Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Super TD-A03

Image of character....Unavailable

Name: Super TD-A03
Faction: N/A
Rank: Admiral
Species: Super Tactical Droid
Age: 80+ years (Constantly Repairing)
Sex: Masculine Programming
Height: 1.94 Meters
Weight: 120 KGs
Eyes: Mechanical Red
Hair: N/A
Force Sensitive: No


Super TD-A03 was manufactured right before the end of the Clone Wars and was about to be assigned to a military division, but was shut down by Anakin. After many years, when Super TD-T47 was exploring the galaxy, he found Super TD-A03 and reactivated him. Super TD-T47 quickly enjoyed Super TD-A03's personalities and characteristics. Super TD-A03 was then promoted to be the Admiral of the Third Luck's starfighters.

Doesn't have any personal, but works aboard the Third Luck, a Lucrehulk Droid Battleship.

Super TD-A03 had a software that was completely hooked to every starfighter and droid ship under the Third Luck's control. This droid favored ambush attacks and bombing the enemy.

Super TD-A03 was horrible in hand to hand combat and usually went overboard to kill his enemies. He can't stand rivals either except for Super TD-T47.

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