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Approved Tech Sunray Crystal

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Manufacturer: Illum
Type: Material
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Very Light
Size: Very Small
Spitfire Soul, Heart of Gold

Image created with Magic Studio AI by me
magicstudio .com

  • A yellow crystal that makes a blade of the same color.
  • This crystal grows stronger in resonance as it is passed down from master to padawan, retaining echoes of its previous wielders' wisdom.
  • Grants enhanced clarity in battle and meditation, improving focus and situational awareness for the wielder.
  • Enhances the user's ability to synchronize with allies in combat, fostering coordination and clarity of thought through the Force.
  • When wielded in the presence of a strong Dark Side presence, the blade produced by this crystal burns brighter, symbolizing defiance against corruption.
  • Focused Clarity: When facing difficult choices or emotional turmoil, the crystal helps its wielder to focus and center their thoughts, offering greater clarity in decision-making or heightened calmness in stressful situations. This helps bring out the best in the wielder.
  • Courage of Many: Being passed through the hands of many jedi, this crystal holds a piece of their bravery and can project that as an aura to the weilder and nearby allies (projects an aura akin to Force Valor ).
  • Defender of Light: Naturally resistant to Dark Side corruption from multiple generations of users and difficult to bleed.
  • Inconsistent Power: While the crystal grows stronger with time, it can sometimes become too attuned to its wielder's Force presence, resulting in moments of instability. If the wielder's connection to the Force fluctuates, the crystal may weaken in power or temporarily cease to function.
  • Singular Attunement: The crystal's unique bond requires attunement over time; it will not immediately provide its benefits to a new user.
  • Force-nullification Fields: The crystal's unique properties are nullified in areas devoid of the Force, rendering it an ordinary kyber crystal.
This unique yellow lightsaber crystal has been passed down from one Jedi master to their padawan through many generations. Each holder of the crystal contributes a bit of their essence to it, creating a shared legacy of wisdom and mastery. It was given to Azurine Varek Azurine Varek by her former master during her time in the rebellion, who had recieved it from his master prior, and so on. Though she is unaware of how many generations of Jedi the crystal has passed from, it has a strong affinity that suggests it was many. It is the last thing she has of the person who gave it to her, and she cherishs it greatly.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To codify one of Azzie's lightsaber crystals
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Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Azurine Varek
Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: Kyber Crystal
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