skin, bone, and arrogance

"Just to be clear, this is entirely illegal," said Lydia as she crouched at the back doors of a hovervan, twenty stories up, with her hands on the doors' latches. "Absolutely," was the response from Lydia's brother Hector, who was piloting the van.
Lydia sighed. "And you're making me do it, because --?"
"Because -- well, good, we have time to review this because the people of Avalonia often see vans parked at the top of residential buildings -- because, first of all, you work for me, and second of all, because your bony ass can fit through the ventilation system and mine cannot. So get out and get your earpiece on."
Lydia sighed and then shoved the doors open, then stepped out onto the ledge of the building, then carefully turned and closed the doors. She hauled herself over the short barrier and onto the roof, and the van whooshed off. Lydia gave it a rude gesture, then turned on her earpiece.
"I saw that," said Hector. "Get a move on."
Lydia had only the bare facts; they were -- well, she was -- breaking into an apartment in one of the nicer buildings of the Garden District. The building was certainly upper middle-class -- not too fancy, but not a slum, either. The young woman didn't know whose apartment it was, or why they were breaking into it, but she did what she was told, particularly when her brother and employer was the one doing the telling. He wasn't the type one wanted to disobey. "Yes, sir," she said through gritted teeth.
Her hairs stood up on the back of her neck, and she gathered her supplies, pre-stashed there earlier that day. She used a crowbar to wrench the exhaust vent cover open, then dropped down into the vent as delicately and quietly as she could.