Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sugar and spice and everything nice

It would be so easy to just leave her be.

Funami, the Sith child Samka had met on Mandalore, was an odd sort. By the end of their encounter, Funami had seemed disturbed. She recalled the quivering child had been barely able to hold her appearance together. To most this would be the effects of war but with Funami, it was surely something else. Something Sam was certain involved her.

With all this information in mind, avoidance was surely the smartest option. The last thing she wanted was to involve herself with more psychotic Sith. Funami had shown nothing but wonder and joy at death around her. She had slain several enemies herself without batting an eye. This was not the sign of a stable young mind. There was also no immediate advantage to allying with the girl as far as Samka could tell. She was strong but not yet exceptionally so nor did she seem to have a power base or resources which could be useful. So yes it would be so easy to leave her be.

Yet curiosity had gotten the best of her.

The tiny Sith had reminded Sam just a little too much of herself. The way the innocence of youth hid something far more dangerous within. It was done in such a way she'd never seen before without looking in the mirror. She'd seen deception act behind beauty or even stupidity but never in the same way she'd done it.

So an invite and personal details had been sent before the two had parted ways. Funami was welcome to visit Cloud City at her leisure. Sam had volunteered to be a baby sitter, apparently. Now the time had come that the girl had accepted her offer.

Samka had chosen a spot to meet just a short distance from the spaceport, Funami would most likely be passing through. It was a small tea and cake restaurant, a very quaint place and thus one of Sam's favourites. She sat outside on the balcony, delicately sipping her cup. Multiple sugars were in her tea, of course. Sam liked the appearance it gave her but could hardly handle the drink unless it was considerably sweetened.

The Ren checked her holopad once in a while. Funami was due any moment. She hoped the girl enjoyed her visit. She wondered what the girl would think seeing her now - Sam's very lady-like appearance in a cream dress frilled at sleeves which barely passed her shoulders was quite the contrast from the battle armour she wore at Mandalore. White flats on her feet and a parasol now resting against her chair completed the look.

But most of all she wondered if she'd get a few answers.

[member="Funami Teriyaki"]​
Despite confirming her upcoming visit with a message full of cutesy language and smiley faces, Funami had yet to figure out the most important thing.


People were simply tools to be used. Used and thrown away. All Funami had to do was put on a sweet, innocent face, and they swallowed whatever she fed them.

So what use was she to Sam? Had the woman learned about her billionaire papa? Or was there something more sinister at play? The uncertainty kept gnawing at the young child’s mind, so overwhelming she could not sleep at night. The nervous tension had taken its toll, and before the girl even arrived, she was already on edge, about to snap at any moment. The slight shaking of her hands was almost noticeable and she had to exert great effort to keep her knees from trembling.

She had thought the invitation over dozens of times, painstakingly analyzing Sam’s words for any sign of veiled threats or warnings. Why, why did she want to meet?

The two Sith had last seen each other on Mandalore. Funami remembered Sam’s warm gestures full of feigned care and warmth. Mushy rubbish, all of it. A schemer and manipulator herself, the small Atrisian understood it better than most. She also remembered Sam had been able to see right through her childishly innocent mask, just as Funami could immediately tell there was more to the petite woman than met the eye. The two were very much alike and it terrified the young acolyte to no end. It was then that Funami knew she was going to kill the woman. She had to. There was no other way, though she did feel a pang of regret. While without a conscience, the Sith child was pragmatic enough to realize she was wasting a potential asset.

This mess of a situation gave her a splitting headache, making the task of maintaining her carefree act even harder.

The Echoing Giggle, Funami Teriyaki’s personal vessel, was hard to miss. The sleek, rocket-shaped H-type Nubian yacht coated in shiny chromium plating practically announced her arrival wherever its owner went. Built specifically for the nobility of Naboo, it boasted both exceptional speed and defensive capabilities worthy a queen. Papa dearest had bought it for the pink-haired Sithling as a present, aware of the girl’s vanity and desire to impress others. This very ship was responsible for Funami’s arrival to Cloud City where she would spend her holiday. While Miss Teriyaki’s crew received orders to stay put and await her return no matter how long it took, Funami would enjoy all of Cloud City’s luxuries and get to know Sam better.

And kill her. It was practically self-defense at this point. Kill or be killed.

Black shoes scampered down the metal ramp, carrying the pink-haired Sithling into the bustling spaceport. Cloud City's air breathed on her, bringing scents not found in the heavily filtered oxygen aboard her ship. With short steps, she mooched forth, so small she felt overwhelmed by the number of people walking about. Violet eyes wide with excitement flicked around, searching for the familiar sight of brown hair and red eyes and admiring the large clouds above. The corners of her mouth tugged upward in a fake, forced smile, though it appeared completely genuine and sweet. While her pink hair sported the same trademark style Funami was known for, the girl had dressed for the occasion and wore a wonderfully crafted white summer dress with no sleeves, its hem reaching down her knees. In her hand was held a small purse containing a few personal items. The rest of her luggage had remained aboard the Echoing Giggle, ready to be delivered to whatever place she asked.

[member="Samka Derith"]​
There she was!

While Samka was unable to directly see the girl's tiny figure among the crowds, she could sense her. A familiar signature within the Force which felt oddly warm on the surface but entirely different when focused upon. It was hard to say it was the Dark Side she felt but it was certainly rage, the kind typically found boiling beneath the surface with Sith. The Ren repressed a sigh. She was doing her best to keep Cloud City safe, hopefully tonight would not end in a massacre by a deranged Sith child. It could be damaging for the Government's reputation, after all.

Resting her cup atop the tiny plate, Sam grabbed her parasol and rose to her feet to retrieve the girl. As she skipped her way over, the crowds parted before her. Each individual in her path struck by a sudden, subconscious desire to move out of the young woman's way so she cut an effective and rather striking route towards Funami.

"Hello!" She called out to the child once she was close enough. Sam's voice was, as ever, warm and friendly if a little formal. It was polite and invited trust. Even aside from her clothing, Funami would find Sam's appearance slightly different. Her skin tone was less pale and now a more natural shade of white. Instead of the clear effects of the Dark Side draining her pigment, the Ren merely looked like an ordinary girl who did not see the sun much. Her eyes too had reverted to their original and natural brown instead of the corrupted crimson they became. This was Samka hiding the toll the Dark Side had taken and blending in with the denizens of the galaxy.

She couldn't help but giggle as she drew closer to the pink haired youth. "Oh Funami, don't you look adorable?" She beamed down at the girl. "Almost matching outfits and all," Sam bent her knees in a small curtsy to show off her own summer dress of a slightly different colour to the little Sith's. "Come along now, I was just at the most charming little place. I think you might rather like it!" She motioned for Funami to follow.

[member="Funami Teriyaki"]​
At first, she did not recognize the woman and stared at the perceived stranger as if unable to decide whether to ignore her completely or engage in small-talk. While Funami had retained her fluffy pink crown, there was little to connect this version of Sam to that armored warrior she remembered from Mandalore. Not just the lack of armor, but her overall appearance had changed in subtle, yet noticeable ways. Lacking the horrible red eyes, the brunette had lost the threatening edge about her and was way more pleasant to look at, even if Funami logically knew it to be a cleverly disguised lie. Neither of them looked remotely Sith and the sight was enough to ease the girl’s mind a little and turn her smile a bit more genuine.

“Hi, Sam!” The smallest Sith in the galaxy squealed, enthusiastically waving a hand to greet her old friend. Dodging a body here and there, she scampered on her short legs and skillfully navigated to the older, taller Sith. The height difference was still there, forcing the little Sithling to lift her gaze, but it did not matter. Anyone to pay attention to the two would witness a happy, friendly reunion, and not two sociopathic killers ready to strangle one another.

Aww~,” she squeaked at Sam’s compliment and lowered her eyes, feigning bashfulness. “Thank you! You look much better than the last time. Without, um, you know! The bad side!”

Purposely acting silly again, she just waved a hand in front of her face and laughed at her own joke. The girl had managed to avoid Dark side corruption thus far, though knew very well it waited down the path she traveled.

Narrowing her eyes slightly, Funami peered into Sam’s face to find her now brown gaze. Nowhere near as warm and welcoming as the woman’s body language had indicated, they were the eyes of a fellow trickster who used deceit as a weapon. Her heart skipped a beat in excitement. For a moment she had managed to forget she faced a mind reader and actually thought of the charade as a deadly game, one that could be won by outsmarting her opponent. That pesky mind-reading, though! It killed the whole game! Extinguishing the excited spark in her cruel little mind, the realization pulled her eyebrows into a subtle, almost playful frown. Combined with her bright smile, Funami’s expression looked smugger than ever.

Rainbows, candy, kittens, baking, eating, cakes. Silly things started to surface in her thoughts, the only line of defense she had against mind probing.

Bending the knees and bowing her head, the girl gave a curtsy of her own, performed so many times one could say she had mastered it. Still wearing the overly sweet simper, the Sithling padded next to her taller friend, occasionally shooting a glance at Sam as they headed toward the restaurant.

“I am so happy to be here, thank you for having meee~,” she said with a deliberate hint of excitement stealing into her voice. “But you never really told me the reason for the invitation, fufufu~!

Her giggle sounded especially adorable today.

[member="Samka Derith"]​
"Well unfortunately I had to sacrifice looking nice when last we met," Sam chuckled softly. "There were other priorities to consider but here I can relax. I can do and look as I please!" She made a small spin on the tip of her toes to let her dress flow a little in the breeze.

The crowds parted on the way back as easily as on the way there. An unseen and unnoticed force of will around the Knight of Ren made it an easy stroll through the otherwise busy street for Sam and her young companion. Every once in a while she cast a glance to her side to be sure the girl was close by. It was a kind of watchful behaviour Sam wouldn't give for anyone else. It dawned on her already that she was somewhat protective of Funami, albeit not for the reasons that the girl probably expected. She kept up just fine, waddling along next to Samka as she skipped and fiddled with her parasol between her delicate fingers.

Funami's sweet giggle caught her attention. Real or not, the girl was adorable and Sam couldn't help but smile at her antics. For the time being, she didn't even care if it was an act or not. She wouldn't dwell on it or deconstruct it. It was all part of who Funami was and she was here to get to know Funami. That was the answer to her question as well.

"You intrigue me," Sam responded as they arrived at the tea and cakes store. "I thought it might be nice to get to know you and have some fun together, Funami. That is all." It was a strange thought even to her. Most interactions she had had involved an ulterior motive. It was extraordinarily rare for Sam to socialise for the sake of doing so.

She took her seat back at the balcony, a scenic spot from which they could both look down upon Cloud City and the skies above. Her empty cup was still there, marking it as where Sam had been sitting before Funami arrived. "Here," Sam passed the menu to the smaller girl. She would find it filled with all sorts of treats and cakes. It was more than enough to satisfy anyone with a sweet tooth. "I hope there's something to your liking."

[member="Funami Teriyaki"]​
Arriving at the place, Funami was greeted by a soft breeze that brought the delicious smell of candy with it. The balcony offered a wonderful view to die for. Funami perched on the seat opposite of Sam, placed the small purse in her lap, and let her eyes feast on the tiny, tiny people below the vista. They looked like ants. Tiny. Squishy. Insects. Although apparently distracted, the girl continued to listen, taking in Sam’s every word. A bitter sneer crossed her lips, though she did her best to disguise it by turning further away from the woman and watching the world below. Getting to know each other and having fun together? That made absolutely no sense to the girl and she did not buy any of it, believing the interaction all fake. There had to be an ulterior motive, she just couldn’t figure out what it was. The Sithling’s expression grew pensive.

A single drop of sweat rolled over her brow even though the temperature was nowhere near high enough to produce this sort of reaction. The gentle, if a bit chilly breeze also wasn’t to blame. Funami feigned ignorance while being painfully aware of the tickling sensation slowly cascading down her forehead. Suddenly, her brow furrowed in momentary concentration and the pesky little drop went away, swatted by the girl’s telekinetic hand. Even the best actors could not fake everything and she had no way to stop the growing feeling of anxiety from slowly but surely consuming her body.

“That is nice of you. I hope you won’t be disappointed,” the small acolyte added with a sinister edge in her voice and slowly turned to face the brunette. “I’m really just a completely ordinary and boring girl who happens to use the Force.”

And who also joined the Sith, but that was beside the point.

Her right hand started shaking a bit and Funami casually slid it under the table. Maintaining the façade usually came naturally to her, but being scrutinized by someone equally capable was making her slip. And Sam’s telepathy. That was the worst. More images of cute animals manifested in Funami’s head and she mentally started repeating her favorite candy recipes. Seizing the menu with her left hand, the girl gave Sam an appreciative smile.

Reading the list of treats almost made her want to forget this entire murder affair. Funami’s sweet tooth wanted a piece of everything. Alas, when the waiter droid came rolling by, she was forced to make a decision. Stressed out, she did not feel like engaging in her usual feasts she was known for.

“Ah~!” Her eyes lit up with delight and she jabbed a finger into the text. “I'll have Quinberry cake and a cup of Chandrilan tea!”

With her order made, Funami cast a violet gaze toward Sam’s parasol. It was unusual to have one this day and age, though she guessed it to be a piece of fashionable accessory more than anything.

“Nice parasol, by the way,” the pink-haired terror commented and nodded toward the small umbrella with a degree of acknowledgment. “Did you know umbrellas are regarded as symbols of wealth and power on Atrisia? Rich and influential women love using them to boast their status. I’ll need to show you mine one day, it is really pretty.”

[member="Samka Derith"]​
Samka had to repress a giggle. After what she'd experienced, Funami wouldn't fool a dolt with those words let alone someone such as herself. She was cracking again already. The Ren drew no attention to it, there wasn't the slightest sign on the surface that she'd noticed but for someone like her, someone trained from a very young age to read people through both body language and the auras emitted by Force signatures, it was clear Funami was unstable again. It was fear that Sam detected more than anything. Fear could make a Sith do dangerous things. With an internal sigh, Sam prepared for the worst while hoping for the best.

The temptation surfaced to infiltrate the child's mind again and suss out any malicious intent but the Ren resisted for the time being. Even the most subtle manipulations often left marks for those skilled in the Force to detect it. Funami's mental defences seemed weak but perhaps just strong enough to notice. She'd rather not risk playing around with the girl's mind without permission unless she had to. Some people were strangely possessive of their thoughts.

"Oh Funami," she smiled kindly at the pink haired youth. "I don't think I could possibly find you boring." Not a trace of her growing suspicion of Funami was apparent on the surface, in fact, her every word and gentle movement emitted an aura of trust that most would fall for. She'd played this role for such a very long time now that it was hard for her to switch off.

"And I-" Sam continued to the waiter droid after Funami enthusiastically chose her order. "Shall have the Shizap cake and another cup of Fritzig. Oh and, um," her eyes sheepishly darted to the table before returning to the droid, "don't be shy with the sugar."

As the droid departed, Funami drew her attention to Sam's parasol. "Oh, yes, I rather like how this one appears. I find it completes a certain look, you understand?" Sam lifted it up again with one hand and rested it against her shoulder, twirling it back and forth as she fixed her gaze on the young Sith opposite her. The Ren grinned as she struck a few poses.

"I do like to feel a little elegant so I can see their appeal on your world, here while we wait," Sam passed her parasol to Funami for a closer look. "Although I will say there's a difference between an umbrella and a parasol. The umbrella is to keep one dry in the rain and is typically larger, the parasol is more of a fashionable item and functions as shade against a harsh sun." Sam stopped her explanation with a soft chuckle and rubbed her pale skin, "You might be able to tell but I burn rather easily so it's not just a fashion statement for me." Silently she wondered if Funami had intentionally revealed that she was one of these rich, influential woman of status - or was she part of a family which was?

[member="Funami Teriyaki"]​
Funami understood the importance of looks very well and gave a knowing grin, nodding, and stifled another giggle as Sam posed like a model. Talking about umbrellas had chipped away at the terrible edge she had been feeling for a while now. Idle chat and meaningless words, yet it allowed her to relax a little bit. She did perk an eyebrow, however, at the statement about sensitive skin. Up until now, she had thought it a sign of Dark side corruption. Perhaps it was a lie, constructed solely to explain the dark side worshipper’s pale look, but Funami had no way to tell for certain. Rather than dwell on it too much, she pursued the parasol topic further, for she was quite fond of her small, adorable parasol hued in the deep shade of a bloody sunset.

“Elegant? Certainly. But I like mine because it makes me look cute~,” she winked and cocked her head to the side while pouting and giving Sam the puppy-dog eye treatment to demonstrate. “My parasol actually protects from the rain as well. There’s a special process of applying oil on the silk and paper cover where--”

Thud, thud, thud, thud!

Straightening her head and foregoing about half the adorable features she had displayed a moment earlier, the girl stared at the freshly delivered cakes and cups. Forgetting about her shaky hand, she snatched after her plate with childlike excitement. Sam ceased to exist at that moment and Funami directed her full attention toward the delicious treat right in front of her, begging to be eaten. A very merciful Sith, the girl would grant the cake its last wish and consume it without mercy.

“Wow!” The little girl exclaimed and leaned forward, almost burying her face in the cake as she examined it up close. Full of quinberries, with crispy, yet soft layers of pastry that held it together. It looked fluffy, juicy, and delicious.

The moment she touched the spoon, her stomach grumbled in approval. With the well-practiced motions of a surgeon, she sliced into the cake with the spoon’s edge and sunk it in. Pulling it out with a small bite colored purple, Funami delivered it straight between her gently parted lips and felt her mouth explode in ecstasy.

Mmm. That’s good.” Came her relieved voice as the spoon neared for another strike. And stopped.

“Huh,” she muttered to herself as she observed her distorted reflection in the spoon, suddenly struck with an old memory that belonged to another Funami. “Would you believe I was able to bend spoons with my mind before I turned one?”

It sounded crazy, even to her. The Sithling’s voice sank in disbelief as she intently stared at the spoon in fascination. She the wide-eyed glare until a smile cracked on her face and a nervous laugh broke out.

Ahaha~, sorry,” she quickly reverted back to her cheerful self and attempted to avoid the topic while stuffing her face with cake. “Most people don’t remember their early childhoods. It’s the same with me! But sometimes my old memories come back. Weird, right?”

More watery drops appeared on her forehead.

[member="Samka Derith"]​
Sam smiled politely as Funami spoke, showing her unique brand of charm. It was certainly more cutesy than most of Sam's behaviour had ever been. Her own style had been more about wide eyed innocence and shyness compared with Funami's more outgoing persona but they still hit many of the same notes.

Although truly how much was an act was questionable. Funami was immediately distracted once their orders came. The cake placed before them seemed to take all of the girl's attention. Sam could only watch, taking some pleasure in observing the child's behaviour. She actually did look very sweet. Her wide, violet eyes shone with wonder and joy. The sheer enjoyment on the girl's face as she took her first bite was enough to bring a genuine smile to Sam's face.

It all made the next comment all the stranger. Funami's joy sank away very abruptly. She spoke of her early experiences but in such a way that Sam wasn't sure if she intended to tell the Ren about them or if it had been blurted out. "That's very unusual," Sam replied slowly. She took a glance around to be sure they were alone before she continued. She hadn't stayed hidden for so long by chatting about the Force in public. "I wasn't even aware of my abilities until I was around nine, perhaps ten." She took a first sip of her drink to let the conversation pause and not pressure Funami too much if the girl was uncomfortable. It was wonderfully sweet. She'd chosen this place well.

"That is very strange," Sam agreed. "My own memories are very scattered. I'd be hesitant to say I remember anything before my 6th birthday." Most of Sam's memories prior to her Ren training were fleeting. She now suspected that was by design. A part of training for young candidates to completely erase what they once were.

In her experience, most Force Users were unaware of their abilities until another, such as a Jedi or Sith, discovers it or an incident finally occurs. It was unlikely a being so young as Funami before her first birthday could be using her abilities without any guidance. The more likely option was that she was picked up at a frighteningly young age for training. To be noticed before her first birthday was a feat. Or... she wasn't just noticed so young but born for it. That would make sense with how advanced her abilities were for her age. Still, Sam would remain silent on the matter and took another sip of her sweet tea. After all, she wasn't sure Funami had meant to share that information at all.

[member="Funami Teriyaki"]​
“Mmm.” Another spoonful of cake landed in her mouth and the acolyte started chewing and munching the moment the spoon parted with her lips.

Another explosion of flavor. And also a good way to stifle a laugh when Sam revealed the age at which she first started flirting with the Force. For one reason or another, the little pink-haired brat found it funny. It was weird, being a child with the power to make her own body levitate while adult Force practitioners around her struggled to move pebbles. She had always attributed that to being born a winner, winning this grand prenatal lottery and scoring her exceptional psychokinetic potential. No training had ever existed in Funami’s life prior to joining the Sith academy. Playing with the Force and abusing telekinesis for childish games, she had reached an alarming degree of skill before she turned four. It was all a funny, amusing game to her.

“Fufufufufu~,” her giggle raced toward the clouds of Cloud City once more. “Well, I guess you can say I had the best toy any child could ask for! Tee-hee-hee~

She meant it and finally let the long denied laugh out, even more childish than her already immature giggle. Her gleeful joy became almost palpable, completely drowning the underlying anxiety. Every fiber of her being radiated the sort of happiness only children could. The cake started disappearing at an alarming rate. After wiping her chin with a napkin, Funami stared at the empty plate with great sadness in her purple eyes. Turning her head, she waved at the robotic waiter and kept her gaze locked on the machine as it rolled over.

“Another quinberry cake, pleeease~,” she beamed at the droid, let it retrieve the empty plate, and watched it until it disappeared from sight before turning to Sam.

“Really,” she shook her head in disbelief and cocked an eyebrow, referring to something Sam had said earlier. “You never saw the Force as a plaything?”

Similarly to Sam’s inability to understand Funami’s early manifestation of power, the little girl could not imagine living out her childhood without it. Just like lungs craved oxygen, Funami needed telekinesis to exist. It was an inseparable part of her, natural as breathing, always there. Even searching through her memories revealed not a single instance without the ability to move objects with her mind.

[member="Samka Derith"]​
The child was clearly enjoying herself. Sam realised she was caught up watching the girl that she hadn't touched her cake at all. Her manner of dining was a contrast to the almost frenzied munching opposite her. The Ren lifted a cake fork in her left hand a knife in her right. She delicately sliced her cake up into smaller, bite-sized chunks which she ate individually. It was delicious but she wouldn't simper about it. Only a few smiles were the surface record of her enjoyment.

By all means, order all that you like, I'm only paying, Sam drily thought to herself as Funami ordered a second portion. Those thoughts kept far to herself beneath a polite exterior, of course. Although truth be told, she didn't mind at all. Money was little object and it was nice to see Funami so happy.

Her next statement caught the Ren's attention and she eyed the incredulous girl in response. Children rarely understood the circumstances of others. It was tough for their minds to sympathise at such a young age and one warped by the teachings of the Sith would have the problem compounded. She decided in that moment she'd tell the truth. The truth was a fantastic weapon for anyone who prided themselves on deception as she did. It muddied the waters between truth and lies. For a woman who built her entire powerbase on lies, Samka Derith told the truth remarkably often and this would be no exception. For one thing, it could make someone like Funami falsely believe she was weak and let her guard down.

"No," she shook her head, "I was never in a position to consider it a plaything. I hardly played games as a child, my father made sure of that and I did not even discover my abilities until, as I said, the later part of my childhood. After that, the people who raised me left no time for fun and games. I could not gallivant across the galaxy playing with the Force until my heart's content. I had to train. I had to be moulded." She sighed and looked at the pink haired girl wistfully. "I'm rather jealous of you actually. It would have been nice to use it for fun just a few times. Or extract revenge on... pests."

[member="Funami Teriyaki"]​
While waiting for round two of cake goodness, her eyes had registered the brunette’s eating habits. It became apparent to Funami how different they were in that regard. Whereas Sam had opted for a slow, refined approach, the Sithling simply stuffed her face and magically made the cake disappear. Like a kid. She did not actually know if this was a part of her act or not. The same probably went for Sam. Quickly averting her gaze to avoid staring, the girl looked toward the restaurant in anticipation of the robot waiter. It appeared in less than a minute, carrying the cake her heart and stomach so desired. Immediately digging in, the small Sith glanced at Sam every once in a while to let her know she paid attention.

The haste with which she ate had crawled to a snail’s pace and the sound of her spoon hitting the plate ceased completely. Sam’s confession definitely sounded personal and revealed a plethora of information to the young acolyte. The brunette now appeared more human to the child’s purple eyes, and while still determined to kill her sooner or later, Funami no longer saw Sam merely as an obstacle that needed removing. Truth to be told, the little girl had never cared about anyone and usually dismissed similar stories as sobby nonsense of people whose names and faces she’d soon forget. What Sam said had piqued her interest though.

“Pests?” Funami asked softly and paused, looking over the railing to see the silly little ants that went on with their lives. “Is-is that what you call them?”

Turning her head, she brought her gaze back over to Sam and drew a deep breath. Despite not knowing who the brunette actually meant, Funami suddenly saw a completely different side to Sam, a much more relatable side. Feeling almost obliged to share a nasty piece of her past as well, Funami pulled a sympathy card of her own and laid it out bare. A glimmer of anger flashed in the young acolyte’s violet eyes as she looked upon the masses down below.

“People are vultures, a bunch of parasites determined to slowly suck your fortune.” The girl stated matter-of-factly, voice dripping with venom. “I have been surrounded by pests my whole life, all attracted to my family’s wealth and my abilities. That is why you must use others and dispose of them before they do the same to you.”

A sly sneer would greet Sam the moment Funami turned her way.

“So what is it you're after? My credits or my power? Fufufufu~

The giggle had a cruel, almost malicious edge to it.

[member="Samka Derith"]​
"Some of them," Sam caught Funami's violet gaze towards the everyday people below then took another collected sip of her tea. She was willing to elaborate but Funami was clearly on a train of her own thought and she allowed the girl to continue.

The young girl spoke with a venom which did not belong on her innocent features. Her dismissive attitude for others laid bare for Sam to see and evaluate. So this was what it was? Being used? Well she understood why the girl was so casually drawn to Sith teachings at this point, they gelled with her view of the galaxy wonderfully. Use others, kill them, increase your power. In that sense, she was far beyond her years already. That voice in Sam's head would be proud.

When the cruel sneer and giggle were thrown her way, Samka Derith leaned forwards. Unlike with the Sith opposite her, Sam's face and tone didn't change. She kept her polite smile and upbeat, refined voice but the temperature around them both plummeted. The pleasant atmosphere around them drained away and something cold and fearful settled over the two girls instead. The world outside crawled to a halt before seeming to disappear entirely. The galaxy was gone. It was just them now. "Funami," she spoke kindly but somehow an essence of terror laced her every word. "Money matters not to me, I wasn't even aware of that until today. Powerful partners are intriguing but I have many of those too. I have the ear of your Emperor, among a great many others. The truth is that I met a crafty little creature who hides behind a facade of youth and innocence and I am intrigued. It's like a mirror to my past self," Sam's smirk broke into something more conniving for a moment, "well mostly. It would be a pity in my eyes for your light to fade from the galaxy so soon and you've already shown an eagerness to put yourself in remarkable danger. It would instead be far more fulfilling to watch you succeed. All I want from you is your success and pleasant company, as hard as that may be to believe."

As soon as it came, it was gone again. The warm from the sun and gentle breeze returned. The people below continued their everyday chores, voices carrying back up to the balcony. It was as though nothing had happened.

"Mmm~" Sam took another bite of her cake. "They really do strike a good balance with the butter here."

[member="Funami Teriyaki"]​
She couldn’t help but notice how Sam spoke about the Emperor. A look of mild confusion crossed the little girl’s face, though she suppressed the emotion on the surface and played it cool. If Sam had no interest in money, then she wanted her power. An investment for the future, perhaps? That would be akin to papa’s idea of grooming a worthy heir to inherit the family fortune and company. Was there anything to gain for Sam by ensuring the acolyte’s success? Thinking it over gave Funami the idea of body possession. Actually the main reason behind her choice to join the Sith, the little Atrisian desired to learn the fabled skill of transferring consciousness between bodies to shed the fear of death once and for all.

While young, those who played dangerous games with high stakes tended to die prematurely. Sam was also a player, one experienced and devious enough to plan several steps ahead. Funami was young, adorable, and powerful in the Force. The pretty brunette had even mentioned the resemblance to her younger self. Locating a suitable body and ensuring its safety made perfect sense. The idea of Sam having the ability to cheat death intrigued Funami greatly, almost enough to reconsider Sam’s murder for the time being.

But the elegant woman was a capable mind reader and Funami understood the futility in trying to outplay her.

Rainbows, cakes, happiness.

Letting go of the spoon, a little hand finally seized the cup of tea that had been left untouched until now. Rather than display grace and refinement, the Sithling gulped it down in one go and settled the empty cup back on the table, licking her lips and beaming a bright smile at Sam. As the woman continued to play the charming, elegant lady who had not a single bad bone in her body, so would Funami turn into the adorable little kid whose absolute lack of table manners only helped to accentuate her innocence.

“Yep!” Funami readily agreed and nodded, switching back to her innocent persona. “Good cakes made this well are hard to find nowadays. And their price reflects that, fufufu~

Perhaps she should order another? She let the unspoken threat hang over Sam's head and seized the spoon, cutting away at her cake with deliberate slowness, one little bite after another. The girl’s violet eyes squinted at Sam over the table as another spoonful of cake went down her stomach.

“Sooo~, what’s the plan for today? Are we gonna go sightseeing?”

[member="Samka Derith"]​
Their price? Sam raised a single brow in an unspoken challenge to Funami. So the girl was fully aware of the costs her food was incurring and reveled in it. A cute face would only get one so far, respect had to come with or Funami may find herself on the wrong side of someone less patient than Samka. Some of the Sith were without a shred of empathy or compassion, those whose hearts were consumed utterly in darkness would not hesitate to strike a doe-eyed schoolgirl. It was almost concerning how easily she could envision the youth meeting an untimely end in her arrogance.

Still, they were back to playing their unspoken game and Sam quietly finished off her cake as Funami continued on her second portion. "Hold on," she murmured after Funami asked her question and reached for a napkin. The girl's dining habits had left an awful mess and once the young Sith was finished with her mouthful, Sam leaned over the table to wipe her face. Pinching the napkin between her fingers, she rubbed it against the child's lips, brushing away the mess of crumbs from the cake and stain from where she'd slurped her tea.

"Much better," Sam giggled as she sat back down and discarded the dirty napkin. "All clean and pretty again, Funami! Now then," she tapped her chin as though deep in thought, "I wasn't sure what you'd enjoy. A lot of children don't enjoy sightseeing, it's a lot of walking to places they don't care about but you're not ordinary little girl so I'd be happy to show you around if you'd like. Otherwise I may have a few surprises other for you!" She threw the girl a tantalising smile. "If you can guess what it could be."

[member="Funami Teriyaki"]​
Fully aware the adorable little face of hers was hard to resist, Funami held still and let Sam wipe the corners of her mouth. It brought her only the tiniest sliver of embarrassment, for it ultimately meant she had played her role well. That went for both of them. Once the brunette reported success, Funami finally permitted another grin to form on her lips and felt her cheeks flush red. While bearing a healthier complexion than the fellow Dark side user, the girl was still on the paler side and thus the blush really came through. Bashfully lowering her eyes toward the black of her shoes, the girl lapsed into silence for a bit, folding her hands in her lap.

It wasn’t until Sam brought up the surprises she had in store that Funami looked up, her grin growing into a toothy smile. She, too, had a surprise or two for Sam, and, perhaps, they were of the same kind. The thought sent shivers down her spine.

“I have no idea,” the child chirped with a furrowed brow. The confused expression turned out to be a poorly disguised sham, for she Sithling’s eyes lit up with playful sparks as she observed her companion. Afufu, if only I could read minds! Buuut~, if I had to guess? Something about the Bad side of the Force, perhaps? You want to see me succeed, after all!”

The impish smile gave away the apparent slip was very much intentional, another little bit to reinforce her childlike image, pretending she knew less about the Force than she actually did. Funami leaned over the table in the same manner as Sam moments before and pouted, pulling her best puppy-dog eyes on the woman. The big, violet eyes appeared cute, but their adorable stare practically demanded confirmation of her not so subtle hint.


[member="Samka Derith"]​
There was a little clutter of cutlery as Sam finished her cake. She placed her utensils squarely in the middle of her plate and nudged it to the side as Funami excitedly speculated on her surprise. "Maybe that's a skill you'll learn someday," Sam chuckled, "It takes a lot of work to refine. It requires a fair bit of alignment with the Bad Side of the Force," she threw a smirk towards the child. "But I don't think that'll be a problem for you."

Sam drained the remainder of her tea in a single sip and let out a satisfied sigh as she push her cup to the side along with her plate. "Simply delicious. Rarely a place better for sweet treats!" Sliding out of chair, Sam motioned for the droid to come over. The machine obeyed, as was its purpose for existence, and Sam flashed her credit chit. "Did you want one last treat to take with us, Funami?" The Ren asked her companion before finalising the payment in a smooth transaction.

She led the child back out onto the street, although they stood in the little cafe's doorway for now. Sam was back to twiddling her parasol as it rested over her shoulder and looking out upon the crowds. There were mostly humans although an occasional alien or droid passed through too. It was a bit noisier here as well, both the murmuring of people and the sound of speeders in the distance now louder than it had been from the balcony of the quaint little restaurant. "So!" She announced in a jolly tone to the girl. "You mentioned sight seeing, the top plaza is usually a lovely thing to behold. They've finally finished rebuilding it after the raid and it looks better than ever, in my opinion. Orrr~" Sam's smile turned more smug and her eyes briefly blazed with excitement. "We could skip ahead to the surprise I was saving for you. Which would you prefer? This is your day after all." The Ren extended her free hand for the younger girl to take, the gentle expression on her pretty face as soothing and trustworthy as ever.

[member="Funami Teriyaki"]​
Sliding back in the chair, Funami joyfully kicked her legs under the table, pretending excitement over Sam’s comment regarding mind reading. Born a telepathic anti-talent, the pink-haired child had her doubts about ever accomplishing much regarding mind manipulation. Some things weren’t meant to be. Too careful about revealing her weaknesses to others, she had never mentioned it to anyone, keeping the inability to reach out with her mind’s eye a secret. Watching Sam summon the waiter made her wonder if droids could be sensed through the Force. Always a wily little schemer, Funami immediately drew several ideas concerning these machines. Could telepaths read the artificial mind of a droid? The hardest part was figuring out a way to ask Sam without blatantly giving out her murderous intent.

“No, thanks! I’m fine,” the child shook her head, smile turning crooked. “For now.”

The restaurant would be graced by the Sithling’s presence in the future for certain, albeit without the brunette’s company. With the menacing comment that lit up mischievous flickers in her curious eyes, the little acolyte hopped off the seat and stretched her arms, letting out a soft gasp. One last glance over the place and the little cake slayer let her feet pad over to Sam, purse in hand.

Mmm,” she purred and assumed a serious expression, cocking her head to one side, weighing each option as if it were to determine the fate of the galaxy. “Well, I do love sightseeing. Especially if it involves someplace really high!”

Long drops were to die for. One telekinetic push and Sam would turn into a greasy stain. Still plagued by doubt and very much anxious about the woman’s abilities though, Funami deemed the idea too risky and dismissed it completely for now.

Her head cocked to the other side and a smile blossomed on her face, breaking away the serious mask. “But I am too excited about this surprise of yours! I love surprises! And presents! Let's go see this surprise you have for me, okay?”

A little hand reached out, meeting with Sam’s and practically sinking into her palm. Funami couldn’t help but notice again how soft Sam’s hand was. Almost like her own, never tasting labor and unaccustomed to hard work. Or lightsaber combat. Given all of Funami's telekinetic tendencies, it hardly came as a surprise.

“Your hands feel very gentle,” she commented with a kind smile, gaze flicking up to Sam’s face. “Papa’s hands are much bigger and stronger. I always thought his hands were perfect for slow strangulation. Fufufu~

[member="Samka Derith"]​
"As you wish," Sam replied with a chuckle and began to lead her young companion down the street. "People like us don't need to rely on such crude means of strangulation though, do we? Now stay close, things can become a tad rough down there."

'Down there' referred to the underbelly of Cloud City. Burred deep in the depths of the floating city was a very different side of Bespin to the bright white hallways, open squares and luxurious apartments that made the face of the settlement. Cloud City was wealthy but that wealth was made off of a harsh mining industry. A workforce of mainly droids and Ugnaughts toiled away far from the bright surface. Down dim corridors lit only by the multicoloured hues of machinery, Sam led the girl. Steam and smoke would blow through their path occasionally and heated blasts from fans would occasionally catch the Ren's hair or clothing causing brief pauses to gussy her appearance back up.

"Odd looking creatures, aren't they?" Sam commented beneath her breath to Funami as they passed a group of the porcine aliens apparently playing in a scrap heap. "But the Ugnaughts have a valuable role to fulfil. They toil in the darkness so that we may enjoy the sunshine." In that way, Sam related to the small, stubby beings. That was her entire role with the First Order, was it not?

The pink haired youth at her side might be getting a little nervous. The entire time Samka had been emitting her aura of trust and relaxation. A soothing presence amplified through the Force to put others at ease. It was a technique she had practised and put into action many a time. Occasionally, she'd also squeeze the girl's hand in reassurance. Every time she was reminded just how small and soft the child was.

"Here we are," Samka announced with a spring in her step. Ahead of them was a walkway over humming machinery. Bursts of steam would float up, sometimes draping the walkway wispy blankets. At the end of the walkway was a door guarded by two armed men. Their blue fabric uniforms marked them as members of the Bespin Wing Guard, Cloud City's premier security force.

Clearing her throat to mark her approach, Samka emerged among the steam to speak with the guardsmen. They looked at her sceptically before she'd even opened her mouth. She was used to that at even the best of times but she supposed dressed as she was and holding hands with a prepubescent girl, Sam was even more the unusual sight. "I know what you're thinking but I'm supposed to be here," she assured them before they could question her. Samka's voice was filled with an authority she hadn't yet displayed today. It was firm, calm and in control.

"Do you have any identification?" One of the men asked uncertainly, exchanging another uneasy look with his colleague.

"Gerbs. Crater. Menu. Bottle. Lightning. Nexu." Sam confidently listed a group of seemingly random nouns which caused an immediate reaction from the two guards. Their posture straightened, scepticism vanished and demeanour deferential. From her privileged position as puppet master pulling the strings of Bespin's Government, Samka was privy to all sorts of codes. It was a pain to memorise them all as they changed daily and different codes were used for different situations on different parts of the city but she could usually filter out the ones she needed when she needed them.

The doors opened without another word and Sam brushed past keeping Funami close in tow. Within was a round chamber, mostly unfurnished and lit more brightly than anywhere since they had moved into the grimier core of the floating station. A console was attached to floor but other than that the room was empty asides from a lone unconscious human man suspended in a ray shield. He was a plump figure, approximately in his 50s. He wore a purple robe and a full mess of brown facial hair.

"Surprise," Sam whispered gently and let go of Funami's hand. She began to pace a circle around the chamber, not taking her eyes off of the man suspended in the centre of the room. "The galaxy has a set of ethics, Funami. You can do whatever you want behind closed doors but should the general public catch wind of this," Sam tutted with disapproval, "it complicates matters. Some people in positions of power have all sorts of ethical concerns and duties. Breaching those makes it harder to make friends and when you're a lone system trying to stay prosperous in this mess of a galaxy, the more friends the better. So you see, I don't much care that Mr Deysion here, a member of Cloud City's board of directors, was found to be directly implicated in a most barbaric slave trade operating from Loovria but Cloud City's trading partners certainly do. It's been a harmful affair for everyone so he has to be removed. Now he could be exiled, imprisoned, executed, whatever you can think of, but wouldn't it be better to rectify his mistake? Dismantle his wretched slave trade completely and show the neighbours that Bespin is a good, moral planet all should feel proud to do business with? To do that we need information."

By now Samka had paced around the entire length of the chamber and returned to Funami. She rested a hand on the pink haired Sith's shoulder and gave it another reassuring squeeze. "I'd rather enjoy seeing how you'd do. No restrictions. I'd like you to make him talk. Oh and do try to have fun," Sam flashed a smile every bit as friendly and charming as those she'd given at the cake store.

[member="Funami Teriyaki"]​
Never fond of the filthier, seedier parts of civilization, she practically trembled with disgust as she walked among the rabble, disdain radiating from her little body. She did not belong there. Neither of them did. Two pretty and well-dressed humans had no business in this dark, fetid place full of machinery and sweat. A hiss of steam to her right almost made Funami jump and she grasped Sam’s hand a little tighter as she scampered along. Seeing the toiling aliens, the girl assumed a strange, dispassionate expression and gave a small nod. The scene of them wasting away while richer and more successful masses lived on their backs only reinforced the Sithling’s belief in the importance of strength and power. Despite her low rank, Funami knew the value of expendable underlings.

A quizzical look spread over the girl’s features, every sense on alert, and her little feet started to shuffle rather than skip. Pacing along the walkway and approaching two men who appeared to be security, Funami suppressed the urge to nervously glance about and instead turned her puppy-dog eyes upon the two. As Sam spilled out what sounded gibberish and yet turned the security officers into obedient lapdogs, the small child could not help but throw a surprised glance at her companion. With Sam slipping into the structure, Funami followed. The door shut closed behind the Dark side practitioners, leaving them alone in a sizable, mostly bare chamber dominated by a man trapped in a ray shield. Not quite able to wrap her mind around this, the girl cocked an eyebrow and focused on Sam’s explanation, eyes never leaving the brunette. The way in which Sam circled about appeared almost predatory in nature.

“I understand. Everyone sees what you appear to be, few truly know what you really are.” The pink-haired Sithling nodded knowingly as Sam explained. Not many knew how to live like an animal; do what they wanted and give into their cravings at will. Whatever her black little heart desired, Funami did, waving all unintended consequences away with a simple gesture. That was the seductive, wonderful part of being Sith and having power. To live as she wanted, bound only by rules that bent according to her needs and desires.

That, and she had appearances to keep. Appearances Sam wanted to tear off and reveal the real Funami. It unnerved the girl, for she knew she had been hopelessly outplayed and the entire façade started crumbling down. She should have anticipated something like this, really. A lone gulp got caught in her throat. It sounded incredibly loud to her, yet in reality, easily drowned in the hum of machinery. The girl’s eyes gradually left Sam and fell upon the man. Supposedly a corrupt official full of valuable intel, yet in reality just a convenient consequence-free torture victim. As her imagination went wild, the pink-haired child was so taken by the task ahead that she forgot about her companion. Sam’s sudden and unexpected touch sent a spasm of panic through Funami’s system and caused a violent, uncontrollable flinch that was impossible to hide as the nervous tension long hidden in her fragile form finally made her young mind snap.

“You--you want to see me do this?!” She stuttered, voice sinking and mounting at random, breath heavy, and her forehead bedewed with the cold sweat of anticipation. “A-and have fun? Ahahaha! Wow, um, phew! This-this-this really stirs you up, huh!”

Letting out a silly laugh and nervously biting at her thumb, she felt her body shiver and struggled to maintain the image of normalcy, suffering unimaginably as the mask of an innocent little girl peeled away. Her knees grew weaker than ever and the purse escaped her now non-existent grasp, scattering the collection of easily concealable weapons within over the floor. The harder she tried to regain control, the more her cheerful and innocent character degenerated.

“Oh my,” the young acolyte gasped, swaying back and forth and wiping the sweat off her brow. “How-how did you know this makes my blood tickle? Did you read my mind? You’re such a bad girl, Sam! Look at what you made me do!”

Unable to focus and recognize the existence of telekinesis, Funami dropped down and clutched at the vibroscalpel. Getting up was difficult given the ever-increasing shaking, but the moment Funami stood straight, she spun on a heel and pointed the weapon’s edge at the brunette.

“Y-you did this to me! Why did you have to look inside my head? Stupid!” She hissed, eyes gleaming with murderous flames flickering within. Her voice had changed, gaining in maturity and losing the squeaky, childish quality. “I really have to kill you now!”

A step toward Sam and the deadly vibroscalpel clinked against the ground. Blinking in surprise, Funami stared at her uncontrollably shaking hand, then lifted her chin and glowered at Sam. The black heart nestled within her chest cavity thudded with such intensity she thought it was going to burst out any moment.

“You saw everything, didn't you?! Y-you c-can't tell anyone! It's a lie! You gotta believe me! It's all a lie! I am the original! I am! I am the real Funami! I am not like the others! I can't let you tell anyone! You know that, right? Nobody can know!”

Dropping to her knees again and reaching for the fallen scalpel, her eyes welled up with tears and she stifled a sob. The vibroweapon drove its edge through her index finger as Funami grabbed it without care, clumsily adjusting her grip as both blood and tears dribbled down. Stumbling rather than walking, she edged closer to Sam, forgetting all about the man fated to die by her hand. All her shattered mind could focus on was the maddening desire to cut through Sam's skin, open her like a bag full of guts and spill her all over the floor.

[member="Samka Derith"]​

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