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Name: Undisclosed
Known Aliases: Sunshine
Factions: Native Born Firrerreo (Last Known Survivor)
Rank: None
Species: Firrerreo
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Height: 5' 8" (1.73 m)
Weight: 155 lbs. (70 kg)
Eyes: Silver
Hair: Two-tone Crimson/White
Skin: Golden hued (Flashing Silver when angry or freightened; scars silver)
Force Sensitive: Yes
Species Healing Factor: Firrerreo had tremendous ability to heal quickly, able to survive even a direct blaster shot if the damage didn't harm anything vital to the heart or brain. Most minor wounds took minutes to heal, while major ones took mere hours - with their healing factor being rapid enough that the naked eye could watch a wound close. (See Species Biology in the link above)
Fiercely Self Sufficient: While already a profound element within the Firrerreo culture way back before the battle of Yavin, the subsequent horrors and tribulations forced upon them demanded a greater degree of distance between one another a majority of the time, and therefore compounded the need for an individual Firrerreo to be able to survive on their own and depend on their keen observations to parse through the demanding life on their home world. A product of several hundred years this reinforced mentality, Sunshine has had to learn how to do anything she needed to not just survive, but thrive in the turbulent environment her homework has devolved to.
Well Read: With much of her time spent alone on pilgrimage across her dead world, much of her entertainmemt, education, was left to her to form. Generations of salvaging and exchanging tech from the old world and trading it with the very few brave traders and smugglers who visited the planet had kept their people somewhat up to date with the ideas of the progressive outside world. Though the Firrerreo people may not have been able to see or handle new technologies themselves, the holotapes and records of design were enough for a clever person to understand how things worked. Slowly over time, as more bodies were found on one's travels, more and more of the holotapes and and good tech began to fall under one family's possession. The last of her line, Sunshine has read everything her parents could leave her, most of it several times.
Socially Disconnected: The long, lonely life of pilgrimage lead to the development of a society outside of individual interaction. Instead, interaction most often came in the way of lengthy correspondence, as most Firrerreo found themselves adrift in the vastness of their minds as they, too, drifted somewhat aimlessly around their world, filling the lonely hours articulating thought and posing questions to one another. Generations of this oral tradition lead to intense philosophical self investigation, eventually producing rather stoic, self reliant people, while also making them seem quite blunt or rude to most socially adjusted people. Sure there still remained a small measure of decency between one another, but it was not uncommon to find small conflicts arising for the simple sport of frustrating and challenging one another. It was a means of stirring the collective consciousness pot, ensuring ideas never grew old or stagnant, always tested and tried, broken and replaced. Boiled down to Sunshine's time, and the family idea growing up had been to always challenge yourself and others, measuring yourself against the world. While she is always open to new challenges, the dramatic social differences of the outside world leave her completely paralyzed as it goes against everything she has been taught or ever experienced. (Correctable)
All Theory, No Practice: While she may have spent a great deal of her time reading and musing on ideas about everything she could read about, without the parts or tools or specialists around to work with much of what Sunshine could do were restricted by what could be done on a datapad or out of the junk that has been picked through for over eight hundred years. She could play with algorithms all day but couldn't put them to any practical testing. She could practice the steps to a few martial arts sequences, and even really concentrate on the how and how much of what she was doing, but without a sparring partner or a master of the respective art to observe her movements and find out where she was strong or weak, all she could ever practice was theoretical. The datapad could let her build three dimensional holoprojections of devices she theoretically constructed, but she would never be able to build them from the scrap she salvaged her entire life. Muffled so completely is her creativity that as she has gotten a little bit older she has noticed it more and more difficult to put her focus too deeply into any particular subject, knowing full well that she would never be able to see it to its full potential. Sunshine is inherently naive to her own abilities, and the full range of potential the outside world carries with it. While she may have studied how something should work, more often than not she finds how it really is is much more difficult to handle. (Correctable through experience.)
Plaugeubearer: While the very few Firrerreo may have survived the hive virus released by the Empire, they and every generation that followed would have to carry the virus in them for the rest of their lives. It was this very fact, that they continued to live in spite of the initial onslaught, that continued to hound their existence, and would forever drive wedges between one another. The virus did not simply reside in them, but did as viruses do and continued to evolve in each living host, constantly attacking and trying to overwhelm them. Yet, the healing factor of the Firrerreo was able to maintain an immune system that could keep up with the virus. In the first years after the bombs, over 75% of the children conceived by survivors miscarried, as it turned out the gene that was resistant to the virus had been recessive. Slowly over time the birthrate got better as these genes became necessary and dominant, but quickly a new problem arose. The virus treated each host as a unique experiment, changing its evolution uniquely in each individual. This was no problem for the individual host, but when in close proximity to one another the Firrerreo found themselves susceptible to the unique viruses of others. This change wiped out another large percentage, scattering the survivors yet again. In time it was noticed that some viruses made the host produce different, but very subtle odors, and through trial and error it was found that each individual's own virus augmented their senses to respond to these particular scents, allowing one another the possibility, for a short time between viral evolutionary shifts, to interact with one another. For the first decade of a child's life they must spend all of their time around one parent, keeping their immune systems in sync. A few individuals tried to use this idea to maintain clans, but would always end with disastrous results as too many individuals always overburdened the immune system, and children would eventually fall out of sync with their parents. Inevitably a society evolved along side this virus to keep one another safe, but always at arms length. Now alone, Sunshine stands as the last sentient being on Firrerreo with the hive virus. (Treatable and/or containable)
Appearance: Apparently attractive, though she has had little to nothing to contrast herself with other than her mother who died when she was very little. Her father said that she looked just like her, but that she had his eyes. She tends to keep her hair pulled back and pinned, and smiles easily when happy. Her golden skin holds very few, small scars from a largely unsupervised young adult life, but for the most part she was able to keep herself out of harm's way. Like the rest of her species, her skin shifts easily to a silver hue whenever she is frightened or angry, but often this will remind her to compose herself and return her wits about her. The assortment of piercings is a sort of collection she put together from scavaging the wasteland of her homeworld. Most of them were found scattered around dry bones, one was still a little juicy when recovered the stud, and one set had been given to her by her brother. She always left them in, since the wound would seal up in a matter of an hour if she ever took them out. For clothes she keeps a loose fitting set of cloth shirt and pants, leather shoes, leather coat, and large backpack stocked to travel for over a month at a time.
A Firrerreo girl, let's call her Sunshine as her parents would choose to in their casual affection, was born as one of six remaining Firrerreo native to the planet after the ravages of the Hive virus released by the Empire, the following Yuzong Vong devestation, and countless generations of dwindling and fingernail survival. Her parents accounted for another two, along with her little brother and a pair of twins who had managed to stay together their entire lives without destroying one another. As was custom, and practically demanded by the virus, she could only remain with one parent for the first ten years. As she was born she was given a smell and found to sync well with her father. Naturally this devastated her mother, but she was given a new chance two years later with Sunshine' s little brother. Everyone else had either died off or had gone missing in the wind, choosing to wander away from the agreed upon areas and foregoing the seasons of meeting.
Her father was a good man, and spent every free moment he had those first ten years showing his daughter every little thing he could about their history, science and technology from holotapes, and everything else he could run through a datapad. He wanted her to learn not just how to read and memorize all these facts and specs from a datapad, but to take that a step further and carry the ideas further, to use the precise tool of logic and reasoning to solve complex provlems, and further to dive at the moral problems behind one's actions. Perhaps it was his complete devotion to yield the most likely to succeed offspring, or more likely his excitement to be able to exchange these complex ideas that marinated in his head in his own long, isolation, but whatever the motivation, Sunshine was thrown headlong into the demands of the world at ten years old with the best tools at her disposal. Self awareness, curiosity, and the ability to not only learn, but be hungry for knowledge.
She never got to meet her mother, instead meeting her younger brother for the first time as her father came back from an arranged visit with her mother. Something had gone wrong, he said, but didn't have answers to give her anything more. From what this little boy accounted, who was just as unfamiliar to her as he was to his own father, mother just seemed to start getting sick three months back while he watched helplessly. Before she died she instructed the little boy to go and meet his after when and where she was supposed to, which he did. To Sunshine the boy, her brother, looked incredibly sad. Even though she was only eight, and this little boy six, she could feel his pain, almost see through his eyes the vision of someone you know and love be devoured alive by something unconquerable. She had envisioned the same of her father several times, often stirring herself in a silver panic just at the thought. As she empathize with her little brother, she could just as sharply feel the double edge of suffering from her father. Not only did he learn of the loss and horrible pain of his beloved partner, but the other problem arose that this little boy didn't smell right, and Sunshine didn't have to be told that if this boy didn't Snell right to her, he definitely didn't smell right to father. They couldn't take him with them. As they began heading out, Sunshine looked back at the little brother she had met for this first time that day, and knew he would be dead within the month.
After turning ten she parted from her father, putting into practice all the things father had shown her. How to fish, how to pick through what little vegetation their was to find the edible parts, how to set up the tent so as not to be ripped apart by fierce winds, what parts were worth salvaging, where to meet and when. Things she had already been doing but now had to do on her own. It took time to adjust, but with all other life dead beyond fishes and very small but quick growing plants, both of which come and go with the viral evolutions, there was little beyond carelessness to threaten life. Day in and day oit became endless cycles. Months were marked by meeting father for a few hours, always at arms length and always out in the open, never in a confined space. The years passed with birthdays, as not only was there father's birthday, but the twins as well. That gave three holidays and monthly visits. Exchanging holotapes was a way to mix up the monotony, and always gave new thiby a to write about and exchange with one another.
When she was sixteen she found out one of the twins had been ravaged by the virus, the other followed not long after. Father went six years later. It's been two years since he left, and there hasn't been another soul around.
Ships: None
Bounties/Kills: None
Past and Active RP's: None
Name: Undisclosed
Known Aliases: Sunshine
Factions: Native Born Firrerreo (Last Known Survivor)
Rank: None
Species: Firrerreo
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Height: 5' 8" (1.73 m)
Weight: 155 lbs. (70 kg)
Eyes: Silver
Hair: Two-tone Crimson/White
Skin: Golden hued (Flashing Silver when angry or freightened; scars silver)
Force Sensitive: Yes
Species Healing Factor: Firrerreo had tremendous ability to heal quickly, able to survive even a direct blaster shot if the damage didn't harm anything vital to the heart or brain. Most minor wounds took minutes to heal, while major ones took mere hours - with their healing factor being rapid enough that the naked eye could watch a wound close. (See Species Biology in the link above)
Fiercely Self Sufficient: While already a profound element within the Firrerreo culture way back before the battle of Yavin, the subsequent horrors and tribulations forced upon them demanded a greater degree of distance between one another a majority of the time, and therefore compounded the need for an individual Firrerreo to be able to survive on their own and depend on their keen observations to parse through the demanding life on their home world. A product of several hundred years this reinforced mentality, Sunshine has had to learn how to do anything she needed to not just survive, but thrive in the turbulent environment her homework has devolved to.
Well Read: With much of her time spent alone on pilgrimage across her dead world, much of her entertainmemt, education, was left to her to form. Generations of salvaging and exchanging tech from the old world and trading it with the very few brave traders and smugglers who visited the planet had kept their people somewhat up to date with the ideas of the progressive outside world. Though the Firrerreo people may not have been able to see or handle new technologies themselves, the holotapes and records of design were enough for a clever person to understand how things worked. Slowly over time, as more bodies were found on one's travels, more and more of the holotapes and and good tech began to fall under one family's possession. The last of her line, Sunshine has read everything her parents could leave her, most of it several times.
Socially Disconnected: The long, lonely life of pilgrimage lead to the development of a society outside of individual interaction. Instead, interaction most often came in the way of lengthy correspondence, as most Firrerreo found themselves adrift in the vastness of their minds as they, too, drifted somewhat aimlessly around their world, filling the lonely hours articulating thought and posing questions to one another. Generations of this oral tradition lead to intense philosophical self investigation, eventually producing rather stoic, self reliant people, while also making them seem quite blunt or rude to most socially adjusted people. Sure there still remained a small measure of decency between one another, but it was not uncommon to find small conflicts arising for the simple sport of frustrating and challenging one another. It was a means of stirring the collective consciousness pot, ensuring ideas never grew old or stagnant, always tested and tried, broken and replaced. Boiled down to Sunshine's time, and the family idea growing up had been to always challenge yourself and others, measuring yourself against the world. While she is always open to new challenges, the dramatic social differences of the outside world leave her completely paralyzed as it goes against everything she has been taught or ever experienced. (Correctable)
All Theory, No Practice: While she may have spent a great deal of her time reading and musing on ideas about everything she could read about, without the parts or tools or specialists around to work with much of what Sunshine could do were restricted by what could be done on a datapad or out of the junk that has been picked through for over eight hundred years. She could play with algorithms all day but couldn't put them to any practical testing. She could practice the steps to a few martial arts sequences, and even really concentrate on the how and how much of what she was doing, but without a sparring partner or a master of the respective art to observe her movements and find out where she was strong or weak, all she could ever practice was theoretical. The datapad could let her build three dimensional holoprojections of devices she theoretically constructed, but she would never be able to build them from the scrap she salvaged her entire life. Muffled so completely is her creativity that as she has gotten a little bit older she has noticed it more and more difficult to put her focus too deeply into any particular subject, knowing full well that she would never be able to see it to its full potential. Sunshine is inherently naive to her own abilities, and the full range of potential the outside world carries with it. While she may have studied how something should work, more often than not she finds how it really is is much more difficult to handle. (Correctable through experience.)
Plaugeubearer: While the very few Firrerreo may have survived the hive virus released by the Empire, they and every generation that followed would have to carry the virus in them for the rest of their lives. It was this very fact, that they continued to live in spite of the initial onslaught, that continued to hound their existence, and would forever drive wedges between one another. The virus did not simply reside in them, but did as viruses do and continued to evolve in each living host, constantly attacking and trying to overwhelm them. Yet, the healing factor of the Firrerreo was able to maintain an immune system that could keep up with the virus. In the first years after the bombs, over 75% of the children conceived by survivors miscarried, as it turned out the gene that was resistant to the virus had been recessive. Slowly over time the birthrate got better as these genes became necessary and dominant, but quickly a new problem arose. The virus treated each host as a unique experiment, changing its evolution uniquely in each individual. This was no problem for the individual host, but when in close proximity to one another the Firrerreo found themselves susceptible to the unique viruses of others. This change wiped out another large percentage, scattering the survivors yet again. In time it was noticed that some viruses made the host produce different, but very subtle odors, and through trial and error it was found that each individual's own virus augmented their senses to respond to these particular scents, allowing one another the possibility, for a short time between viral evolutionary shifts, to interact with one another. For the first decade of a child's life they must spend all of their time around one parent, keeping their immune systems in sync. A few individuals tried to use this idea to maintain clans, but would always end with disastrous results as too many individuals always overburdened the immune system, and children would eventually fall out of sync with their parents. Inevitably a society evolved along side this virus to keep one another safe, but always at arms length. Now alone, Sunshine stands as the last sentient being on Firrerreo with the hive virus. (Treatable and/or containable)
Appearance: Apparently attractive, though she has had little to nothing to contrast herself with other than her mother who died when she was very little. Her father said that she looked just like her, but that she had his eyes. She tends to keep her hair pulled back and pinned, and smiles easily when happy. Her golden skin holds very few, small scars from a largely unsupervised young adult life, but for the most part she was able to keep herself out of harm's way. Like the rest of her species, her skin shifts easily to a silver hue whenever she is frightened or angry, but often this will remind her to compose herself and return her wits about her. The assortment of piercings is a sort of collection she put together from scavaging the wasteland of her homeworld. Most of them were found scattered around dry bones, one was still a little juicy when recovered the stud, and one set had been given to her by her brother. She always left them in, since the wound would seal up in a matter of an hour if she ever took them out. For clothes she keeps a loose fitting set of cloth shirt and pants, leather shoes, leather coat, and large backpack stocked to travel for over a month at a time.
A Firrerreo girl, let's call her Sunshine as her parents would choose to in their casual affection, was born as one of six remaining Firrerreo native to the planet after the ravages of the Hive virus released by the Empire, the following Yuzong Vong devestation, and countless generations of dwindling and fingernail survival. Her parents accounted for another two, along with her little brother and a pair of twins who had managed to stay together their entire lives without destroying one another. As was custom, and practically demanded by the virus, she could only remain with one parent for the first ten years. As she was born she was given a smell and found to sync well with her father. Naturally this devastated her mother, but she was given a new chance two years later with Sunshine' s little brother. Everyone else had either died off or had gone missing in the wind, choosing to wander away from the agreed upon areas and foregoing the seasons of meeting.
Her father was a good man, and spent every free moment he had those first ten years showing his daughter every little thing he could about their history, science and technology from holotapes, and everything else he could run through a datapad. He wanted her to learn not just how to read and memorize all these facts and specs from a datapad, but to take that a step further and carry the ideas further, to use the precise tool of logic and reasoning to solve complex provlems, and further to dive at the moral problems behind one's actions. Perhaps it was his complete devotion to yield the most likely to succeed offspring, or more likely his excitement to be able to exchange these complex ideas that marinated in his head in his own long, isolation, but whatever the motivation, Sunshine was thrown headlong into the demands of the world at ten years old with the best tools at her disposal. Self awareness, curiosity, and the ability to not only learn, but be hungry for knowledge.
She never got to meet her mother, instead meeting her younger brother for the first time as her father came back from an arranged visit with her mother. Something had gone wrong, he said, but didn't have answers to give her anything more. From what this little boy accounted, who was just as unfamiliar to her as he was to his own father, mother just seemed to start getting sick three months back while he watched helplessly. Before she died she instructed the little boy to go and meet his after when and where she was supposed to, which he did. To Sunshine the boy, her brother, looked incredibly sad. Even though she was only eight, and this little boy six, she could feel his pain, almost see through his eyes the vision of someone you know and love be devoured alive by something unconquerable. She had envisioned the same of her father several times, often stirring herself in a silver panic just at the thought. As she empathize with her little brother, she could just as sharply feel the double edge of suffering from her father. Not only did he learn of the loss and horrible pain of his beloved partner, but the other problem arose that this little boy didn't smell right, and Sunshine didn't have to be told that if this boy didn't Snell right to her, he definitely didn't smell right to father. They couldn't take him with them. As they began heading out, Sunshine looked back at the little brother she had met for this first time that day, and knew he would be dead within the month.
After turning ten she parted from her father, putting into practice all the things father had shown her. How to fish, how to pick through what little vegetation their was to find the edible parts, how to set up the tent so as not to be ripped apart by fierce winds, what parts were worth salvaging, where to meet and when. Things she had already been doing but now had to do on her own. It took time to adjust, but with all other life dead beyond fishes and very small but quick growing plants, both of which come and go with the viral evolutions, there was little beyond carelessness to threaten life. Day in and day oit became endless cycles. Months were marked by meeting father for a few hours, always at arms length and always out in the open, never in a confined space. The years passed with birthdays, as not only was there father's birthday, but the twins as well. That gave three holidays and monthly visits. Exchanging holotapes was a way to mix up the monotony, and always gave new thiby a to write about and exchange with one another.
When she was sixteen she found out one of the twins had been ravaged by the virus, the other followed not long after. Father went six years later. It's been two years since he left, and there hasn't been another soul around.
Ships: None
Bounties/Kills: None
Past and Active RP's: None