Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Super new to rp

Hey there, welcome to chaos :) Any info on making characters, as well as the general template for making one is right here

Once you have your character posted in the character creation forum, you'll be ready to rp! The two rp sections should be pretty self-explanatory, public roleplay you can usually jump in unless a thread says otherwise, and private is for the most part closed to any others. You can usually request to join a roleplay, though. Feel free to ask me or anyone else here any questions you have. Have fun! ^-^

[member="Sverige Karm"]
Hi, buddy!

To make a character profile, you're gonna wanna go to the Character Creation section of the forum.

You're going to make a new thread on that forum and begin working on your character.

Follow this template:

I would then recommend that you add a profile picture and then you're pretty much set! Just make sure you're in accordance to the rules of character creation and you'll save yourself a lot of trouble from editing and revising and all that jazz.

You can Private Message me if you need more help. I'm usually on consistently, and I don't mind helping you out.


Vinskk Revamp

[member="Sverige Karm"]

Edit: You beat me by milliseconds, [member="Gherron Vael"]

Connor Harrison

[member="Sverige Karm"]

Welcome to the Chaos!

Enjoy your time here, and keep the questions coming if you need any help.


Carn Dista

One beard to rule them all, and in the Jedi bind t
My one hint for you is description. If you can describe something in one sentence, the chances are you can extend that into two. From two, to four, and from four to a paragraph, and so on and so forth. Try it with the color red, or the clothes you're currently wearing. Once you've got that down, everything else is just finding out what suits you as a writer, what suits your character and what's fun. Thesauruses will become your friend, trust me. You've already done the most difficult part, which is creating a character name. :) If you ever get stuck, don't hesitate to ask a million and one questions about everything!

Hopefully we'll be seeing you in the fray soon enough.

[member="Sverige Karm"]

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