OOC Account
Bored and with nothing to do, a little AI known as Papi decided to surf the Holonet.
It was one of her favorite hobbies to do. Her only one, really. But as there was an endless surplus of data, it kept her busy.
The little icon of a girl hopped from site to site, looking for neat things. Papi's favorite part of this whole thing wasn't just the sites, but the travelling, too. It was like being on a waterslide! If, of course, Papi had ever been on one. Which she hadn't. But still. Her thought processors were advanced enough that she could calculate and compare the relative sensation that was the closest to what riding on a waterslide was.
The AI continued to flit, not looking at anything in general. Details to a spice drop off? No... A list of vulnerabilities in the Temple's security system? Boooooring. A plan to invade planets? Yawn.
Finally, she came across a holovid of a little nexu kitten pouncing on a ball. "Aww, how cute!" Papi exclaimed. "Fleshies are so adorable!"
Bored and with nothing to do, a little AI known as Papi decided to surf the Holonet.
It was one of her favorite hobbies to do. Her only one, really. But as there was an endless surplus of data, it kept her busy.
The little icon of a girl hopped from site to site, looking for neat things. Papi's favorite part of this whole thing wasn't just the sites, but the travelling, too. It was like being on a waterslide! If, of course, Papi had ever been on one. Which she hadn't. But still. Her thought processors were advanced enough that she could calculate and compare the relative sensation that was the closest to what riding on a waterslide was.
The AI continued to flit, not looking at anything in general. Details to a spice drop off? No... A list of vulnerabilities in the Temple's security system? Boooooring. A plan to invade planets? Yawn.
Finally, she came across a holovid of a little nexu kitten pouncing on a ball. "Aww, how cute!" Papi exclaimed. "Fleshies are so adorable!"