Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Sukh'Al'Lee
FACTION: The Galactic Republic
RANK: Navy Scientist
AGE: 43
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.9 meters
WEIGHT: 87 kilograms
EYES: Pure red
HAIR: Dark blue
SKIN: Blue


[+] Genius - Sukh'Al'Lee is perhaps one of the greatest minds many will come across. His knowledge in science is vast and ever expanding.

[+] Night Vision - Sukh has the natural ability of night vision. Often you'll find his laboratory with the lights out. Many believe he isn't in there, but he is. He's tinkering in the darkness.

[-] "Where's the trigger?" - While Sukh is smart enough to know how to pull a trigger, and where it is. Heck, he even designs weapons. That doesn't mean he is good with any of them. He doesn't design them for himself, he designs them for others. His accuracy with a gun is the equivalent of a blind folded child.

[-] "Kick him in the groin!" - He's no martial arts expert, and in hand-to-hand combat, it's better to let Sukh ran away then have him help you. He'll probably try and kick someone in the groin before getting his butt delivered to him.

[-] Analytical
  • ​He excludes feeling from his decisions.
  • He goes too far, becoming a perfectionist.
  • He's too rigid and demanding of others, as though they had the same IQ as him.
[-] Driver
  • He has trouble working with others, preferring to do his work alone.
  • He doesn't take time to consider alternate perspectives.
  • He is domineering, too focused on doing it "my way."

Tall, handsome and built like a boxer. He may be strong, but he has no idea how to swing a hit. He doesn't even know how to shoot down an enemy. He is often seen wearing lab coats with large goggles or masks. Othertimes he is walking around in a protective suit the Republic insists he wears. He's technically a V.I.P on most starships and laboratories, he would be a major loss in the science field if he were assassinated.

He was born in the Unknown Region on his home planet, but as a babe he was kidnapped. Raised in slavery along with many others of his race, they were transported to the Outer Rim Territories. By the age of eight, the slavers had sold him to a Jawa on Tatooine. For three years he lived on their sand crawler, tinkering with whatever items his owner brought him to fix. At age thirteen he was once more sold, to a human male from Coruscant. There he was released and given the opportunity to study in the field of engineering and science. Ever since that age, he spent every day and every night studying and working. It consumed his life so much that he had no friends and no social life. He attended colleges and became quite the recognised scientist for he had achieved much in his intellectual career.

  • Bachelor of Science [Advanced] - Majored in Nanoscience. Laser and Plasma Technology. Computer Science. Neuroscience.
  • Master of Engineering Science - Specialisations: Energy & Engineering Project.
  • Bachelor of Biomedical Science [Honours].
  • Bachelor of Biotechnology [Honours].
Sure, he could afford one with the amount of credits the Republic is paying him. But why buy one when the Republic is willing to fly for him?



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