Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

- Intent: update codex subs
- Image Credit: Natira
- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: Mother Machine
- Name: Sudaki
- Designation: Sentient
- Origins:
- Average Lifespan: 300 Years
- Estimated Population: Inter-Planetary
- Description: Humanoid looking with fleshy pale blue skin and small fangs. Their body produces and grows a chitinous plate over their limbs that can be shed or even torn away. With small ridges along their head that culminate in an exposed nerve cluster on the back of their head just at the spinal cord where it meets the brain stem.
- Breathes: Type I
- Average Height of Adults: 2m
- Average Length of Adults: N/A
- Skin color: Varying Shades of Blue
- Hair color: N/A
- Distinctions:
- Hermaphroditic
- Crustacean like Carapace
- Head barbs
- Ovipositor
- Races: N/A
- Force Sensitivity: High
- Carapace: Their body is a thick plating able to handle extreme pressure for a time and space vacuum (Kel Dor precedent). Similar to zillo beasts it is strong and able to resist lightsabers and blasters to a degree.
- Repopulation: The Sudaki were bioengineered by the mother to reproduce with species... any species. For the rakata it was a means to produce a constant slave force.
- Enzyme: When they are feeding their bodies produce a natural steroid that increases their strength and metabolism to heal their bodies when their stomach lining encounters sharp bones that might tear it.
- Collective Telepathy: A hive mind shared by the species allowing them to feel each other across distance (example Dathomiri blood trail) The more gathered the stronger it feels and while they cannot talk or plot in their head they can feel find each other.
- Unable to wear modern armors: Much like wookiees the species bodies are not made for wearing most if any armor, sections at most but they usually have little protection aside from their carapace.
- Vacuum: While their bodies can withstand being in vacuum they can't actually breathe or survive without breathing equipment.
- Slow Digestion: Much like a snake the Su can unhinge their jaw and eat most things whole. The larger the creature the more lethargic they become slowly dissolving and digesting it in their stomach.
If attacked or startled they can regurgitate the contents of their stomach to move around faster. - Lysine Deficient: Their bodies are unable to produce the amino acid and it will cause blindness as they age.
Around 200 the Su if they have eaten healthy will start to feel the effects at their midlife. 50 is the earliest they can start to lose their eyesight if they are neglectful or unhealthy.
- Diet: Lysine rich foods such as eggs, meat (specifically red meat, lamb, pork, and poultry), soy, beans and peas, cheese and certain fish.
- Communication: Verbal, pheromones
- Technology level:
- Weaponry: Galactic Standard
- Armor and clothing: Below Galactic Standard
- Ships: Skilled in bioengineering
- Technology: Skilled in bioengineering
- Religion/Beliefs:
- A strange species from the Unknown regions that fled the destruction that took place over one hundred thousand years ago when the codex was destroyed and the original Korman Loa shattered. Using ancient sleeper ships they traveled across the galaxy and crashed landed on the strange world of Deletrisas. There they found a special home with the religion they once had with the Kanzer and Taung being something they grew a distinct distaste for. As their society rebuilt learning from the neighbors they developed an affinity towards biotechnology.
The idea of war within their society is total. They do not fight as the first action they will avoid conflict at all costs but when they march to war it is not a decision taken lightly and they are all in. Everything is fair stakes as they dislike the idea of grudges held by children or descendants. That is why as a policy genocide against a species that has attacked them is something the entire species votes and has a say in. The massive conclaves a gathering of them from all over to discuss it and as a species they must all be in agreement.
The worship of the ancient gods is still an important part of their culture with statues erected to honor ancient beings from the unknown regions and their force order created to combat that which consumes all. The silver creature appearing in their earliest legends as a sickness that infects and consumes all living things making them its own. The only benevolent deity in their pantheon seems to be an ever changing being cast in white light who gave then the secrets to escape the Gunniga Gap and not fall for the croke expanse.
Within their culture artwork and forms are visually fleeting as some of the older Su begin to lose their eyesight. The most famous create acoustic and art forms that use aromatic scents be it through food or music. Their diets and need to eat some foods gives them a very discernible palate for making tasty food that gets them fired as chefs throughout the galaxy. Other forms of artwork and sports within the culture is using secretions that glow different colors under a black light and are used to identify competing teams as they play with an oblong ball running between goal posts.
Knights of Order: The protectors and mediators of the Su, the knights of order are different then some force orders in that they aren't there to protect the outsiders. They were made to protect their people and by protecting their people they are protecting others. In disagreements they are the ones hearing out both sides and are a neutral third party able to settle small arguments. Which it falls to their discretion what constitutes a small argument and if it needs to be taken up to the conclave. The three ranks within the order are Initiate which handles and learns to deal with small disputes and are usually taken up by children raised in the rookery. The Protectors who are the most numerous and usually in the learning and exploring phase working to handle the bigger problems. Then there is the Matriarchs who are the elders of the order and are the final check before something goes to the conclave.
The Conclave: A massive gathering of the Su on their adopted homeworld. Their families and their voice all have a chance to be heard with their signature being given. It is placed on a record to keep track of the votes. Internal politics is not really smiled upon as it isn't for the benefit of a single Su it is for the benefit of the entire species and family. The conclave takes as long as they need it to take and while everyone can have a voice, can have an opinion not all of them exorcise it by talking. Some will agree and give them votes without speaking and the most beneficial option to the species as a whole will be chosen. Special exceptions for problems and ones unable to return to the world can be given but it is rare as usually given for the most important of reasons. Being detained on another planet is usually the best reason or being unable to return when one is called and ongoing.
- A strange species from the Unknown regions that fled the destruction that took place over one hundred thousand years ago when the codex was destroyed and the original Korman Loa shattered. Using ancient sleeper ships they traveled across the galaxy and crashed landed on the strange world of Deletrisas. There they found a special home with the religion they once had with the Kanzer and Taung being something they grew a distinct distaste for. As their society rebuilt learning from the neighbors they developed an affinity towards biotechnology.
- General behavior:
- With each other: The Su are a large community driven group, protecting each other and regardless of if they are on different planets will come back home for important things. Their families are regarded as hives and usually the eldest maintains it in an engineered mushroom that has been made into a home. Large and imposing with little regard for outsiders being able to climb and move around. Their political structure is everyone has a voice that can be heard and any of them can call for concerns within reason. They seek to have it resolved by allowing an internal force order delegate at first and if they deem it more pressing a conclave will be called to summon the species home for it. The Su must reach a unanimous decision with a distaste for backroom political games.
With Outsiders: They are secretive and guarded but will be kind. They may not invite people into their homes seeking to protect their children from outsiders but they will not deny an outsider a meal should they be hungry. Kindness and charity are something they like to return to people with small acts. They will never turn away those who have become friends of their people and bare their marks. Usually made from a special excretion that stays on the skin and it hard to reproduce for trickery. The pheromone secretion comes from their ovipositor and is applied into the bone marrow, a painful process but it makes their bodies produce the scent to mark them as a friend and the wuond is usually seal with a saliva based excretion. In conflicts they are passive with outsiders and will give them more then enough chances to stop while they meet in a conclave to decide the fate. Death of outsiders is only allowed with conclave decision and for the gravest of offenses.
- With each other: The Su are a large community driven group, protecting each other and regardless of if they are on different planets will come back home for important things. Their families are regarded as hives and usually the eldest maintains it in an engineered mushroom that has been made into a home. Large and imposing with little regard for outsiders being able to climb and move around. Their political structure is everyone has a voice that can be heard and any of them can call for concerns within reason. They seek to have it resolved by allowing an internal force order delegate at first and if they deem it more pressing a conclave will be called to summon the species home for it. The Su must reach a unanimous decision with a distaste for backroom political games.
Born in the ancient Valtaullu Rift of the unknown regions the Su were one of the first to be attacked by the Kanzer and their Lord Ravager. Enslaved by them and slowly being converted they were part of the deeply religious sect helping construct the planet sized temple the first time. Then something happened, no one is certain but the ancient codex was destroyed and scattered with the entire temple being destroyed and turned into an asteroid field. With their leaders gone the Su in ships sought a new world and drifted through space. Using suspension technology for their children and the ones who would be able to better repopulate a world.
The amount of time they drifted while in FTL is unknown but they came out on the edge of the galaxy over an anomaly as the ship found a world that could support their species. The plant and animal life rich in the things they were lacking as they touched down and the last of the Su who had been in the ship maintaining it while the bulk of the population slept died out ensuring their people would have a new home. They settled into the massive mushroom forests and started their settlement keeping records of everything that they could. The creatures of the world giving them the nourishment they needed while also protection with the large mushrooms.
As they learned more and explored the world the Su found other species on the planet. One was a pale, semi reptilian species that licked them in hello. They didn't understand what the species was but they helped them on this new world by teaching them how to hollow out the mushrooms and work with biological technology to protect and keep themselves safe. The ships to explore the moons and some of the planets around them brought their attention. They didn't stray far from the world for a long time but being able to explore as they worked to develop new technology to live and survive. The small settlement when winter came might not have survived without the aid of the Aing-Tii.
AAt least that is part of what they tell themselves... they were from the rift... they did explore but they eventually were found by a more dangerous species that was at the time more powerful and many of them were taken as slaves. THose slaves subjected to horrors and eventually the Mother Machine engineered a way for them to survive and changed traits of the species. Much like other species it engineered the Sudaki to fit more for the rakata's needs at the time which was to have more and more slaves to build their infinite empire. The species being changed and able to be used aas soldiers, their chitin aable to become armor for force hounds.
More years passed and the small settlement became a large city built into the mushrooms they had been basing their biotech off of and it slowly became a larger and larger city It grew and they constructed large walls, then temples to truly reflect the ancient ways as they built statues of their gods and honored paragons. Rookeries were created and made to house their children in the eggs that were the species.... A hard concept but families don't really have names beyond sibling, as the temples grew and other things found them, members some something called the Je'daii from a world named Aurum that alerted them to something called the force. That they believed only the Kanzer and priests of Korman Loa could use.
With this revelation the Su found new ways to improve and entered their golden age of construction and growing as they were able to spread out among the stars and make contact with other species. Finding some that were helpful and some that were willing to trade as they brought back their experiences of the worlds, brought back words of warning about the dangers around the galaxy they were encountering as at home the force order being created acted as a delegations and mediator group. Deciding of which situations merited and needed the communities decision compared to something quick that could be decided by a smaller group.
More centuries passed and the golden age changed to one of stability, they were not the dominant race in the galaxy they were there and part of a community that could uplift them if they were not galactic pricks as these sith they kept hearing about seemed to be. As a group came to their new home world claiming their emperors territory was all within their emperors sight the Su welcomed them at first. Until an incident where the sith killed several of the eggs in the rookery bringing the species together one from the world of Coruscant who shared the horrors of the darkside and the sith while for the first time the Su declared war... Or at least war on the group within their system.
They couldn't purge the galaxy but they could their home system and the rift nearby not knowing the Aing-Tii could handle themselves. The Su raided and captured a ship executing the crew while leaving the ship to drift at the edge of their system. Nothing came from it and whether the ship was ever recovered is unknown but they did not have further encounters with the sith in their system. This led to a recall and the Su became protective and isolationist, shunning ones to come and find them as they waited and worked to rebuild themselves from a naive and trusting into something that could handle if military might was needed.
With their society being more isolated and falling out of the galactic scene they didn't really pay attention much of the world until a plague swept across the galaxy. The adults were trying to make it so the rookery would be safe and sealed most of it with their secretions and mushrooms as the city became a ghost town most of them dying off and devastating the population of the Su. After the initial infection and plague the few who were alive taught the children down in the rookery that had been turned almost into a fallout shelter.With them emerging after some time they sought to rebuild with the smaller population and rejoined the galaxy when visitors came to the edge of the galaxy.
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