NAME: Sunam
FACTION: Sularen Association
SPECIES: Asa’nyx
AGE: 13 (Young Adult)
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1 meter tall
WEIGHT: 93lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Copper brown
SKIN: Peach
NAME: Sunam
FACTION: Sularen Association
SPECIES: Asa’nyx
AGE: 13 (Young Adult)
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1 meter tall
WEIGHT: 93lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Copper brown
SKIN: Peach
- Kaboom!: Sunam is a trained expert in the ways of explosions, and even weaponry that utilizes such things. As such, he knows how to safely make explosive ordinances, arm it, and disarm it to where only the most advanced triggers would give him a hard time.
- Shaky Snake: Despite his fascination with explosives, Sunam had to learn how to be sneaky to plant said explosives. Luckily his small size allows him to sneak through small tight spaces, and even if he is caught into a bind Sunam knows to wiggle and bite like a snake!
- A Valid Point: Because of his small size, Sunam was trained not to get into close quarters with anyone. What’s the point of fighting fair when guns always win the fight? In short, Sunam is quite the marksman with a blaster.
- Force Valor: Perhaps one of the only Force powers that Sunam trained himself to ensure his survival in the case of close quarters was inevitable. To Sunam, this is simply a state to maintain focus while under pressure.
- No Touchy!: Due to his small stature, Sunam doesn’t sport enough mass to withstand too much damage even with armor. This makes him have to resort to agility alone as he performs poorly in contests of strength and endurance against bigger threats such as humans.
- Too Loud!: Sunam sports incredible hearing as the result of his large, flappy ears, but because of that he is vulnerable to sonic weaponry. Being subject to it without protection could render Sunam incapacitated until it is stopped.
- Ooo Shiny!: As one might have guessed, Sunam is a kleptomaniac as he will often pick up anything that is shiny or is interesting. Sometimes he does it subconsciously and often he finds things in his bag that wasn’t there before.
Sunam, for the most part, looks similar to a very short human given the colorations of his skin and hair. However, the main giveaway that he is actually an Asa’nyx happens to be his large, flappy ears that he often keeps them low along his head. Sunam sports a square jaw which might suggest that he’s a muscular type, but that idea is only a perspective. Often he keeps his copper brown hair short for professional reasons, and it may or may not have some stains of grease. Sunam’s eyes are icy blue, but there’s really nothing special about them.
Often Sunam can be found wearing a flight suit with a utility belt. Whether he’s repairing a ship, weapon, or even crafting an item. Things can get messy so he’s often seen with grease marks on him somewhere. One could say that a ship, workbench, or surrounded by droids would be his safe haven. However when he’s on a job his attire changes into whatever armor he can get his hands on. The problem is that most armor on him are almost haphazardly put together in terms of leather and hide.
BIOGRAPHY: - In short, back in their primitive days, Sunam was skilled in the use of primitive explosives. He’s used this knowledge multiple times throughout his lifetime. It was his skill trade where he couldn’t hunt in terms of strength, so he took up the role of a trapper. In addition it was also his source of trade. However there was a difference between belief and the cold hard fact that he struggled with money. In truth his whole family struggled with wealth as most of their standing and money went up in smoke after most of the Asa’nyx were eliminated. His father did everything the man could to support the family, even taking on three jobs so Sunam rarely got to see his father. This became increasingly apparent as Sunam made use of his skills and drive for knowledge to further his education in ordinances.
Sunam also had three siblings, one older sister, and a younger brother and sister. Sunam’s older sister, Niccen, joined the Sri’la’s army. Unfortunately Niccen perished seven months before Sunam’s birth in a battle amidst the Sri’la’s armies. This prompted Sunam to think of the dark side as a parasite. An insect that draws life and joy from anything it touches. To Sunam, he blames the dark side of the Force for tempting their leaders with false promises, and because of that temptation caused his sister’s death. To bring his family from the bottom of the barrel with no small effort. This meant selling off his wares to companies who were interested in his ordinances, and even performing cargo delivery for companies such as Tillian Family Enterprises. It was a gig to aid in his pursuit for Sunam’s own ship, and by the contract he was to run shipments for the Tillian Family until enough credits were earned to purchase the ship.
It was fortunate circumstances that led Sunam to the Sularan Association, and he offered his services with his extensive knowledge of weapons and explosives. However, until that job gets started, Sunam's services were needed rather. Sunam needed to get himself situated without drawing unnecessary attention to himself.
None at the moment.
- LA-113 Protective Suit
- LL-30 Nerfboy Special
- N/A
- Thermal Detonators x3
- N/A
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