Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Surviving After Loss

For the past around two hundred and ten days Belgerath had been in Silver Sanctum Coalition 'care'. Though they were the Order of the Silver Jedi now. Other things had changed besides the name of the faction he was being held by however. The One Sith, the people to which he had served was gone. The sub group he had originally been a part of, the Sith Assassins, all likely scatterd to the wind. So even if he did get out he was going to have nowhere to go. Which was both a blessing and a curse. For now though he had other worries. Before he got out and even before the Trial in front of a Silver Jedi court. How would he live with himself.

After his fight with Grey Lunara, he had lost. But he had lost more then any pride. His left arm had been damaged beyond repair, with the bone structure of his left shoulder having been weakend from how it was crushed. Put simply, restoring his left arm was possible, but would be costly. A price he was not keen on paying to the Silvers. Unlike some Sith, Belgerath would repay his debts. The less debts he had to anyone holding him captive the better. His arm was not the only casualty however, both his legs had been hit by a nasty alter-enviroment lightning bolt. Nowhere near as severe as loosing an arm but restoring the nerves and regaining his former mobility had been a challenge initially. Even now two hundred days later, his legs would have occasional spasms while sitting.

And so he was here in a training rehab room where he had been getting his body back into shape. It was the only direction left for him now, being held as he was. So he made the most of it. The blindfolded Mirilukan leaned his back against the cold wall, sweat dripping down his chin as he took a few swallows of stale water. Though even that stale water left him feeling revitalized again.

There were a pair of guards at the entrance to keep an eye on him and make sure he did not try anything. Though Belgerath had no intention of trying to escape, that would be hard enough with two arms, and he was by no means that good with his feet.

Inside the room was a wide variety of exercise tools, more or less anything one might need. The only thing that stood out as odd was a single wooden training dummy in the corner, along with a single wooden shortsword.

Part of learning to be a Jedi Consular was taking stock in the needs of the people around you.

Consider, for example, what it was like to be in a MedCenter? Scared. Isolated. Loss of control... MedCenters could be very frightening for those who found themselves within it, for whatever reason. So, the young Beorni volunteered by visiting the MedCenter. Sometimes he had balloons. Sometimes he had candy. Sometimes he had teddy Beorni dolls to give to the younglings.

And sometimes he was just there for someone to pet or hug.

Or listen! Taungsday was bingo night, which was popular with the senior center. He'd help volunteer in escorting the seniors around, and they'd tell him stories of distant worlds and half-remembered wars.

As he looked and listened for the neglected, the isolated, the shunned... he'd found out about one patient that was held in detention. They called him a Sith. Now, Kiriko was still new to this whole Jedi thing, so he really wasn't sure what a Sith was. He didn't even really know what the Force was that every talked about. He knew what the Spirits were. The ancestral spirits that formed the White Current, and which every Beorni learned to listen for. It was how both the past and the present spoke to them.

So, he didn't know what this man had done. And he didn't know why the Jedi thought he was a bad person, or a threat. But he thought that the man might be lonely, which was reason enough to warrant asking if he could see this individual for himself.

After all, how else to judge how a society values life than how it treats the least among them?

So it was that the Beorni came to knock upon the door, opening it a respectful moment to stand on the other side of the threshold. "Mister [member="Belgerath"]?"

With the guards standing outside the door, it seemed unlikely he'd arrived in the wrong place. But it seemed polite to ask. "My name is Kiriko. May I come in?"
Just shortly before Kiriko enterd, Belgerath had been thinking about something. Specifically, boredom. The boredome of not really having anyone to talk to. Now, this was not paticularly unusual back before when he was out on missions and all, but even Sith get bored of thinking only to themselves long enough. The guards did not exactly help, he was pretty sure if he walked at them to fast they would get jumpy. That was of course his pet theory, he was not about to test it, lest they actually did get jumpy. Not the kind of accident you wanted on your own hands.

Belgerath frowned as he heard his name called and there was a knock and Kiriko stepped through the door. The guards looked at him with a bit of suprise but let him past, though they did keep out a bit of a sharper eye now that it was more then just them and Belgerath in the room. "If you were looking for a guy named Belgerath, well, i do happen to go by that name. You are..? Kiriko huh. Well, come on in. I don't exactly own the room" The person's species was not one he recognized, at all in fact. He could tell he was a lightsider from the aura (i presume), a pale blue. Belgerath was not really sure what to ask this rather unique being, so he let [member="Kiriko"] have the first word as it were and 'state his buisness'.
Well, he got invited in.

Stepping across the threshold, the Beorni's soft, round ears perked up slightly on the sides of his round head. He was neither fast nor graceful, and the way the floors creaked slightly gave every indication that the padabear was even heavier than he appeared. He was all white fur. Faun brown eyes and a black button nose the only spots of color on an otherwise white canvas, though thick black pads could be glimpsed on the underside of his paws.

"The people at the MedCenter told me you were here," the cub remarked, looking at the man and then glancing around the room. Not avoiding the man, just curious of his surroundings. When he looked back, there was no hesitation or horror at what he saw. Human beings looked very different than Beorni did, so Kiriko was getting more and more used to a universe where he accepted the everyone looked strange, because everyone did. At least, those that were not bears. "They said, they thought you might want some company."

...well, actually, they'd said they'd never seen anyone visit here. But it seemed somewhat rude to say that.

"I... I just wanted to meet you, and ask how you're doing."

(OOC Note on the Image: With proper clothing of course :p)

Belgeraths sight through force sight was not able to comprehend much of his physical color, but he could tell that this was quite the large and fuzzy mammilian creature. He heard the creaking of the floor as he walked along with the not graceful movements. It was easy to tell that the being was by no means a light weight, which was in direct contrast to Belgeraths rough, wiery frame. He was clothed in a simple set of white robes and a belt around his wasit. The top of the robes had been slid off, revealing body with numerous scars, and a missing left arm.

After the being had explained himself, Belgerath continued to wipe himself clean of sweat as he started to speak. "They did huh? Deceptivly perceptive of them." He remarked with a bemused tone, though that joke was more to himself considering he had been growing rather bored just before Kiriko enterd.

"How i am doing? Well, could be worse. The scars on my legs have sealed up. Left arm is still missing, not sure where i went. I can't seem to find it." He did not make the comment with the inention of scaring the cub away. Rather, he had absolutely no idea how to talk to someone like this. But he figured jokes were good, probably.

Having volunteered around the MedCenter, the cub was becoming introduced to the idea of...

...what did they call it?

Ah, yes. Morbid humor. The nurses and medical technicians seemed to use it to try and make light of the everyday occasions that they were mired in, which had to do with very serious and stressful situations. So the quip about the arm was not immediately surprising. If anything, he took it as somewhat of a sign that the man was keeping up a strong chin.

The rest was actually quite informative. The wounds on his legs had healed. So it was only the arm that bothered him. When the cub thought about it, adjusting to the loss of a limb would be terribly inconvenient. Dropping onto all fours, the Beorni padded inside a little further, dropping his haunches and sitting near the man's feet. "Perhaps I could inquire with the lost and found," the cub deadpanned in kind.

Really, you never knew what you were going to find in the lost and found. Particularly around a Jedi Temple. Everything from used loincloths to kyber crystals, and a lot inbetween. Limbs were likely a stretch, but he'd be surprised if it was completely unheard of.

Noticing the man's sweat, the cub found he could relate. "It seems very warm in here to me," the Beorni noted, making casual conversation. "What about you? What manner of world do you hail from?"

T'was morbid humor indeed, one of the few things the Mirilulkan Sith had to keep him company. Untill now, now he had a... He was still not sure exactly -what- Kiriko was. So he figured he would ask when able.

"Never know what you might find, maybe i could get lucky.Just make sure it is crush resistant, dont wanna make the same mistake again." Not that he planned on having a building dropped on him. Again. That was not his voice way to end a fight by any means. As for inconveince, it was indeed a great pain. Escpially because Belgerath made a habit of only using the force when needed.

While he did not know what was common in a Jedi Temple's lost and found, finding peoples body parts in a Sith Temple's lost and found was most certainly possible. A fact that made Belgerath choose to quickly change thought direction.

As Kiriko sat beside his feet and asked about where he came from, Belgerath had to tilt his head back and think long and hard on that one. "...Well. Lets see.. Temple in Coruscant. My living conditions are not exactly kid friendly. Lets say that days had a habit of being hot, with nights being very cold, and generally hard steel floors." And he let his conversation partner take from that what he willed.

"What about you? Where do you come from? And while i am asking it, what are you? I am a Mirilukan."

Hot days, cold nights.

"Well, the nights sound nice enough," the Beorni remarked casually, even as he shuddered at the thought of hot days. The steel floors could go either way, being really hot or really cold. He was not opposed to sleeping on hard steel floors, or anywhere else for that matter, but the idea of hot steel floor was likened to hell for him.

Coruscant. It wasn't a realm that the boy was familiar with. He'd have to inquire with the temple librarian. Perhaps consult with one of those star charts that mapped the sea upon which the Silver Jedi navigated the great cosmos.

And Miralukan. That was a new species for him to remember. He looked rather human-ish to the bear. Or, Valkyri-ish perhaps.

It was on that latter that he spoke in answer to the question. "I am Beorni of Midvinter," the cub answered easily enough. "A fishing village on the frozen shores of the Great Maw. This travel among stars is still new to me."

"Yeah i will agree with that. I stand cold better then i stand heat. I can always put more clothes on easier then i can take them off. Though i uh... Think that you don't need to bother putting on more layers." Belgerath had gotten quite used to sleeping in a variety of conditions. From on a cold steel floor to in a tree, and on rare occasions a confortable bed force forbid.

As far as planets and species went, the names 'Beorni' and 'Midvinter' were just as foreign and strange to Belgerath as Belgeraths planet and Spcies was to Kiriko. Fair enough he supposed, they both got to suprise each other equally.

"Travel among the stars is not new to me by any stretch. Been many places. Seen some things. Though never the place you come from, i gather it is a mostly cold planet? Going by how furry you are, and the name. Midvinter... Mid Winter. Huh."

The Beorni's small, puffball tail was twitching happily.

This was going much better than he'd imagined. He hadn't figured he'd be very welcome, and it was a good conversation indeed. "Your clothing is very versatile," the cub opined in admiration. Really, it was a remarkable concept. Thermal layers changed to suit the environment or personal preference. "In contrast, my fur isn't as easy to pull on or take off."

At least Kiriko wasn't the only one who didn't know everything about these worlds among the stars. "Oh, Midvinter is a lovely place," the Beorni remarked, his round ears perked up slightly on the sides of his head. "It doesn't snow there all year round..." the boy began, because pausing a moment to give that a think.

"...well, in parts perhaps," he amended. He imagined there were a few spots where snow was the norm all year. "But it can be as warm at ten degrees centigrade in the summer!"

To a fuzzy cub, that was rather hot.

Generaly, Belgerath did not speak much. While he was not broody by any strech, he tended to silence. But even he liked some form of sentient interaction that went past him saying 'going to the exercise area now' and being told 'you need a checkup now'. Being able to live like that did not mean he liked it.

"Easier for camo too. You would stick out like a sore thumb in most any normal forest or city. Think of all the fish that would escape your pawns, or the deer that would flee from a massive white mass of rumbling bear." Belgerath said in an attempt to amuse, figuring the cub would be a hunter, considering his species and looks. It would be strange to Bellie if he wasn't, though that was just from his understanding.

"Ten... Degreese..." Bellie tilted his head a bit. "...I would still be in warm clothes. Brrr." Though he was skinny in general, so he didn't hold heat in well in the first place.

People who knew most Sith and how they acted might find Belgeraths agreeable nature strange and decidedly un-sith like. This was not because he was trying to secretly worm his way into the young padabears mind to escape, or any other such trickery. He had been saved by Junko Ike, purely by her own mercy and nature. Inspite of being an Assassin, Belgerath believed in honor, and followed a form of his own. Sure, perhaps he could mess with this young ones mind in an attempt to worm his way out. But he had earned a debt and Belgerath would pay it back. And manipulating the people around him was now how he would do so. Though it was also doubtful that he would have a way in which to return the favor to Junko for saving his life, the least he could do in the mean time was not be a horrific person to the people she was a part of. It would be terribly unsporting. (Bit sick so forgive me if the explination here did not make sense)

"Well, thankfully the cookie jar has yet to take note of my approach," the cub remarked on the camouflage.

Being from a fishing village, his idea of hunting usually involved a stick, a piece of string, and a nap while waiting for something to bite. It was a true win-win. Nap and dinner at the same time!

"So what of the world you're from? Do you do much hunting there?" the boy inquired. He was curious to hear more about this Coruscant. He was imagining lush, humid rain forests that boasted sweltering days and chilling nights, with all manner of beasts in between.

Perhaps one day, he would have opportunity to voyage to this port somewhere in the sea of stars.

"The cookie jar huh? The ultimate challenge. Silently get a cookie in the middle of the night with no one hearing." That could be hard now. Espcially when people put bells on the top. That had been a nasty suprise.

Belgeraths hunting varied from critters to people and items. Though he didn't exactly do much item hunting at all, he had done a lot of the other two. Though the hunting people part made the follow up question a bit awkward.

"Mmm... Coruscant isn't exactly a place you hunt at. At least not for animals. Its an urban jungle, a planet of nothing but buildings and cities. It never sleeps and it is constnatly noisy with the sounds of machinery, ships, speeders. Really it isn't that great of a place, but it is certainly unique. I only know of one other place like it, and i have never been there. Denon. Now, as for why the days were hot and the nights cold... The people i was raised by believed in strict living conditions that promoted bodily endurance and adaptability. If ten degreese is warm for you, you would not have liked it and trust me you definitely do not want to visit." That last part he could say for certain, though he doubted if that place was even still intact anyways.

"Hmm... I have been to other places though. Swampy planets with a constant fog that kept anyone from seeing properly." He said, just Bellie just going over a few such locations and about things that were there.


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