Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Survival on Raxus Prime

Like a cannon ball SN-1411's escape pod made contact. Bashing into a large pile of junk, the shuttle sticking into it snugly. Dazed SN looked down and check he body and saw that he was still intact, but barely. His body twitched every now and then as a spark flew out of him. However, he managed to get to the exit of the craft.

He was simply doing his work, not far from the planet he was currently at he got into combat with his prey. Unfortunately his Hammerhead Corvette was outmatched by their starfighter. Soon enough his ship was being torn apart by the slaver's ship. The fight almost took his life, and from the looks of it if SN didn't aid himself it actually may.

Stepping out and into the "Fresh Air" of Raxus Prime all he saw around him was industrial waste. Catching the inside of the ship to make sure he didn't just fall out and into the garbage the escape pod was in. However, with a sudden twitch he fell, and tumbled down the large pile of junk. Picking himself up, the droid understood that he was gonna have a hard time in the near future.

After quickly getting to work, SN-1411 spent the next few days on the verge of death. His robotic body was failing him, and it was only a matter of time until it would no longer function. So in a race for his own life the droid needed to postpone the eventual death of his body and make a new one with the waste all around him. Reverting back to his first days with the Jawas it aided in his ability to making something out of nothing. Working tirelessly he finished what he started after arriving on this planet. He made himself a new body.

After transferring his consciousness to it he got a feel for it. The body was made off parts from several other different kinds of droids. Looking down he looked at it, feeling all the unfamiliar parts now. The main body was that of an R2 unit. Thinking about it for a second made a buzz saw poke out from within his chest. It certainly taken him by surprise and causing him to fall back. Looking down at it he saw the new appendage fail around some before going back into his chest. 'Well it's nice to know that still works' the droid thought to himself. After that another thing to him by surprise. It was his head, being that of the flat-ish head of a ID10 seeker droid. Suddenly his vision expanded, and not just to the sides, but all round him. He now seem to have 360 vision, similar to the IG series. That and it had other sensors, like thermal, and radiation. Then the more simply stuff. His right arm was that of a surgical droid. With a almost claw like hand, then the other was that of an old republic protocol droid. Meaning it was pretty familiar. Only that the fingers were more square like. Then his legs, with were also from a medical droid, just not the same one. Feeling the hydraulic legs gave a sense of more power and strength. Well, now that he wasn't on death's door step, now he could focus on finding a ship, perhaps he could make one like his new body, the thought amused him.
Traveling alone through the industrial wasteland he did come across some individuals. Some of them being a team of immigrated Jawas. Who he promised to help repair some of their droids in exchange for one of their many CA-87 shock blasters that SN could defend himself with, especially against any hostile junk droids that'll slice apart his new body.

However, eventually he found what he was looking for, a ship to get off this planet. He'd never really seen something like it, but recognized the Pelagia Duplex Command Assault Ship as being from the old republic. Walking up to the large starfighter he marveled at it. Exploring it inside and out he figured it would be a great replacement for him. However, there was one thing that didn't make it that good. It was nonoperational. The old thing had probably been here for centuries, if not millennia. But the droid thought it was too good of a find to pass up.

Spending more time then originally wanted on the junk planet SN spent even more time working on getting the old shop up and running. Fortunately for the droid he was able to get the help of a team of pit droids to aid him. Convincing them to help him and in return could join his crew if they get out of here.

Eventually the day came, after restless and non-stop work SN believed that the ship was ready. Getting his new, and clumsy crew of pit droids in he started it up. Modifying the ship so it could be completely controlled by one R2 unit. Soon, after revving up the engines they had lift off. He was impressed with his changes to the engines, making the ship much faster then he thought it's be. Well now it was time to get back to work.

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