Tʜᴇ Sʜᴀʀᴋ
- A customized set of armor, including an Ubese raider helmet
- An NN-14 blaster pistol
- A K21c portable ordnance launcher, for more “difficult” quarry
- A pair of rocket boots
- Various explosives, snares, and other gadgets needed to hunt bounties in the galaxy
- The Bladeback, his personal V-21.1 Chevlex
- B0-4R, the Bladeback's S19-series astromech
Mechanic: Like many other Ugnaughts from Bespin, Bhaji is well-versed in various forms of technical knowledge. From droidsmithing, to starship repair, to even improvised weaponry. This makes him a well rounded, if dangerous, individual.
Stealthy: Because he is of a certain stature, he can more stealthily move through objectives when necessary.
Short-Tempered: Similar to other Ugnaughts, Bhaji has a sort of boar-like orneriness to him. Perhaps it comes from years of others looking down upon him and his people, both metaphorically and literally.
Stout: Despite his testiness on the matter, Bhaji is still rather dwarfish in stature. While he compensates for firepower, many will still likely have advantage on him due to being from a smaller-than-average species.
Bhaji Scorffa, an Ugnaught from Ugnorgrad on Bespin, descends from the skilled mechanics who maintained Cloud City under Lando Calrissian. Born into a clan of adept engineers, Bhaji inherited a knack for technology and machinery. However, faced with limited economic prospects, he left Bespin in search of better opportunities.
Venturing into the galaxy's underworld, Bhaji used his mechanical skills to transform himself into a proficient bounty hunter. His expertise in crafting and utilizing advanced gadgets quickly earned him a reputation. He embraced the perilous life of a hunter, taking on increasingly dangerous assignments.
Now, Bhaji lends his talents to the highest bidder, frequently working for the Hutts and the Pykes. His loyalty to whoever pays the most makes him a valuable, if unpredictable, asset in the criminal underworld.