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Super Soldier: Turning a Fish into a Shark


TIME: 1000

Ession wasn't the first place Ghorua would've chosen to take a vacation, but according to a new acquaintance, it would be quite profitable.

Ghorua's ship, the Whalebone, calmly descended down into an empty spot in a spaceport, and landed with a bit of a jolt. His ship, once a Yevethan cargo vessel, was extremely modified. His favorite blaster had recieved similar treatment. And, according to his acquaintance, he would too.

Walking outside of his ship, he left Bones, and most of his equipment on board. He wore his leather gang jacket, from a life long forgotten, and his two DC-15's rested at each of his sides. He planned on buying new pistols at one point, but had put it off. His vibroknife was in his boot, per the norm, but all things considered, he was packing light.

As he walked, people took a wide berth around him, trying to stay as far away from the Herglic as possible. That was understandable, considering who Ghorua was. Besides being a Herglic, he was 8'9''. Even the tallest Herglics only reach to around seven and a half feet tall. Ghorua was taller than pretty much everyone he met, which Ghorua figured was what this was about. He had been in contact with this "Grudge the Grutt", and from what he heard, it was a trade. A genetic trade, but a trade nonetheless.

He walked to a designated meeting place, a small, forgotten town square, where only a young couple were smooching under a statue of some guy. Leaning against a metal column, the Herglic waited for this Grudge.

[member="Grudge The Grutt"]
Grudge had made Ession the planet of which his HQ would be nested. The egg of his corporation had hatched and with the aid of his associates, it had adopted a rather nice rate of growth. Enough with the metaphors, though, Grudge had relocated his laboratory and base of operation on Ession. From a small underground lab, to an entire skyscraper gifted to him by the upcoming Dark Lord. With a hired staff, and new equipment to work with being presented and integrated into his labratory on the daily, Grudge figured it was time to further his research and collection of DNA samples. With these, he'd produce a new race of his grancha mutants.

With the idea in mind, he had heard word of a certain oversized Herglic, [member="Ghorua the Fish"], who had began to make a name for himself in the galaxy. Whether it was from his profession, or being as big as he was, your guess is as good mine. Nevertheless, Grudge found the being intriguing. After his contacts received the Fish's contact information, Grudge quickly scheduled for Ghorua to meet him on Ession. Their deal was mutually beneficial, or so it would seem.

Grudge, despite having staff and mutants, was not above meeting his clients face to face. As such, his brain-body could be seen inside a hover-chair, floating toward their predetermined rendezvous. Grudge despised being late, but with interns spilling stim caff over his mutants, you had to slap a queen every now and then. With haste, Grudge arrived to the town square, easily picking out Ghorua from ..well..everything else living. "Ahh..Mister Ghorua. A pleasure meeting you in person. Seems my contacts weren't overestimating their..physical description of you."
Ghorua had noticed the strange pink being on the hover-chair, and immediately assumed that it was the Scientist. As the being appraised him, Ghorua couldn't help but stand up a little taller. Many Herglics were embarrased by their larger size, but Ghorua was not one of those Herglics. "Grudge the Grutt, I assume? Pleasure to meet you. Ghorua the Fish, Bounty Hunter extraordinaire." The Herglic smiled, his stubby, cone-shaped teeth straight and pearly. He was, all considered, the perfect Herglic specimen, down to the aesthetics.

Pushing off from the wall, Ghorua crossed his well-muscled arms over his barrel chest. "So, how does this work? You got a... secret laboratory or something?" Ghorua straightened up, and did a quick scan of the area. Nothing too suspicious, and no one was eavesdropping. Ghorua's Bounty Hunter side never really left him. Ever since he had collected on Lady Kay's bounty, the large being had looked over his shoulder constantly. He knew that the senator had powerful friends, and he also knew he was easy to spot in a crowd. So far, no one had come to rough him up. He'd like to see them try, of course, even more so if this deal works out. Ghorua didn't feel threatened by this seemingly helpful Hutt, and the deal seemed easy enough, but one never did know.

A careless Hunter is a dead Hunter.

[member="Grudge The Grutt"]
Grudge found himself lighting a cigar stored on his pimp mobile hover chair, lighting it and soon stuck in his mouth before puffed heavily. The Grutt couldn't help but laugh aloud, twirling in delayed circles in his chair. "Grehaha! Secret Lab, huh? What is this, guy, an action film?" Contrary to Grudge's words, he still possessed a hidden base on Rutan burrowed deep within the earth. "My Laboratory stands tall and proud amongst the common-life of Ession you see now. I have no intentions on hiding my science, my kark'n reason for living, you got it?" The Grutt, wasting no time, turned his back to [member="Ghorua the Fish"] and notably began to hover away. Meanwhile, his raised pink tendril beckoned for the Fish to follow him. "This way, Bounty Hunter. Your questions will be answered when we reach the laboratory."

Should and when they did arrive, Ghorua would notice they were approaching an entire skyscraper. Passing through the entrance, his staff was seen tending to the daily operations of his business. "How do you feel about ..elevators, big guy?" The Grutt hovered into elevator, assuming Ghorua was still following. To say it was a tight fit would be an underestimate, Grudge's face seen smushed against the transparent elevator glass. All the while, a pleasant song played in the elevator as they ascended to the fourth floor. The doors would slide open, Grudge hovering his brain-like body out of the elevator and further into the room. The more intellectual portion of his staff were reserved to this specific floor, the floor where the production, research and creation of new mutants occurred. Cloning vats were seen lined across the massive area, conveyor belts lining from the right wall, to the left. Beyond that, larger cloning vats were easily found, reserved for more..'intriguing' experimentation that Grudge would dabble with in the future.

"I've invited you here today because we both need something. You? An enhancement in strength of which I'm sure we can arrange after we learn what makes you tick and how to enhance certain cellular processes." The Grutt paused, taking another puff of his cigar. "Me? Weeell..what wouldn't I use you for? Grehaha! Biologically, you will become the mother of my future line of mutants. Aquatic mutants, might I add. I'd need the biggest, and the best to grant my mutants top efficiency and your genes certainly seem to possess those qualities. With this mutually beneficial deal in line, I'm sure we will come to profit graciously from one another. Wouldn't you agree, Mister Ghorua?"
Ghorua had plodded along reservedly as Grudge let the way to his not-so-secret laboratory. The tower was tall, and shone like a sterile beacon. Ghorua had walked in, without much protest, and noticed the workers. He must be one of the better employers around here, thought Ghorua. Most hired muscle in the galaxy would look down on such workers, but Ghorua respected them. They were just trying to make a living in this chithole of a galaxy, a prospect Ghorua could relate to.

Ghorua pressed himself up to the back of the elevator as they whizzed up. He looked down at the Scientist, with a bit of a smirk. "As long as your elevator can hold me, Doctor." As they went up, the music made the Herglic want to tear out the speakers. Why do manufacturers think that anyone likes this karking music, he thought to himself, simmering. The Herglic's smile was plastic on his face through all of this, as if smiling was the default resting face for him.

Getting out of the turbolift, Ghorua plodded forward, noticing more professional-looking labcoat-types, some rushing back and forth with datapads and the like, others handling genetic material as if they were small children. Ghorua said nothing, just taking it all in. As the Grutt began to address him, Ghorua only nodded as he walked.

"Well," he said, with a smirk on his dark face, "I've never been a mother before... Sounds like a fair deal, Doc." Ghorua waited for the large floating grey-matter to direct him where to go and what to do. He would do it without question, within reason, of course.

[member="Grudge The Grutt"]
The Grutt chuckled. "A first time for everyone, I suppose, hmm!?" With a tendril beckoning for the fish to follow, he'd hover his way into a separate room on the massive floor. It was not enclosed, restricted, dimly lit by the unique substances captured inside the various jars, tubes and tanks lined around the walls. Green, purple, red, blue, Mean, a bean, or a fighting machine, you name it! It was there. Floating. Stationary. Secured. Within the smaller room, various utensils for his daily operations were set onto a platter, of sorts beside a large, position-adjustable chair placed in the dead middle of the entire room. It was designed to fit the smallest of the small, and the largest of the large. It was seem Grudge was working the latter, this time. "Lay down, Mr. Ghorua..and me Grudge. We're all freakishly abnormal beings here, right? Grehahaha!" The Grutt began to punch in codes on the transparent data-screen placed beside him.

"Now..what exactly what were we lookin' for again? Enhanced strength? Durability? A..face lift, perhaps?" He mused.

[member="Ghorua the Fish"]
Ghorua sat down in the chair with a grunt. He had half-expected the seat to break under his weight, but it held. He liked the room, especially the floating lights. He would have to get some for his ship.

"I don't know the specifics, Doc, but I know I want faster reflexes and more raw power. I don't have to be a Jedi to see that I'll be going against some tough characters in the future, and being able to move faster and swing harder will be a necessity. You think you can do that?" Ghorua leaned back in the chair, and took in his surroundings. This room is quite nice.

"So, do you have to take a DNA sample for that centrifuge I saw walking in?" Ghorua didn't know too much about genetic modification, but he had done a bit of research. The abilities that he asked for wouldn't endanger his life, as far as he knew. And, he was sure that he would have to face some all-mighty Jedi or Sith in the distant future, and had to have an ace up his sleeve.

[member="Grudge The Grutt"]
Grudge cringed at the mere mentioning of Jedi. "Y-.." He coughed, grunting afterward. "Yes, yes. Of course, my aquatic friend. Trust in me that by the time you leave my lab, you'll be a new fish--man." He mused, afterward a small group of staff entering through the door. Grudge waved a tendril, pointing toward the enormous Herglic sitting down. "Yes, doctors! This is who we'll be operating on today. A beauty, is he not? We'll be making him bigger, faster and stronger on this fine day. Geha.." The Grutt gave off a number of orders, requesting that [member="Ghorua the Fish"] eased himself as the doctors began acquiring tissue samples, dna samples and the like. His DNA would be used for the Grutt's future..'experiments' and with permission, he'd be invited in the future to see just what the final result came to be.

After such, the individual vials were placed into a centrifuge, the device used to isolate and separate the individual vials and samples the Grutt had acquired over the years. "Hmm? Knowledgeable in the scientific world, are we? mentioned earlier, I'll be taking samples of your DNA, before and after the transformation to use for my own matters. I'd hope you don't mind. An eye for an eye, my friend." The Grutt suddenly punched in the commands, the centri-fuge rotating to the designated vial he wished for. Afterward, it would dramatically slide from the vial-holding device until Grudge could hold it in his tendrils. "I've taken the liberty of designing a serum for this particular day. It will be used to hyper-charge the functionality and productivity rates of your cells. If you thought you were enhanced now.." The Grutt chuckled maniacally, "You've seen nothin' yet..Bounty Hunter."
Ghorua leaned back in his chair as the doctors took DNA samples. The thought of being bigger, faster, and stronger made him feel safer. Recently, the Herglic had been feeling a bit paranoid. Perhaps genetic modification would ease his mind.

Ghorua opened his mouth as a scientist took a swab to it. He noted Grudge's maniacal, dare he say, diabolical laughter as he held the serum. The Herglic thought that was a good thing, but he wasn't entirely sure. "Alrighh. I'h hreahy," he said, swab still in his mouth. With a bit of annoyance, Ghorua waited as the man took his saliva sample. "Alright, I'm ready." Ghorua listened intently as the Doctor relayed what the serum would do. "As long as it makes me more of a monster than I already am, it'll do."

Ghorua felt a moment of fear. What if it didn't work? What if something went wrong? The Hunter immediately pushed these thoughts from his head. He'd faced down psychopathic bodyguards, force-sensitive senators, enigmatic slavers, and terrifying Sith. What was a little vial of super-serum to all that?

-[member="Grudge The Grutt"]-
The Grutt chuckled aloud, thumping injection needle lightly--how ever that would work. "Close your eyes, Mr.Ghorua. When you awake, you will be a lean, mean, fighting machine." The Grutt would wave a tendril toward Ghorua, signaling for his staff to begin operation. As per usual when dealing with matters like these, the anesthesiologists would step forth, requiring more of them to bring Ghorua into a comatose, and blissfully unconscious state. Afterward, The Grutt would slide the injection needle into the massive machine hovering above Ghorua and his chair. The machine would lower, springing individual needles that found themselves injected into the precise regions of Ghorua's body that Grudge planned ahead of time.

Within time, Ghorua's blood-stream was flushed with a virus. Said virus would spread rapidly, taking longer due to his mass but making short work of seizing each of his cells and coating them in a black and red substance. This particular substance would cluster itself around each cell of Ghorua, forcing them into hyper-drive. His already enhanced state would soon find itself ultra-enhanced, though from a molecular stand-point, they grew, becoming stronger, becoming re-structured in their entirety to operate at enhanced degrees. Ghorua's body would shake violently, product of his cellular structure being improved upon, enhanced and re-structured. All the while, despite being strapped down, the leather straps holding Ghorua in place would begin to expand until they nearly snapped from his expanding body. His muscles expanded, his teeth becoming layered alike a shark's with sharp canines. His very skin would prove to become more durable despite maintaining its slick black hue.

The natural oils remained, after all. After the virus hyper-enhanced Ghorua, the anti-body that had been injected into Ghorua simultaneously would begin to seize hold of the virus, providing Ghorua with an immunity to the potential graduating harmful effects whilst maintaining the Viru's enhancing capabilities. In short, the virus was contained. Or at least, the harmful factors of it.

Growing pains would know a whole new meaning by the time Ghorua awoke. However, Grudge would allow the new beast to rest for hours, allowing to body to adjust while certain medicinal chemicals were pumped into his body through a breathing tube. When The Herglic bothered to awaken, he'd find himself bigger, stronger, more durable, his teeth perhaps becoming a nuisance from how sharp they become despite perfectly interweaving in his jaw when his mouth closed. " do you feel, Bounty Hunter?" Grudge questioning, a sudden chuckle heard from him whilst his tendrils foiled in circles from anticipation.
Ghorua smiled as the anesthesiologists came forward. "Alright, if something goes wrong here, just know that I will be a very angry ghost..." With a sigh, the Herglic felt the anesthesia eventually take hold, and he drifted into a relaxing coma.

The Herglic felt nothing in his sleep besides a slight discomfort. He groaned in his sleep, more annoyed than anything, as the spasms encompassed his unconscious body. Then, the uncomfortable feeling stopped, and Ghorua slept easy for a few hours. Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime, the new-and-improved Herglic opened his large eyes, pools of darkness on a giant black face. The eyes immediately closed in a grimace, feeling the effects of accelerated growth. "Agh... That smarts." Without meaning to, the Herglic snapped the bonds that held him to the chair, and tried to sit up. More pain. He vaguely heard Grudge talking to him. Something about... how he was feeling. "Uh... Different. I think." Strange enough, when he talked, he felt a dull pricking in his mouth.

Ghorua looked to the Hutt, and was surprized by what he saw. Everything looked smaller. Well, smaller than it was before. Looking down to himself, a gasp caught itself in his throat. If he was big before, now he was absolutely giant. Looking down his bulging arms, he slammed his fists together. He was rewarded by a loud bang. Whenever he moved, he felt a sharp pain, but it was lessening for the moment. Standing up gingerly, the colossus began to test out his new muscles. The Fish started with baby steps. Then walking around the room in circles. He was starting to get the hang of his new body. He was at least ten feet tall now, with defined muscles all over his body, his movements more confident than they were before the transformation.

"I feel stronger. More in-control of my body. Bigger." Then, letting his tongue feel around his mouth, sensing his new teeth, "Sharper. Tougher. Less like a fish. More like a... A shark. I quite like that, actually." Turning back to the scientist, Ghorua smiled, baring his new row of fangs. "I suppose you need another sample."

[member="Grudge The Grutt"]
The Grutt's blood-shot eyes seemingly sparkled in awe. Ghorua the Fish had become [member="Ghorua the Shark"]. His muscles more defined, height increased, and physical stature amplified to new heights. It made even his green-behemoths of mutants shy in comparison. He, in all honesty, was a tad envious. However, he had seemingly gained the 'okay' of receiving DNA from his aquatic friend. That would be enough for now. For it would allow his future experiments to bear even greater, monstrous results. This is what he lived for. "I am more than pleased to hear that, my friend. I, personally, have dedicated my life to issuing a new age of evolution. You..Ghorua..are living proof of my ambition. My dream. With your modified DNA, I will create something of such massive scale, the very foundation of what the galaxy thought was genetically possible will be re-written in my name!" His tone grew, his tendrils coiling to mimic clinched fists as his eyes scattered left to right, eyeing the possibilities. He would laugh, maniacally in fact. "I...however, am no mad-man. Your DNA will be used for the greater good. That much, I can assure you. yourself on the seat once more and we will wrap things up." The Grutt said, his awed team eyeing every orifice of Ghorua, awaiting the 'go' to receive samples of his DNA and tissue.
Ghorua clenched his fist, feeling the power behind his grasp. He could break bones like twigs before, what would his limitations be now? The Mutant Herglic enjoyed the thought of testing his new enhancements, but that would have to wait. For now, he had to hold up his end of the bargain. He smiled as his new muscles were appraised. He would let the Doc revel in his victory. As for the greater good... he didn't care too much. This new breed of monsters could destroy every other faction in the galaxy, and Ghorua couldn't care less.

"Yep, let's get this over with, Grudge. I want to go out and punch things." He gave the geneticist a wink, to let him know he was kidding, and sat back down. "Alright, take your samples."

- [member="Grudge The Grutt"] -
The Grutt chuckled, sitting back in his chair. "This'll be Quick, and painless. Unlike your surgery." He mused, gracious he wasn't on the receiving end of Grudge's previous ruthlessness with the injection need prior to [member="Ghorua the Shark"]'s transformation. With Ghorua's consent, his scientists began to make quick work of extracting tissue and DNA samples of Ghorua. Tissue swabs, scrapings of the physical compounds that constructed the hyper-enhanced being placed into DNA-containing slits and the whole nine yards. Next, a machine would descend upon Ghorua slowly, exposing various tools and to run a diagnostic on Ghorua, mapping his re-constructed cells and functions on Grudge's database and completing what operations his doctors were not allowed to allowed to. He couldn't risk a doctor poking Ghorua in the wrong place and have a 10 ft monstrosity storming about his building.

After blood was extracted and the remaining operations were made, the machine would pop out a lolipop and a machanical hand would reach to pat him on the head before the entire machine reeled upward and seemingly sank into the ceiling. "Well, well..Mr.Ghorua. We've both met our end of the bargain. What will you do now? However odd it may sound, you have become a walking advertisement for my corporation. That's a good thing, may I remind you. I all honesty, am overwhelmed by the results. You exceed the physical limits of my own mutants. Should you find yourself in need of change, or a more steady flow of credits..I could use a right hand to lead my future line of mutants. Whether for simple operations, or war. With your combat experience, sheer size and physical superiority, I'm sure you wouldn't disappoint."
Ghorua tried to sit still as samples were taken. He fought the urge to test his new strength, resorting instead to drum his large fingers on the chair as a robot began to map out his new physique. When the robot finished, a small candy popped out, which Ghorua quickly chomped with his new teeth. Needless to say, he demolished the sweet in one gulp.

The Herglic considered Grudge's offer of a steady job as a mutant general. In all honesty, Ghorua loved the work of a Bounty Hunter, and resorted to keep doing the odd job, but perhaps a small change in scenery was well deserved. Besides, Ghorua had always wanted to lead an army. On top of all that, the large being was more than just muscles and teeth. A strategist's mind hid behind a thick skull. Heck, he was the best Dejarik player he knew.

"Hmm... Sounds like fun, Doc. As long as I can still go hunting every once in a while." The Herglic smiled, little bits of sugar caught in his sharp mouth. "Where do I sign up, Boss?"

- [member="Grudge The Grutt"] -

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