Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Surrounded by strangers

Standing high above the city of Coruscant overlooking the city from the top of what had once been the senate building Astra enjoyed the fresh air. It was weird, even after being freed he still felt like a animal in a cage, it seemed as though he wasn't the only one. Everywhere he looked he saw people walking down the streets or flying their speeders going on about their life as though Coruscant hadn't been taken by the Sith. This was one of the first places Astra wanted to visit to see what the Sith had done to the planet, but the sad part is that it wasn't that much. What had really changed besides the leaders? People still went to work the same as they had before and they still paid taxes although it be to a new power that was possibly quite a bit more cruel than the republic had been. Maybe no matter where anyone went they would always be slaves whether it be to a higher power or a corrupt government.

Shaking the grim thoughts from his mind Astra turned walking back to the speeder he had rented for the day. No need getting arrested for sitting on the Senate building. He had just been freed once, and had no intentions of being imprisoned again. By anyone. Hopping into the speeder Astra's next stop would be to stop by the old Jedi temple to see what the Sith had done to it. Maybe he'd even run into one or two of them which is something he wasn't really looking forward to. If anything he may cause the Sith some trouble, they were just as bad as the jedi at the end of the day. While the jedi sat back and preached peace, they were able to do nothing to protect the galaxy. Yet the Sith make no such promises. They didn't care about enslaving people or even murder as long as they had power.

[member="Darth Vitium"] [member="Sarah Mist"] [member="Zerrene Torran"]
Glyph yawned as he walked around on Coruscant again, pickpocketing from those that didn't need the credits of having fun with the sith troopers here and there. Of course there was no one that had caught him as of yet but hell now he was yawning from where he stood in the middle of swarming crowd. In all this time the Sith had not changed the city planet to a massive scale and he could respect them for that much. But only that much, the rest of the respect he held was not for them in the least. For now he just watched for his next target.
Coruscant. In a lot of ways, it was just like the cesspools of her youth, but radically different in many others. It didn't really matter much to her who was in charge; Jedi, Sith, they were all the same to her.

Speaking of Sith, Zerrene had a contract on one of the acolytes at the old Jedi temple, and she wasn't thrilled to be surrounded by those of an order that supported slavery, so she wanted to get this over with.
She set up a sniper perch on a nearby building, staring through the scope of her rifle at the entrance, waiting for her target to appear.
She had all the time in the world after all, unlike her target.

[member="Astra Zeen"]
[member="Darth Vitium"]
[member="Sarah Mist"]


Exiled Princess of Kesh
Sarah had originally went to Corucsant(?) in search of some sort of answers for what has occured in the past year. To her surprise, the Sith had taken it over. This place felt abit odd for her, for it had used to be run by te Jedi, but since the Sith took it over, it didn't really feel like any type of 'home' to her. It was lacking something, and she couldn't quiet get the feeling out of her mind.

Sarah was already at the ruined Jedi Temple. She would stare at the building for a while, curious as to what it might have looked before the Sith took it over. Seeing the ruined temple made the girl think about both sides for a moment. "Hmm. . .i guess, both sides aren't really that different. ...Then again... They struck first..." She had softly spoke to herself, and from the viewpoint in which she saw the battle from.

[member="Darth Vitium"] [member="Astra Zeen"] [member="Zerrene Torran"] [member="Glyph"]
The Chiss held back a yawn as she checked the holo with her target's specifications. . . . again.
Several acolytes and Sith entered and exited the temple, but none of them were her target. She hoped he'd come out soon, because she did not want to go in there!

[member="Sarah Mist"]
@Zerrene Torran
[member="Astra Zeen"]
[member="Darth Vitium"]


Exiled Princess of Kesh
Sarah remained outside the Temple, still wondering if she should go inside or not. Though, perhaps she'll find the answers shes looking for inside. After a moment or two of thinking this way, the girl finally went to walk inside to have a closer look inside.

[member="Zerrene Torran"]
[member="Darth Vitium"]
[member="Astra Zeen"]
She noticed someone obviously not Sith entering the temple, and wondered at the reason. But it wasn't her target, so it didn't matter. She considered messing with her, and decided it would be funny.
She switched her rifle to a light stun mode, and zapped the new arrival's leg with a small shock.
[member="Sarah Mist"]
[member="Astra Zeen"]
[member="Darth Vitium"]
[member="Sarah Mist"] [member="Zerrene Torran"]

Glyph yawned as he walked with his hood up and head down, eyes focusing on the ground that he walked on before he saw someone poking around the temple and rolled his eyes, heading over there without knowing that the sniper was aiming for her. "Hey you, why are you standing outside this place, you know the Sith don't like tresspassers right." He said this to the white haired girl with a raised brow, smile wide on his face and hand tapping his arm.


Exiled Princess of Kesh
[member="Glyph"] [member="Zerrene Torran"]

She slightly flinched abit, hearing someone speak and talk to her. "Oh, uhm. . .Really?" She turned to face him, revealing her oddly golden orangeish eyes. "But I thought it was open for the P-" She did indeed get shot in the leg and went to fall down onto one knee. The shock of the (Bullet?Lazer?Stunshot?) caused her to slightly freak out, and look around trying to see who or what caused that sudden burst of electricity. "N-n.."
There was little that went on in Coruscant that Silara, Vitium now, was unaware of - yet that small bit of information that escaped her grasp was still so overwhelmingly large that it appeared that she still knew little of the capital at all. Still, she remained at her perch on a balcony that overlooked the renovated temple, which was once a place of Jedi study and was now the home of many of Acolytes and Knights of the Sith, deep within her meditative trance. She was indeed the newest of the Voices of the Dark Lord, and she kept her position in a higher regard than the privacy of her fellow Sith on the planet, her battle meditation and various other supportive abilities giving her a presence much akin to a dark cloud looming over the city - the fact that she radiated a darkness rivaling a nexus of the force added much to this effect. But down below her, directly under her nose, were a group of newcomers, beings that she felt through the force that did not belong. As someone readied a weapon her eyes drew open, looking directly at the source of the threat - the threat which immediately caused her farsight to go incredibly haywire. A brow raised and she slowly stood. "How quaint." She muttered.

[member="Astra Zeen"], [member="Glyph"], [member="Zerrene Torran"], [member="Sarah Mist"]
[member="Darth Vitium"] [member="Sarah Mist"] [member="Zerrene Torran"]

Of course someone had to go and start shooting random people when he was around, that was just great. Instantly there was chaos as the bolt hit the girl, after all they were in the wide open and infront of a highly important building. This thankfully allowed him to blend in as Sith knights started to rush out and secure the area, which thankfully got Glyph into the temple or atleast the front of it as he shot forward and grabbed Sarah, helping her into cover while the others worked on trying to figure out where the shot had come from. "You ok?" His own eyes ran and looked through the crowds, trying to find the source.
The assassin laughed as Sith began rushing about the courtyard. Perfect!
She soon spotted her target among the crowd, switched back to her default firing mode, and promptly executed him with a bolt to the head.
Satisfied, she began observing the girl she'd shot earlier, who was wildly looking around for her assailant. She decided to stick around, and see just what would happen.

[member="Darth Vitium"]
[member="Sarah Mist"]
[member="Astra Zeen"]


Exiled Princess of Kesh
[member="Darth Vitium"]
[member="Zerrene Torran"]
[member="Astra Zeen"]

She was still slightly stunned by the bolt, so Glyph was easily allowed to grab her, and take her somewhere that she might have some type of cover from whoever just shot her. "N-Nn. . .Wha-. . .What-. . .Whats going on?" She has been shot at, but not physically shot before. The girl just blinked and tried to think of what just happened. She just wanted to see the Temple and what was inside it. Who would want to do this to her? Questions fill her mind.
Zerrene tossed her rifle; she'd come back for it. She quickly jumped roof-to-roof, flying down from a low building onto the ground.
She pushed through the crowd, keeping her head down. She passed the corpse of her target, hiding a smirk.
The Chiss walked up to the girl and the man that had pulled her away, a look of concern on her face.
"Are you alright? I didn't see what happened."

[member="Sarah Mist"]
[member="Darth Vitium"]
[member="Astra Zeen"]


Exiled Princess of Kesh
Sarah would go to hold onto her leg, not noticing the odd woman at first. When she spoke outwards though, Sarah looked up, finally seeing her. "N-No. I-I think I was shot. . .it hurt. . .alot, and my Leg feels numb. . .Is it suppose to feel numb?" Even though it just gave her a minor shock, it still felt like the real thing.

[member="Zerrene Torran"]
[member="Darth Vitium"]
[member="Astra Zeen"]
Zerrene knelt down and examined the girl's leg.
"Hmmm. . . . Just a stun bolt, looks like. And seeing as how you're not passed out, you're either pretty resistant to electricity, or it's set on a very low setting."
She shook her head. "Feeling should return in a few minutes. Can't imagine why anyone'd do that."
She raised an eyebrow at the girl.
"Got any enemies?"

[member="Sarah Mist"]
[member="Darth Vitium"]


Exiled Princess of Kesh
"Enemies? Why would I have any?" She stated, feeling slightly paniced now that someone might be after her. "I mean, sure, maybe disappearing for a year might hav ecaused some issues, but I don't think I made any enemies. . ." Its clear, that the girl didn't understand what truely to say to anyone, be it a secret or not.

[member="Zerrene Torran"]
[member="Darth Vitium"]
[member="Astra Zeen"]
On the inside, Zerrene DID feel a little bad. After all, it was obvious she'd freaked the girl out more than she thought she would.
In the distance, she heard Sith shouting. Kriff, they'd found her rifle! How in the Force. . . .

[member="Sarah Mist"]
[member="Darth Vitium"]
[member="Astra Zeen"]
[member="Sarah Mist"] [member="Zerrene Torran"]

Glyph watched the chiss who showed concern but something struck him as off as he continued to watch her. His empathy flaring up already because of Sarah's panic but he tried to make sure his face remained calm while he tapped his chin. "You know, you feel a bit odd..." He looked at the chiss, curiously staring at her face. "My empathy is going crazy."
Her own senses went haywire when the man touched her; the feeling of something reading her. . .well, feelings.
"I-I have no idea what you mean."
She opened her senses more, and gasped as she felt a. . .being. Something. . .dark. Darker than she'd ever sensed.
'What is happening here?' She thought as she tried to pinpoint the darkness, trying to read it.

[member="Sarah Mist"]
[member="Darth Vitium"]
[member="Astra Zeen"]

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