Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello everyone. Just wanted to pop in and introduce myself. I've been a freeform roleplayer since 2006, starting with a small site known as Jnet, and eventually ventured out to other sites such as a small site from the UK known as JM or Jedi-Masters as well as GUA or GiveUpAlready. That being said, I took a brief hiatus from Roleplaying in 2012 due to RL issues and came back into it last year when a friend messaged me asking me to come back. But with their site's lack of activity over the recent months, I've ventured outward once again to partake in something I've loved doing for a long time now, and during a search, found you guys. So I signed up and here I am.
Welcome to chaos! I've been enjoying my stay here so far, and I think you will too.
For the most part, the community is pretty solid and good at policing themselves

I myself have made a mistake or two in the past, but with the help of others have fixed them

Firstly, from a fellow Wolf lover, nice Avatar pic!

Secondly, Welcome to SWRP: Chaos!

I'm sure you'll find no shortage of people around these parts willing to help with any questions you have, and I do hope it becomes your next online addiction as it has mine :D
Thanks guys. Feeling the love for sure. But I did notice something when I was typing up a character sheet to post for the RP. It's not very MSWord or Notepad friendly when I tried to copy and paste it. Any ideas as to how to get around it? I'm used to phpBB & IPBoard, so this is new territory.

Welcome to Chaos, I hope you have as much fun here as I do...well that might not be a good thing board is amazing :)

As far as the character sheet, I mostly use google docs for my chaos work if that helps

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
What, no pups? We never get any wolf pups dropping by, just full grown Alphas.
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind full grown canines. But more than once I nearly got my hand bit when I tried to pet them behind the ear. :(
Pups don't do that...they love it. :) Ok, so they teethe, but certainly don't bite. :p

That said, welcome to CHAOS and don't mind some nutty squirrels running about. :D

Thom Naudir

Welcome to the site! Hope to see you do some outstanding things!

If you ever want to do a thread just shoot me a message.
Just watch the nip Marina. ;-)

Thanks Sentus. As do I. And will definitely hit up anyone willing to thread with me. Outside of my weekends with my daughter and busy days at work, I have alot of free time on my hands.

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