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Approved Starship Sunderer-I class Heavy Destroyer

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Average

Image source: [X]


  • Modular Platform: Because it uses the Tiber I modular platform, this ship benefits from the robust build and extremely good defenses this platform provides, with state of the art sensory arrays, shielding and quality plating.
  • Multilayered Shielding: With the NZ SSP-SIXTUS shield system package, the Allegiance III-class can boast to have one of the most powerful and multifunctional shield defenses in the galaxy, thanks to a six layered overlapping shield system with a wide variety of resistences.
  • Robust: Thanks to a serious effort placed in making this ship virtually untouchable by raiders and pirates, it boasts quite an array of defensive systems that allow it to shrug off most laser and kinetic damage types in order to safeguard the cargo and the ship's crew during transportations of goods.
  • Breacher: Because of the heavily reinforced and angular plated front end, this ship is capable of using it's stern as a battering ram in order to forcefully breach enemy positions or capital ships, which in combination with the forward located hangars allows for an easy invasion of breached positions.
  • Armed to the teeth: Befitting a heavy destroyer, the sunderer-I class boasts an impressive arsenal of weapon systems and an equally impressive number of those, making this the most versatile battering ram possible.
  • Highly Automated: This ship has an excellent AI which in its capacity controls the majority of the mundaine functions on the ship, but also assists in charting lanes, setting courses, priming weaponry, raising and directing shielding, etc. This allows for a significantly smaller crew to be necessary to functionally and efficiently operate with this ship.
  • Sluggish: This ship has the downside of utter weight and bulk, which makes it rather tedious to maneuvre and handle, though once it does get going anything in its path may very well be made of spacedust.
  • Highly automated: As much of a boon the high automation of the ship is in general, this also has its obvious and quite important downsides. Mainly that should there be something wrong with the AI, such as its systems being fried or it being forced to reboot in case of direct EMP on its core, the requirement for optimal crew numbers may in reality not be enough considering a whole heap of otherwise automated fuctions must now be manually operated, which may stretch the previously optimal crew thin or even to inoperable reach.
The Sunderer I-class is one of the newest and most important ships within the catalogue of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation, effectively the springboard on the military use of the Tiber I class modular superstructure, which for this purpose has been adjusted and improved upon by additional shielding systems and defensive weaponry. While this standard type Sunderer is to be envisioned as the basic variety and the version which would be used as a basis for more specialized or more limited versions for demanding customers, this version still holds many aces up its sleeves; such as the intricate and powerful multi-layered shielding system and Phantom short range sensory scramblers to make it much harder to take down this vessel nor anticipate its most immediate movements.

The creation of this ship class hails from the desire of the company to slowly, but assuredly replace their aging line up of star destroyers with more modern designs which would showcase the versatility and power that comes with the newest N&Z products. As such it was tyo be expected that the Tiber I-class superstructure would be used as the basis, considering it was built with the express purpose of forming the backbone of the company's entire new range of large vessels within the star destroyer and battlecruiser classes. Further requirements for the design were a extremely sturdy exterior design, which had to be adjusted in order to fully allow for a ramming maneuver which could potentially be used to attack and even cripple much larger or more bulky vessels.

The design is also made rather angular and sharp in nature to act both as an imposing deterrent, but also because it aids with the structure of the multilayered shielding from the NZ SSP-SIXTUS, allowing for an optimization of its capabilities and thus making sure that this ship not only holds tremendous offensive power, but also enough staying power to be capable as the backbone of a large system or even sector fleet, a trustworthy and capable capital ship and a certainly dreadful opponent for any ship unable to penetrate its shielding or too big of a target for this ship to miss.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a very robust and terrifying star destoyer with enough staying power to be a very reliable capital ship
Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation, HPI Consortium [open market stuff only]

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Starship Class: Star Destroyer (1000m-2000m)
Starship Role: Command
Modular: Yes
Material: Plasteel, tungstoid, durasteel, doonium, carbonite, duralium, coloan copper, electrum, Impervium
Armaments: see main body
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Low
Maneuverability Rating:: Low
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Low
Minimum Crew: 350
Optimal Crew: 550
Cargo Capacity: Average
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Credius Nargath Credius Nargath

As usual, very cool sub!
  • The 4x-Phantom short-range sensor jammer is a resctricted material, I would like to ask you to replace with different jammer.
  • And I would like to ask you to add this to the Hangar Space area:
    Hangar Allocations: (This is the allocated amounts of starfighters and support craft (dropships, shuttles,gunships,etc) this submission can hold in its hangar based on the maximum hangar space capacity listed above)
    • Starfighters: x squadrons
    • Support Craft: x squadrons
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