. Not quite up to full strength, but certainly getting there."

The estate's charm and tranquility provided a perfect backdrop for their conversation, evoking a sense of timeless grace and dignity that permeated Foxwood Grove.

Fevris Derzelas

ᴍᴇᴅɪᴄᴀʟ ᴏꜰꜰɪᴄᴇʀ

Tagging: Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro

Fevris Derzelas arrived at Foxwood Grove in the early morning, her silhouette cutting a sharp figure against the soft dawn light. As she stepped out of the sleek speeder, the serene beauty of the estate was apparent, yet it only elicited a fleeting glance of admiration from the doctor. It was well known that her thoughts rarely drifted away from duty and responsibility, and in truth - enjoying the beauty of her surrounding or even enjoying the small moments of joy of everyday life was something she often found she'd have to do purposefully, or it simply wouldn't happen at all.

Today, her attention was quite focused on the purpose of her visit.

The footman, Bartin Varell, greeted her with a formal nod, escorting her through the grand halls of the estate. The air was thick with the scent of polished wood and freshly cut flowers, a welcomed change from the sterile environments she was accustomed to. As they approached the terrace, she began to take more notice of the tranquility of the setting—the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant melody of bird songs. It was quite an idyllic scene.

"Dr. Derzelas, your ladyship," Bartin introduced, gesturing toward the awaiting tea and refreshments. Fevris declined with a courteous nod, her expression professional yet not unkind. She approached Ivalyn, who was wrapped in a quilt and nursing a cup of tea, the picture of poise despite her recent injuries.

"Lady Yvarro," Fevris greeted, her voice steady and measured. She allowed a small, respectful smile to cross her lips.

Taking the offered seat, she proceeded to respond. "My travels were smooth, thank you. It's an honor to be here, though I wish the circumstances were different." Her gaze briefly wandered over the estate's lush grounds before returning to Ivalyn. "I hope the peace of Foxwood Grove is aiding your recovery."

For a moment, the doctor couldn't help but look at the woman and remember her mother. Fevris, seemingly untouched by time, had been around for much longer than she let on. Side effects of having tailored the cells of her body during her youth - and not one she had planned for. She was grateful for the long life she was leading, but sometimes could not help but feel it only deepened her detachment in many ways.

Fevris leaned back slightly, her tone softening. "It's good to hear you're feeling better. I have always been a firm believer in the potential of our advancements," After a brief silence, Fevris's expression turned slightly more clinical. "I know you're still on the mend, but when you're comfortable, I'd like to take some time to discuss your progress and perform a few diagnostics. We want to ensure the new organs are settling in without complications." She paused, a hint of genuine concern in her eyes.

"As do I," Ivalyn agreed, the circumstances of their meeting anything but ideal. "Mother always insisted this estate did wonders to mend the heart and the spirit." She smiled softly, knowing her mother meant it more metaphorically than physically.

Recent advancements had allowed for the growth of new organs, eliminating the need for another living human to donate theirs. Although the latter was still a basic and rudimentary option, it was not typically recommended. Ivalyn knew that Dr. Derzelas's visit wasn't social.

"I suppose we best get on with it," she said, her tone shifting to one of quiet determination. Fevris Derzelas was not just any doctor; she was a woman whom Ivalyn's mother had known for decades, adding a layer of trust and familiarity to their interaction.

Ivalyn set her cup of tea down, bracing herself for the examination.

"Well, I am certainly ready when you are," Ivalyn said, her resolve firm. The early morning light bathed the terrace in a golden hue, casting a serene glow over the scene. Despite the gravity of the situation, the beauty of Foxwood Grove offered a comforting backdrop, reinforcing Ivalyn's belief in the estate's restorative powers.


Fevris Derzelas

ᴍᴇᴅɪᴄᴀʟ ᴏꜰꜰɪᴄᴇʀ

Tagging: Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro

Fevris nodded, appreciating Ivalyn's determination. "Very well," she said, her tone carrying a note of assurance. "Let's begin."

She retrieved a compact, sleek device from her medical bag—an advanced diagnostic scanner that looked more like a piece of elegant jewelry than a medical instrument. As she activated it, a soft hum filled the air, and a holographic interface projected above the device. It was one of her proudest creations. Fevris manipulated the interface with precise gestures, adjusting the settings to match Ivalyn's physiology.

"This scanner will allow us to conduct a thorough internal examination without the need for invasive procedures," Fevris explained, her voice calm and reassuring. "It uses a combination of advanced imaging and molecular analysis to provide real-time data."

As the device began its scan, a detailed holographic representation of Ivalyn's internal systems appeared, highlighting the newly regenerated organs. Fevris's eyes flicked over the data, her expression one of focused concentration.

"Everything seems to be integrating well," she noted, her tone thoughtful. "No signs of rejection or inflammation. The cellular activity is consistent with successful regeneration."

She looked up at Ivalyn, offering a small smile. "It appears the advancements we've made are indeed proving their worth. Your recovery is progressing as we hoped."

Fevris paused, allowing Ivalyn to absorb the information. "How have you been feeling overall? Any discomfort or unusual sensations? It's important that we address any concerns, no matter how minor they may seem."

As Ivalyn began to respond, Fevris took the opportunity to make the interaction more personal. "Your mother was a formidable woman," she said, her tone warm. "Your composure and determined remind me of her. That's admirable."

"The Commonwealth has gone through many changes recently,"
she said, it was impossible to miss she was referring to their recent conjunction with the Sith Order. "It's good to know we are in good hands."

Ivalyn sat in the chair, her posture relaxed as she listened intently to Dr. Derzelas. The soft hum of the medical device filled the air, blending seamlessly with the peaceful ambiance of Foxwood Grove. As the doctor explained the technology behind the device, Ivalyn's curiosity was piqued, and a small smile graced her lips. The less invasive the procedure, the better—a sentiment she deeply appreciated.

When the device began its scan, Ivalyn remained as still as possible, her thoughts momentarily drifting to the advancements that had made such technology available to the public. It was a marvel, really, how far the Commonwealth had come. After a few moments, Dr. Derzelas shared the good news: the integration was proceeding smoothly, with no signs of her body rejecting the new organs, no inflammation, and cellular activity consistent with successful regeneration.

"All the better then," Ivalyn remarked, her voice calm but tinged with a quiet satisfaction. The regeneration of organs was still a relatively new advance, and knowing that her body was responding well brought her a great deal of relief.

"I've been feeling fairly normal, I suppose, as normal as one does after going through the regeneration process," she answered plainly. "Still a bit more fatigue than I'd like." There was a pause, and then she added, "I've been seeing the physical therapist like a good girl. They come by three times a week."

She knew the importance of following through with the therapy, retraining her body to regain its full range of motion. The organs and muscles might have been repaired, but there was still work to be done to ensure she was fully operational again.

"Occupational therapist comes by twice a week," she added as an afterthought, aware that Dr. Derzelas was being thorough. Ivalyn knew she was in good hands, and the doctor's attention to detail only reinforced that confidence.

After a brief pause, Ivalyn responded to the doctor's compliment about her mother. "She's certainly still a formidable woman, even in her age, perhaps especially in her age," she said with a touch of admiration. Her mother had always been a force to be reckoned with, and Ivalyn hoped to carry on that legacy.

"Thank you," she continued, her tone resolute. "I should hope that I can carry on with the work she started so long ago." Her mother's Pax Imperialis policies were foundational, and Ivalyn was determined to use them as a blueprint for the Commonwealth's future. "There have been many changes, and I suspect there are more on the horizon, but I can assure you it will be for the better," she added with quiet confidence.


Fevris Derzelas

ᴍᴇᴅɪᴄᴀʟ ᴏꜰꜰɪᴄᴇʀ

Tagging: Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro

Fevris listened intently as Ivalyn spoke, her clinical demeanor softening slightly in the presence of the woman's forthrightness. The technological marvel she wielded provided accurate data, but it was the human element of their interaction that intrigued her.

"I'm pleased to hear it" Fevris said, her tone steady but edged with a hint of satisfaction. "The physical therapy and occupational therapy are crucial steps in your full recovery. It sounds like you're taking the necessary steps to regain your strength."

Fevris's allowed a smile to bloom on her lips. "That indeed, and the influence she has had on us is nothing short of remarkable," she said, her voice taking on a rare note of full admiration and, perhaps, some nostalgia. "Her vision for our future filled us with a purpose - and I am of the mind we owe a lot to her."

"I see those same feelings beginning to bloom again for our people - and I am grateful."

Fevris's attention shifted back to the holographic display, but her mind was still engaged in the conversation. "The Commonwealth’s recent alignment with the Sith Empire is indeed a significant shift," she acknowledged. "But I trust our leadership and their foresight to see us navigate these changes with a sense of direction."

"Changes are inevitable,"
Fevris continued, her tone practical but not devoid of understanding. "What matters is how we adapt and use those changes to further our goals. We have a solid foundation for the future, and our legacies continue in capable hands."

Fevris took a moment to appreciate the serene surroundings of Foxwood Grove, acknowledging that while her world was often dominated by duty and technology, moments like these—where the human element and personal connections took precedence—were just as important. She looked back at Ivalyn, her expression reflecting a rare moment of warmth.

As she finished her examination, Fevris looked at Ivalyn with genuine respect. "I look forward for what is to come. And from what I can see, you’re well on your way to not just meeting but exceeding the expectations placed upon you."

She packed away her diagnostic tools with practiced efficiency. "If there are any other concerns or areas where you need assistance, please let me know. Your recovery is paramount, and I am here to ensure that you have everything you need."

Ivalyn had grown accustomed to clinical demeanor's by that point. She had seen a wide array of doctors, nurses and other medical professionals tending to her at some point or another throughout this whole ordeal. "That I am," she said to Dr. Derzelas, Ivalyn had to take her recovery seriously. "Can't help the nation if I'm simply wasting away in despair."

On the contrary, she'd been doing as much as she could. Holocalls, meetings including several with the High Queen herself. "I tend to agree that we owe quite a great deal to my mother, but then I remind myself that she merely built from what was left by her beloved cousin." If had not been for the work of one, the other's would have no place to stand. "That's what I love about history."

The Dosuunian reflected on that for a moment, "the way it all builds on one another, one foundation to another."

"Do you?" Ivalyn inquired when Dr. Derzelas mentioned she had those same feelings, the way things were beginning to blossom for the people of the Commonwealth. Then came the drop about the Sith Empire, and while it had not been one Ivalyn wanted to be part of. "It is a necessary step, to ensure our nation and indeed our culture's survival." The fears of what the Eternal Empire could have done all those years ago, compared to what the Sith were capable had been a very real and palpable fear felt by all in the Commonwealth.

"Indeed we do, quite the solid foundation, and we shall adapt and carry on." The Representative remarked with confidence. Ivalyn's attention removed from the serene setting of Foxwood Grove shifted to the Doctor. She was able to catch the rare warm expression on the doctor's face. Calmly, she answered, "I believe my recovery is going well."

There was a brief pause, and then Ivalyn added, "I am unsure how this relates to my recovery but I do have need of a sounding board as it were. If you are willing to hear me out. I have a few ideas I'd like to run by you." From the implication they were most certainly unrelated to anything in the medical realm.


Fevris Derzelas

ᴍᴇᴅɪᴄᴀʟ ᴏꜰꜰɪᴄᴇʀ

Tagging: Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro

"Each era contributes to the next, sometimes in ways we don’t fully appreciate until much later." Fevris agreed, her tone thoughtful. "Everything is always part of a much larger contiuum."

As Ivalyn addressed the strategic necessity behind the Commonwealth's recent alliance with the Sith Empire, Fevris nodded with understanding. "And one I'm sure we'll see through succesfully." It had been a pragmatic choice, there were little things the doctor respected as much as that. For a moment, her thoughts went to her memories of the gala, stopping briefly in the intriguing man that had approached her, a fleeting distraction before she refocused on the conversation at hand.

Fevris’s expression then softened, and she allowed herself a moment to relax as she finished packing away her equipment. "With the medical side of things covered, I’m glad to shift gears," she said, her tone now more conversational as she settled more comfortably into her seat. "I’d be very interested in hearing your ideas, if you believe my insight would help." Sometimes discussing thoughts out loud was the only way to bring them clarity, and Derzelas would always be willing to offer whatever perspective she could where it was called for and appreciated - and especially, when knowing she was dealing with someone who understood the importance of thoughtful strategy and planning.


"Now that is a very insightful quote, Dr. Derzelas," Ivalyn complimented with a warm smile. The doctor acknowledged her with a simple nod, pragmatic and polite, as if every gesture was measured and intentional. The Commonwealth's time with the Sith Empire was a fleeting chapter, a footnote in the annals of history. Ivalyn had called for her lady's maid, Miss Aelix Leeford, and barely noticed the doctor's momentary distraction.

"Excellent," Ivalyn remarked as Miss Leeford arrived to tend to her, "Let us have a walk in the gardens. It is such a wonderful day, it would be a shame to waste it." Miss Leeford began to push Ivalyn's wheelchair from the terrace towards the gardens. "I do appreciate your taking the time to speak a little longer with me, Doctor Derzelas. I understand that you must be a busy woman."

Once they had left the manor and the gardens came into view, Ivalyn spoke up. "As you mentioned, changes are happening within the Commonwealth. For starters, our current High Commissioner will be stepping down, shall we say." She paused briefly before continuing, "Her Majesty has informed me that the formalities for my nomination are underway."

"I'm quite sure you've seen the news or at least the headlines, the speculation, the outrage over the attack on my life." Ivalyn took a moment to admire the beauty of the gardens, then pressed on with the conversation. "And you may know better than I the number of factions, political groups who believe we ought to take back control of the galaxy, as my cousin once did when the First Order was at its peak."

Ivalyn wasn't certain she wanted to return the Commonwealth to its past glory, not after the progress they had made. Yet, she recalled her father's words—that only Imperialism would better the galaxy. "I am, in a word, conflicted." That was putting it mildly. "I share the very anger expressed by the fine people of this nation, but I am acutely aware of what becoming our old selves can bring."

"The Sith have been preparing for such a war for ages, but the Commonwealth?" Ivalyn questioned aloud, "We're running on technology that is older than myself, perhaps older than my mother." She sighed. "And then, of course, there is the fact that we simply do not have the manpower we once did, and I refuse to overextend what we have."

"I suppose I'm just not quite sure where to go. The nation will be in my hands soon enough. Her Majesty has already prepared several missives to strengthen the Commonwealth, and of course, I've prepared a few changes to the government myself." Ivalyn cleared her throat. "I apologize, this must seem so boring, listening to me complain about such things. And here at Foxwood, of all places. I should consider myself lucky." She really should, all things considered. Ivalyn sighed again as the Dosuunian sun crested overhead, shining brightly down upon them.


Fevris Derzelas

ᴍᴇᴅɪᴄᴀʟ ᴏꜰꜰɪᴄᴇʀ

Tagging: Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro

Fevris walked alongside Ivalyn, her thoughts drifting between the woman’s words and the warm morning sun that bathed the gardens in light. The path they were on was one of uncertainty, and she could feel the inner conflict stirring within herself as Ivalyn spoke.

“The Commonwealth has always held a special place in my heart, as I know it does in yours,” Fevris began, her tone thoughtful and deliberate. “There’s a strength in our history, in what we’ve built over generations. I grew up learning that power, true power, was what secured our future—what ensured that we wouldn’t fall as others have. But...we did.” She hesitated for a moment, considering her next words carefully. Fevris held a kind of trust for Imperialism that was hard to match. She was raised imperial, and her parents before her, and her grandparents before them - it was generational memory and choice. “Power comes in many forms. The might of our forces, the sharpness of our strategies, and even the influence we hold over others. These are the things that have made us great, but they’ve also led us down paths that perhaps, in hindsight, we might not have tread if given the chance again.”

Her gaze turned to Ivalyn, studying her closely. “I understand the conflict you’re feeling. There’s a temptation, almost a gravitational pull, to return to the ways that made us feared and respected across the galaxy. After all, there’s comfort in familiarity, in knowing that a strong hand can keep threats at bay. But I also wonder, does our strength need to manifest in the same way it once did?”

Fevris allowed the question to linger in the air for a moment, her voice softening as she continued. “We’re not the same people we were back then. Our nation has grown, evolved—just as you have, and as I have. The world around us has changed too, and perhaps our response to it should reflect that change. I believe there’s a way to harness our legacy, to use the power we’ve always had, but in a way that aligns with who we are now, not who we were.”

She paused, letting the tranquility of the garden settle over them before adding, “There are things I wouldn't change: order, stability, the clear vision it could provide. But it’s also important to remember that even the strongest empires are built by people. And people, well, they have the capacity to grow, to learn from the past without being bound by it.”

Fevris looked at Ivalyn, a subtle warmth in her expression. “You don’t have to carry the weight of that past alone, nor do you have to replicate it. The Commonwealth’s future will be in your hands, and from where I stand, that’s a future with endless potential. I want to be the best of what we’ve been, and the best of what we could become.”

She offered Ivalyn a gentle, reassuring smile. “I am just one, but know that I will support you, however you decide to lead us forward. And if that means charting a new course, one that’s uniquely ours, then I believe we have the strength to make it happen.”

As they traversed the gardens at Foxwood Grove, Ivalyn noted the Doctor's thoughtful and deliberate tone. She appreciated the consideration behind Dr. Derzelas's words, recognizing the weight of the decision before her as she prepared to assume the role of High Commissioner. Would the nation revert to its roots, or would it advance with the vision her mother had once held for the realm? Dr. Derzelas spoke of power and its many forms.

During Natasi Fortan's era, the First Order ruled with military might, and Ivalyn would argue, with the steady, graceful hand of diplomatic leadership. Under Ariel Yvarro, the First Order wielded strategy rather than sheer strength. Now, as the Dosuunian Commonwealth, there was influence, strategy, and might to be wielded. The question that faced Ivalyn was where to begin—rebuilding from the remnants of the distant past or addressing the sins of yesterday, all in pursuit of tomorrow's promise.

As Dr. Derzelas continued speaking, Ivalyn felt the older woman's gaze upon her, akin to a student being scrutinized by her instructor. It was all too easy to fall back into familiar patterns, especially for a nation accustomed to tyranny and power. With the Sith Empire as their new 'ally,' the risk of reverting to authoritarianism was palpable, though the truth of their alliance was far less appealing than either Ivalyn or the High Queen would openly admit.

Her thoughts shifted as Dr. Derzelas questioned whether strength needed to manifest as it had under the First Order. Despite their might, the First Order had been stretched thin, making them vulnerable to the Ssi-Ruuvi. The galaxy was ever-changing, and who the Commonwealth had been need not dictate who they could become. They had the potential to surpass their predecessors. With a sigh, Ivalyn felt a sense of déjà vu, as if the nation had stood at this crossroads before.

It was perhaps that very sensation, a reminder that the path once taken led to despair, that troubled her. Her mother's attempt to emulate those ideals had only brought the same despair. It would be all too simple to strip away the Commonwealth's golden veneer and reveal the blazing crimson of the First Imperial past. Again, she felt the pull of Imperialism, or the brand of Imperialism championed by Irveric Tavlar, which her father had fervently embraced.

The walls of each regime had crumbled—Natasi and Sieger's, her mother's, and Irveric Tavlar's. Ivalyn wished she shared Dr. Derzelas's optimism about the future, but instead, she felt a profound sense of dread about what lay ahead for the Dosuunian Commonwealth and her role within it.

However, there was one point on which she agreed with the doctor. Order, stability, and a clear vision were constants. Empires rose and fell, and some could learn from the past, while others were destined to repeat it. "I am grateful for your insight, Doctor," she said, adding, "and your support."

"I know that one day the Commonwealth will no longer need to be linked to the Sith Empire," she continued, "but that day has not yet come. I agree that it would be easy for us to revert to what we once were." They had arrived at the edge of a babbling brook that meandered through the gardens. Ivalyn observed the waters for a moment before turning her attention back to the doctor.

Out of fear, the Commonwealth had displayed its might at the gala. Until they could muster the strength of their past, they would have to be more discreet and strategic to achieve their goals—not merely to free themselves from their bond with the Sith, but to attain the statehood their forebearers once possessed.

"There are Imperialists who wish for us to discard these Federalist ideals and embrace our past," Ivalyn said, turning away from the doctor, and she tried to remember the ideals her mother had once espoused. "My mother had believed that one could be an Imperial without the despots and tyrants.

To extend the hand of diplomacy, but be prepared for war," she reflected, recalling the old adage, 'speak softly and carry a big stick.' It was a principle Ivalyn herself believed in. Yet, the attempt on her life at the Grand Reception had galvanized the nation. The doctor's words reminded her that she need not bear the burden alone. Her thoughts turned to Merryn and to the idea that the Commonwealth need not replicate the First Order's mistakes.

Her thoughts then shifted to the impending war the Sith Empire would wage against the Galactic Alliance and the eagerness with which some in her nation approached it. Instead of reliving the past, perhaps their energy could be channeled towards furthering the Commonwealth's independence. Their autonomy was currently at the mercy of the Sith Empire, which could renegotiate the terms at any time. "There will be changes soon, including two new seats of power. Changes that will further centralize the government, and streamline legislative processes.

But you've given me much to reflect upon. While we need not become what we once were, I believe there is a way to harness our legacy and use it to further the Commonwealth's goals." Ivalyn then dismissed her lady's maid, sending Miss Leeford away. "If you don't mind, Doctor, there is something I'd like to show you."

She gestured for the doctor to take hold of the wheelchair. "I trust your shuttle is nearby; we'll need to head into Avalonia."


Fevris Derzelas

ᴍᴇᴅɪᴄᴀʟ ᴏꜰꜰɪᴄᴇʀ

Tagging: Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro

Fevris listened closely as Ivalyn spoke, absorbing the depth of her words and the weight of the responsibilities she bore. The calm of the garden seemed to ease a bit the the gravity of their discussion, it offered a moment of quiet reflection—a rare commodity in times like these.

When Ivalyn finished, Fevris met her gaze, recognizing the internal struggle that mirrored her own. She began, her voice steady, "Your vision for the Commonwealth is as clear as it is ambitious. And while the challenges ahead are daunting, your resolve will give confidence. We must indeed wield our influence with precision, but I believe that with the right balance of strength and wisdom, the Commonwealth can redefine its place in the galaxy."

She paused, allowing the tranquility of their surroundings to linger before continuing. "Change is not only necessary but inevitable, and it's clear that you've given deep thought to how we should approach it." The moves she had outlined, Fevris would not make a single change to. They were on a good path. They needed strong leadership.

As they moved toward the shuttle, Fevris's thoughts shifted from the theoretical to the practical. She was eager to see what Ivalyn had to show her in Avalonia—something that seemed important enough to warrant a private viewing. "Whatever it is you wish to share," she said, as they reached the shuttle, "I'm ready to learn from it."

Helping Ivalyn into the shuttle, Fevris settled beside her, her mind already turning over the possibilities. The shuttle's engines hummed to life, and as they lifted off, she felt a renewed sense of purpose. To her, Avalonia was where their history would meet their future. She glanced at the city below as they traveled.

With the city of Avalonia spread out beneath them, Fevris allowed herself a moment of contemplation. The challenges were vast, but so too were the opportunities. The future of the Commonwealth was in their hands, and with leaders like Ivalyn at the helm, Fevris was confident they could steer it toward greatness.

Fevris turned her gaze back to Ivalyn, her expression one of quiet determination. The moment of silence had also served to perhaps get more in touch with the less pragmatical side of their conversation. "Heavy are the heads, as they say, but you don't face these decisions alone. If I'm right, and please forgive the arrogance but I've rarely have not been in this particular matter, the people of the Commonwealth will support and move with you. We won't just survive but thrive in the face of whatever lies ahead. We've never settled for less, I guess."

The shuttle continued its ascent, following the route to the destination Yvarro would indicate.


Ivalyn sat poised in the shuttle, her gaze drifting toward the viewport but never quite focusing on the blur of scenery outside. There were days when her resolve wavered, moments in the quiet of her recovery when the thought of walking away from it all whispered through her mind. But such doubts were swiftly crushed, extinguished before they could take root. The Commonwealth relied on her family, and in her heart, Ivalyn believed that no one else could lead them as they should be led. Dr. Derzelas had been correct—challenges awaited them, and the influence they wielded must be exercised with precision and care.

Her thoughts shifted as she glanced across the shuttle to where Dr. Derzelas sat, the doctor's face set in an expression of quiet determination. Ivalyn studied her for a moment, then spoke, her tone resolute. "You're right. This nation has never settled for less, and we have never bowed to the status of a vassal state. Not now, and not ever." The words were laden with purpose, though they also laid bare the delicate position the Commonwealth now occupied—entangled with a larger power yet unwilling to lose itself in the process.

"Even as we speak," she continued, her voice softening, "Her Majesty issues new directives, shaping our security and intelligence policies. She's guiding the nation toward ensuring that only Commonwealth citizens will have a voice in our governance. It's essential that we guard against Sith influence, but it is not something I fear."

Ivalyn sighed, feeling the weight of their destination settle over her. "We'll be heading to the Citadel soon."

The shuttle's gentle ascent filled the brief silence that followed. When Ivalyn looked back at Dr. Derzelas, her own expression mirrored the doctor's earlier resolve. "I've been asked to speak on my recovery and on the confirmation that is to be announced shortly. Her Majesty has arranged for the speech to be delivered at Vizcanyo Bay on Mephout."

Nerves pricked at her, though she kept her composure. To say she was merely nervous would be an understatement. "I've prepared two speeches," she admitted. "One looks to the past, urging us to embrace our heritage more fully than we have in recent years. The second… well, it's still unfinished, but it speaks to a steadfast resolve in the face of adversity. Despite the attempt on my life, it's a call to hold true to our values, recognizing that our foundation is rooted in Imperialism."

She narrowed her gaze slightly, as though sorting through her own thoughts. "It sounds better in my head," she murmured, a faint smile tugging at her lips, though her tone was tinged with self-deprecation. "But it's still a work in progress."

As the shuttle hummed onward, the weight of her responsibilities pressed against her, yet she remained poised, determined to see this through. The Commonwealth's future, after all, was not one she could leave to chance.


Fevris Derzelas

ᴍᴇᴅɪᴄᴀʟ ᴏꜰꜰɪᴄᴇʀ

Tagging: Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro

Fevris paid the same attention she gave when tending to a patient, noting every nuance in her tone and expression. Ivalyn's resolve was evident, but so too was the weight of the choices ahead of her.

As the silence stretched between them, Fevris finally spoke, her voice carrying a blend of reassurance and insight. "It's clear that you've given this a great deal of thought, Ivalyn. And it's equally clear that the path you've chosen is not an easy one. But we have the spirit, that refusal to bow to circumstances, will see us through."

She shifted slightly in her seat, turning to face Ivalyn more directly. "Your speeches, both of them, capture different facets of the Commonwealth's identity. But what I believe is really worth striving for is to find the balance between the two—""

She leaned slightly forward, her expression thoughtful yet assured. "You've spoken of ensuring that only Commonwealth citizens will have a voice in our governance, and I couldn't agree more. We must protect our autonomy. But more than that, it's vital that we remind our people of who we are and what we stand for. The Commonwealth's identity is our greatest asset, and it must be at the forefront of everything we do."

Fevris paused, weighing her next words carefully. "As for the speech on Imperialism," she continued, "Our foundation is rooted in Imperialism, today I have grown to see the faults we had in the past but I would be lying if I pretended I have fully shed all the convictions, even the wrong ones, I had back then. It is a hard task, to acknowledge our origins without allowing them to take over and define our future. Your words need to inspire confidence, not just in our strength, but in our capacity to adapt and grow beyond what once was."

A faint smile touched her lips as she added, "It doesn't have to be perfect in its first draft, Ivalyn. The process of refining it is where the true strength of your message will emerge. And when you speak at Vizcanyo Bay, remember that you carry with you the voice of the Commonwealth. It's a voice that has never been silenced, even in the darkest of times."

A hint of a smile touched her lips as she continued, "The Commonwealth has always been a beacon of strength, and under your guidance, it will continue to be. The people will see that—they'll see that their leader understands the weight of history but isn't afraid to carry it forward into something different - something greater." Fevris herself had often found herself struggling to find the right words, and yet those who worked around her had never failed to grasp the greater, deeper meaning of what she wanted or was set out to do, and they never wavered.

Fevris's gaze softened as she leaned back slightly, letting the weight of her words settle. "You've already begun to forge that path, and I have no doubt that you'll lead us to a place where we can all stand proud."

The shuttle continued its smooth ascent, the Citadel drawing closer with each passing moment.

"This is just the beginning," Fevris added, her voice steady.

Ivalyn listened intently to Fevris's words, letting the weight of them settle upon her like the morning mist that often greeted her at the Oceanfront. Her eyes remained fixed on the horizon, watching as the Citadel loomed closer with each passing second. The doctor's insight was sharp, as always, her words carrying both the comfort of familiarity and the sting of truth. There was no denying that the path ahead was fraught with challenges, but Fevris's confidence in her, in the Commonwealth's future, was a balm to the heavy thoughts weighing on her mind.

Turning slightly, Ivalyn met Fevris's gaze, the sincerity in her eyes evident. "You're right, of course," she began, her voice soft yet resolute, echoing with the grace and poise she had mastered over the years. "It's not an easy path, and there are days when the weight of it feels almost unbearable. But then I think of the Commonwealth, of everything we've built and everything we stand for, and I know that we must press on."

She let out a small sigh, glancing down at her hands, neatly folded in her lap. "Balancing our identity, holding onto the values that make us who we are while also embracing the changes necessary for our future… it's a delicate dance. But it's a dance we must master if we are to continue forward."

A faint smile played on her lips as she continued, "You've always had a way of cutting through the noise, Fevris." Ivalyn paused a moment, reflecting on Fevris' conversations with her mother Ariel. "Of seeing things as they are and reminding me of the essence of what we're trying to achieve. I appreciate that more than I can express."

Her gaze returned to the window, to the Citadel that was now within reach. "And you're right—this is just the beginning. We have so much more to accomplish, so much more to strive for. But with minds like yours at my side, I know we can do it. We can forge a future where the Commonwealth stands stronger, prouder, than ever before."

As the shuttle descended gracefully towards the landing pad, Ivalyn took a deep breath, letting the weight of the moment settle upon her. This was more than just a day of speeches and meetings—this was the next chapter in the Commonwealth's story, one that she would help write with every step she took.

She turned back to Fevris, offering a smile that held both determination and gratitude. "Thank you, Fevris. For your insight, for your support… and for always reminding me of what truly matters. Together, we will lead the Commonwealth into its next era." The shuttle touched down with a soft hum, and the doors opened to reveal the grand expanse of the Citadel before them.


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