Théodred Heavenshield
Norbæn Véurr

It was the solstice, the arrival of the thaw had heralded the renewal of the land. He had not been back to Midvinter since the war on the Vinterbound and the subsequent events that surrounded that. So much had changed, not only for the planet and it's people, but for him too. Théo no longer the young man full of confusion about the way of the galaxy or himself for that matter, and although he had come to terms with the death of his grandfather, he had not with the new King. That was for another day, that would need to be faced in time. So no one knew he had returned home, not even his sister Mysa nor the rest, but that was the way of it.
A small ship he had acquired from the manifest of the Sanctum touched down on the the slope near Himmeldal, the Heavenshield home whist on Midvinter, it had been some time since he had played in the fields of snow around the home, but that is not his purpose nor his will any more, they are but childish games to him now. It felt strange in a way, looked upon the land he loves so much, that he had lost a connection to it, and by his coming home he hoped to renew that as well. Ah, but there is too much of the Valkyri blood in him to be denied, and when his feet touched the cold earth, it was like he lived again.
The field of white flowers spread out across the grassy slope, they are mother's favourite and he could see why. They are of delicate petal and a strong scent that intruded one senses without invitation, they had graced her hair on the day she married his father, they are a summer bloom to give hope in a place of isolation high up here in the cradle of the mountain range. Danger is always in the sky, the clouds that float by either deem to pass or stay awhile and unload their laden bounty of ice. Théo looked up to them, a high wind pushing them beyond and over the range, it is summer and no snow threatens the visit.
But he is not here for recreation, although that will come but more for a purpose and it is time to get to work.