Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
[SIZE=14.6667px][member="Darell Irani"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Some projects just shouldn’t see the light of day. Nobody wanted to know how the sausage was made -- not when it came to politics, nor in the field of medical research. Billions of lives saved by breakthroughs whose germination stemmed from means they would find unconscionable. Repulsive. Selka was no stranger to those methods; not her, and not the two disparate personalities that dwelt within her, the identities that she had incorporated.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]It wasn’t even the first time she’d wreaked such atrocities on a willing subject.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]“All right,” she said, clearing her holographic desk and pulling up the ongoing scans. “Let’s accept the nanotechnology issue as a firm line, for the moment. But only for the moment. The concept had potential, and it’s a far cry from the sort of gene-eating weaponry nonsense you sometimes see.” And a far cry from Lor’kora’s suit, the one that ate the slain, but those weren’t memories that Selka Anthirri Ventus of iBorg should possess. “And of course there are more common, straightforward ways to get basic strength enhancement; frankly, I hear some Twi’lek is now selling suits that’ll enhance your strength ten or twenty times, en masse. Now [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]that’s [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]technology we should be playing with. Then again, reverse-engineer people’s work and rip it off, and you wind up like Aurora Industries is going to wind up.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Some projects just shouldn’t see the light of day. Nobody wanted to know how the sausage was made -- not when it came to politics, nor in the field of medical research. Billions of lives saved by breakthroughs whose germination stemmed from means they would find unconscionable. Repulsive. Selka was no stranger to those methods; not her, and not the two disparate personalities that dwelt within her, the identities that she had incorporated.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]It wasn’t even the first time she’d wreaked such atrocities on a willing subject.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]“All right,” she said, clearing her holographic desk and pulling up the ongoing scans. “Let’s accept the nanotechnology issue as a firm line, for the moment. But only for the moment. The concept had potential, and it’s a far cry from the sort of gene-eating weaponry nonsense you sometimes see.” And a far cry from Lor’kora’s suit, the one that ate the slain, but those weren’t memories that Selka Anthirri Ventus of iBorg should possess. “And of course there are more common, straightforward ways to get basic strength enhancement; frankly, I hear some Twi’lek is now selling suits that’ll enhance your strength ten or twenty times, en masse. Now [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]that’s [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]technology we should be playing with. Then again, reverse-engineer people’s work and rip it off, and you wind up like Aurora Industries is going to wind up.”[/SIZE]