Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sudden Disappearance

Factory Judge
So some of you may be wondering why all of a sudden I left.

To make it short, My fiance went into the US army and so I have been doing what I can to support her. However, just a couple weeks ago, I lost my job. So I have been working on getting a new one. That is why I have not been on here for a while. I have quite a bit of time before I am in "Dire" need of a job due to the savings I have currently. But I hope to be able to be on here a little more in the future.
[member="Lucina Sunstryker"]

Oh man dude, I'm so sorry to hear that. If you need anything, just to vent/chat or have someone to talk about inconsequential stuff you know where to find me, my discord's always open.

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