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Approved NPC Super Tactical Droid "Crypt"

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Dr. Droideka

I'll be the brains of this outfit

  • Age: Crypt's personality is only 16 years old, his body is from the Clone Wars (however long ago THAT was)
  • Model: Super Tactical Droid.
  • Appearance: Crypt is 6 feet tall with a grey base color and green markings on top. He has some minor damage markings from his time clearing the droid factory, but otherwise is in near-perfect conditions.
  • Name: Crypt
  • Loyalties: He is loyal to Dr. Droideka and whoever Dr. Droideka works for.
  • Notable Equipment: He wields a E-11 blaster rifle.
  • Skills: He has incredible tactical precision, able to calculate the success rate of a mission before the mission is even officially drafted.
  • Personality: Due to his AI, he has a somewhat unique personality for a droid, and carries himself like a stereotypical Marine general: loud.
  • Weapon of Choice: He wields an E-11 blaster rifle.
  • Combat Function: His primary role in combat is to protect Dr. Droideka first, himself second, and then to give orders to friendly droid units in the area if Dr. Droideka is incapable of doing so
  • Tactical Mind: Much like his maker, he is very tactical in combat scenarios, being able to minimize friendly casualties while maximizing enemy casualties.
  • Good shot: For a behind-the-scenes commander, he is an exceptionally good shot. He has been shown to outmatch even commando droids in shooting competitions.
  • Stubborn: Due to his AI and personality, he is stubborn towards any plans other than his own even if the new ones are more efficient.
  • Slow: His body was not designed for quick movement, making him vulnerable in combat situations.
Crypt never actually served during the Clone Wars. He was designed and deployed approximately one day before all CIS droids were shut down and the Empire came into power. For a long time he remained in a junkyard, until two wealthy merchants bought him for their son to work on. This son was Jekk, and he quickly set to work repairing this droid. After 9 years of hard work, Crypt was given his current personality and brought into the world officially. From then on, he decided that this Jekk would be his friend and as such stuck with him everywhere that he went to both protect him from harm and advise him on proper courses of action. 4 years later, they both set out for a merchant outpost that Jekk's parents owned, but crash landed on an unknown planet. They explored the area, and the both of them discovered an ancient droid factory. Crypt advised Jekk that it would be best to re-start the factory and use it to build an army that they could use for mercenary services. Jekk agreed, and now Crypt is the second in command for Jekk's personal military of just under 2,000 droids of Jekk's design.
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