Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How are you? I am good, I hope you are too. I am the one known as Toast in most circles of roleplay, not really familiar with most forms of Star Wars lore save for the movies, thus I will be blundering around with minimal knowledge of the universe save from what a couple of friends have told me in the past. I look forward to roleplaying on this site, I believe it will help me get back in my groove of Role-playing.

Later, cya soon.
Thank you, I imagine I shall have many questions I imagine for the asking. :eek: @[member="Darth Malificete"]
And I enjoy your love for me being a Samurai of Toast o3o @[member="Hayato"]
Can't say I've ever played WoW @[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
And your name is fabulous o: I will most likely be asking questions throughout the creation of my character, once I have a decent enough concept I'll be most likely checking in with Moderators or Admins to see if the concept fits in time-line and In-universe, I am gonna be one of those members that ask quite a few questions about the Universe.
I apologize in advance when this inevitably becomes annoying. @[member="Fabula Cavataio"]
Regrettably, no matter how annoying your questions may get, I'm never allowed to tell you about it. Staff rules. :p

Anyway. Ask whatever you need to. My job is literally to help you in any way necessary.

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