Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Surrender! [SJO]

How he got away from Utapu was beyond Jardo. He remembered sprinting to his ship, dragging his injured arm behind him. Adrenaline carried him, until now anyway. Now he was feeling the pain, it hurt like mad. Looking at his Nav systems, he shook his head. He hadn't exactly focused on putting a location in, he'd just smashed the system with his fist.

Voss, such a nice planet, but last Jardo heard, Jedi owned. He didn't care though, he was covered in bandages, hurting like heck and he had one serious need for medical attention right now. He growled, leaving the Rogue Skipper, looking around.

There had to be a hospital somewhere, right?
​Since finding these gardens of the academy with Maya, he hardly left them, he found them calming, peaceful. Meditating out there, he cleared his mind, sensed things others would hardly be able to sense. Such as that Sith just to the west, yeah him. Wait, Sith? Quinn shot up, staring around.

That wasn't a Jedi force signature he'd felt, no-where near. What was a Sith doing on Voss, honestly? He needed to inform a master of this, or something. [member="Maya Whitelight"] or [member="Nico Minuro Ike"] or even [member="Connor Harrison"]. Even [member="Kei Amadis"] would do to be perfectly honest.

If a Sith was on Voss, well that couldn't be a good thing, could it?

[member="Jardo Snow"]
Walking from the ship, Jardo looked around. He had landed just west of some huge academy thing, and he moaned as his shoulder caught off of a tree. He just wanted medical help from the Jedi, then he'd leave. Yet, something told Snow that wouldn't work. Jedi hate Sith and Sith hate Jedi, yeah.

He sigh, knowing that if he wanted medical help he'd have to surrender, give up his weapon and be arrested. He doubted the Jedi would just give him the medical help. He waited on the outskirts of the academy thing, slowly looking around. He wanted quick escape routes if it came to blows.

[member="Quinn Michaels"]
Down in the bowels of the temple mostly away from the natural sunlight Cathbodua was sitting. The healer might not be the first choice but when it came to one who knew her things and could keep someone restrained well it was worth it. The Jedi was moving forward as she heard some reports and held her lightwhip at the ready in case there was a fight. She secured her black bodysuits mask and seale it while coming out into the light where it seemed a sith had been seen... So much for secret academy but she crossed her arms and looked out from behind the polarized visor with a raised eyebrow.
Staring at the Jedi, Jardo slowly held his hands up. He wasn't after after a fight, not with this many Jedi anyway. He smiled, looking around. The academy was in a half decent place, and Jardo would of liked it if he wasn't in such pain. Holding his arms like this wasn't making his shoulder much better, anyone could see that.

He regretted having his lightsaber at his side, anyone might find that a threat, and he regretted that. He also regretted not putting makeup over his red fingertips, the signs of force lightning he'd been using. Damn he was an idiot. He lowered his hands, mainly because of the pain, crossing them behind his back. He also still had his Sith hidden blade strapped to his arm, but he was keeping that. He'd give over the rest of the weapons, but that was his.

He hoped he came across nice in his black tunic covered in charred cuts and tears, black and brown gloves and black belt with black boots.

[member="Jardo Snow"]

The healer was curious now... this one was different and she was starring while she walked. It wasn't often the other ones in the academy saw their dark lady who lived in the basement while she remained there. Hands across her chest and looking over the sith who had appeared. "And what is it that brings you here?" She was flicking her eyes across him and looking with the force over his body as she waited for an answer.
Jardo slowly explained the situation, ignoring the bit with the padawan and removing his hand. He doubted this Jedi would like to hear that, but then again. He explained that he'd been on Utapau, and the next thing he knew a bounty hunter was shooting at him. Actually, that was no-where near the truth.

He smiled, unclipping his lightsaber, tossing it on the ground in front of the Jedi. He also did the same with his hidden blaster. He also removed Vitani's broken blade from his belt, tossing it with his other weapons. He wanted to try and look somewhat calm, if we ignore the hidden blade.

[member="Jardo Snow"]

Cathbodua looked at the man and heard the weapons clattering, she didn't need to see them from under the mask but there was a great deal more while she spoke into a comlink. "Send a team of shadows, for the prisoner, get him searched and cleaned. If he resists contact me and we'll inject him with sedatives and try again. I do not want anything getting near the circle." The woman stood there for a moment watching with her hand on her belt and the saber hilt until two shadows came to clean and search the sith. Admittance after being in one of the small holding areas would be perfect and she was heading back inside. "If you resist or are deceptive to them you will not like me asking you to cooperate."
Darth Draykon, sorry Jardo. He needed to stop calling himself that, until he was a knight anyway. Anyway, Jardo allowed himself to be taken along. He was too tired, too hurt and to be honest he just couldn't be bothered to fight back. He didn't even fight back when they pushed him inside of the holding cell thing.

He almost wished that the Jedi had called medical help, though he wasn't holding out for anything. He was a Sith after all, and why did Jedi want to help Sith, they were like sworn enemies. Vader and Obi-Wan, Yoda and the emperor, man Jardo could go on. He probably would have, if he hadn't of realized he was losing it, talking to himself.

[member="Jardo Snow"]

Cathbodua was looking over the reports of the sith as she sat there and waited for a moment. The sith was a boy and she was at the desk. The other silver jedi were doing things and it made her interested in something but she wasn't certain. He needed some medical attention but she wasn't going to risk one of the students and Maya had disappeared once again so it was falling to her to at least try and do some fo the healers things. She was more skilled with her medical training while she stood up and began her way to the cells stopping only outside the one and sitting in a seat while she spoke. "So what brings you here."
Jardo eyed the Jedi in front of his cell. He explained why he'd showed up on Voss, how it was an accident, though he'd come looking for medical help. He explained that he wasn't looking for a fight, thus he'd surrendered his weapons. Well all but the hidden Sith blade anyway, he wasn't that stupid.

He slowly stood up, glad the Jedi hadn't bound him. Removing the bandages, he winced. He hadn't seen the bullet wound yet, he'd just seen the blood soaking through the bandages, using the force to try and numb the pain as much as he could. It hurt like a bullet wound though, so he assumed it had to be bad.

[member="Jardo Snow"]

She kept her eyes on him from behind the mask and spoke only when he was starting to remove his bandages. "I wouldn't do that, we would never turn away one but if all you needed was medical treatment there is a great hospital and center on Coruscant. You'd have been more welcome there being a sith afterall." She wasn't buying it and put her fingers together while she was waiting for the rest of the story.
He knew about the medical center she was talking about, though he explained how he didn't exactly plan where he was going. He just sort of punched his nav computer to avoid getting shot. Voss just sort of happened to be the place he ended up. He was being honest, like he knew he would be. He planned to be honest, and he was being, he just hoped that the Jedi could see that.

Sitting there, he closed his eyes. He could feel the presence of the Jedi in here, there were loads of them, literally loads of them in here. He felt them all, he felt each one as they moved. He felt them because he was getting strong with the force. He was stronger than he thought he was, and that was always nice.

[member="Jardo Snow"]

She kept looking at him, he believed what he was saying but all she was seeing was a story full of holes. If he was going to get shot and just randomly jumped... he would have had to already been on a lane that could get to Voss. Not exactly standard space within the sith since it went through the republic and mandalorians.... Or he was up near the prime which brought him through the levantines. Her gaze under the mask was more disbelief as she leaned forward wanting him to explain more. The healer in her was calculating his wounds and how long she could leave them while the boy was talking.
Jardo sensed the disbelief in her, and knew it was time to come clean, let it all into the open. He explained how he'd been dueling a Jedi on Utapau, got shot by the guard and crashed onto Voss because he hadn't exactly finished fixing his nav computer, and how randomly hitting it had ended him on Voss.

He had told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Okay, apart from the fact he had a hidden blade strapped to his arm, but that was his secret and he didn't plan on spilling it yet. He wasn't about to give the Jedi the blueprints.

[member="Jardo Snow"]

"So you went across the galaxy, across several territories to get here randomly?" She stood up finally and looked on him. She might not be the tallest but she always had the intimidation factor of being confined to a mask and suit. No one knew what she displayed while touching the lightwhip on her hip for a moment. A small graze and she was looking forward the entire time as she started to walk away. "This is my trusting face." She moved to speak with some of the other jedi and healers and was looking down at them.
Jardo let out a weak sigh. "Are you gonna keep questioning me or help me?" he asked slowly. He wanted help, not questions. He wasn't here to answer questions. He was in pain, his shoulder was burning and the bleeding had started again. His purple hair draped across his face, sort of removing the intimidating Sith factor. His robes were still torn and ripped in many places and he almost looked like he'd ran through a mine field.

[member="Jardo Snow"]

"I am going to keep questioning you." She looked at him crossing her arms again. "Because your story is full of so many holes, sending a healer in there to do another patch of your wounds would be endangering them while you are still conscious. I can wait and hear you tell me something else that poles more holes, I can wait and see what you do until the stars burn out and we are grey." Her eyes were watching him now while she motioned for the seat to be brought back so she could sit there and watch.
"You want me to be honest?!" Jardo was getting slightly annoyed here. "I came here because I heard you were here, okay! I figured you'd kill me less than my master if he figured out I was shot!". Jardo was letting it all out, the sparks of lightning dancing on his fingertips, fueled by hatred and anger.

He was sick of this, the pain was nothing to him anymore. He could ignore the pain. He could use the hatred to force that to the back of his mind. The hidden blade shot from it's bracer and the bars to his cell even bent a little. The pure anger was making itself a living thing in the form of the force.

"Happy now!"

[member="Jardo Snow"]

She didn't move.... starring at him through the mask and bodysuit as he stomped his feet. "No not really. I have seen sharper teeth on a ropo." She took to the seat and crossed a leg over while holding a hand up for the shadows not to interfere. "Did you think... what? We'd respond better when you stomp your feet and pout? That the anger would work to make the process of not endangering our people accelerate. You have a lot to learn dear boy about well how things can work. Or how you get what you want."

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