Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Summer, Man Where Do We Begin?

Puppet Kyrios

I'm taking a break from RP. Don't worry! I will be back! Transitioning from school to summer has been hard (8th grade class of 2015 is the worst in town, ugh), and I need some time to catch up on reading. RL problems are catching up and I need to face them (freshman next year, stuff like that).

Another thing, I am going to the Czech Republic on a missions trip this July, and if you want updates you can follow me on Google+ and YouTube @VickiKnowsHistory. I love coming here and disappearing from RL, but it's time for a 1-2 week break to get settled and get my head in the game. I will pop in every once in a while to continue threads, but not as often as I have been.

See y'all later,

[Member="Victoria Undomiél"]
[Member="Esther Matumaini"]
[Member="Skylar Ichor"]
[Member="Kyra Tendal"]
[Member="Alatar Istari"]
[Member="Asteria Leafwalker"]

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