Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sunny days

Ah Scarif... Sunny tropical, just the kind of place Eli-Mae had come to love. Being raised aboard a starship the small redhead had grown to despise space travel, it was cold most of the time, and lacking the natural light that most organisms got. The petite redhead wore a strapless black bikini top and matching bottoms. Eli walked slowly down the beach, soaking in as much sun as she could.

As she turned the corner the fiery haired girl saw a small tiki bar not 50 feet from the shoreline. She would stride over her eyes twinkling with joy. Taking a seat at the bar she ordered a drink

[member="Eli-Mae Forrest"]​

The Nutcracker lazily lnded at the Scarif dockyard as Madalena grabbed herself some civilian clothes and prepared to leave the ship. The Loth Wolf she and her sister had decided to share custody over was not there, but the duck, [member="Duckie deWinter"], definitely was. A small door had been installed, one that allowed the fearsome Quacklord of the Confederacy to choose whether or not he wanted to leave or return to the ship. All he had to do was touch it with his feathery body and the door would open. Naturally, security measures had been installed to ensure that the door could be used only when it was safe to.

Giving Duckie a quick kiss on the head, Madalena sat him down and left the ship once it was parked and in place.

A few friends with the Knights Obsidian had given her several recommendations about some Tiki bar that she could visit there. After the events of the past few months, beginning with the visit on Sandala and then continuing into not one but three different wars that the Confederacy had been involved in – out of which she'd physically attended only one but had been keeping very close tabs on the other two as well since her sister was there – she needed a small break.

Her other half was working on his own new plans, furthering himself to help and become a valuable asset to the Confederate Defense Force, something she had been supportive on from the moment he'd first told her about it, but it also meant that he was not available right at that moment. So, never one to be dependable, Madalena set off on her own to the resort.

She'd sat at a comfortable seat in front of the bar, ordering herself a cocktail that included several different kinds of fruits and liquor. It was amazing, how different everything tasted now that she was in her own body. When she'd inhabited her sister's body, her diet had been very strict because most things simply tasted vile to her tongue. Now… It was a whole new world.

It was a little bit later that she realized there was a presence there that she recognized. Someone new, somene… There!

Grabbing her drink, Madalena rose from her chair and moved over to where [member="Eli-Mae Forrest"] was seated.

"Obsidian Knight Forrest," she greeted the other woman with a warm smile and a nod, "I did not expect to bump into anyone I know here. How are you? How have you been since Taanab?"
Eli had not noticed the woman at first, however when she eventually did notice the woman, she smiled at her and approached. It had been a little while since the battle, it was Eli-Mae's first taste of battle, it had been a wake-up call for her letting her know just how deep she was in, though it did not sway the fiery haired girl from wanting to defend the confederacy she held so dear at this point, they had welcomed her with open arms and she felt at home in its ranks.

Upon reaching the woman she spoke, "It has been a while, I have been ok just continuing my training and finding my path through the force, how about you?"

[member="Madalena Antares"]
[member="Eli-Mae Forrest"]​

Madalena smiled as the younger girl answered, and took a seat right by her. Perhaps, she had been slightly too formal when she'd initially approached her.

"That's good," she said with another smile as she accepted her cocktail, a fruity drink that had way too much sugar in it, a good boost of liquor, and an umbrella. The umbrella was the most important part of the entire thing.

"Where does your path lead you?" Madalena asked, before answering. "I've been working, mostly. We may have finished the war on Taanab for the moment, but there are many more battles and matters to take care of at home. I wanted to take the day off and spend it with my fiancé, but the schedules conflicted, so here I am."

Fiancé. The word sent a feeling of warmth through her body. Perhaps Cardinal would not be entirely freaked out when she told him she'd used it; after all, they'd yet to do a bonding ceremony as per either of their cultures, but they referred to each other as 'my other half' and 'mine' regardless. So yes, she decided. It was the most correct word to use to those who were not aware of the entire background.

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