Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Suvi Dragr






Core Name | Suvi Dragr
Birth World | Nar Shaddaa
Birth Name | Minsu’vi’arlani
Faction | The Mandalorian Enclave
Rank | Karjr
Species | Chiss
Age | 21
Gender | Female
Height | 172 cm (5 feet 7 inches)
Weight | 65kg (143 lbs)
Eye-Colour | Crimson
Hair-Colour | Obsidian
Skin-Tone | Cornflower Blue
Force Sensitive | No
Languages Spoken | Galactic Basic, Mando'a, Huttese, Cheunh


Skin a lovely rich shade of blue with purplish undertones, Suvi’s exotic skin tone is complemented very well with her distinctive facial features. Alluring red eyes, a charming slender nose and blue lips a shade or two darker than her skin, all of these come together to form a comely appearance many would find exotic or exquisite to the eyes.

Apart from several healed cuts and scrapes from her careless youth and other combat injuries, her complexion is otherwise free of any major scars or blemishes. Her red eyes that the Chiss are so well-known for can be incredibly expressive. Often carrying a message that words do not, one can often tell how she feels when words fail her.

Her “exotic” appearance has been known to afford her certain luxuries and privileges that she’d not have been given otherwise had she been a human. Her long jet black hair is usually tied up into a bun or ponytail when she engages in highly physical activity that requires increased agility and more freedom of movement. Blessed with feminine curves, this is not often known as she often keeps her figure hidden over her beskar armour.Her figure is toned and athletic, befitting that of a Mandalorian well-trained in combat. The highly active lifestyle she leads allows her to maintain her toned figure despite being a big and hearty eater.


Brought into Mandalorian culture with Clan Dragr as a foundling, Suvi was raised on the tenet of unwavering determination. Once her mind is set on a goal, it's nearly impossible to deter her from it. Whether it's tracking a bounty across harsh biomes or fighting alongside her brothers and sisters in arms in times of war, Suvis stubborn resolve keeps her steady, even in the face of overwhelming odds. Her indomitable spirit is like a hardy beskar alloy, unyielding and unbreakable. Her love for combat runs deep in her veins, as if it's an inseparable part of her DNA.

The thrill of a firefight, the adrenaline rush of a high-speed chase through the galaxy's asteroid fields, and the satisfaction of outdrawing an opponent in a dusty cantina are what make her feel truly alive. Her skills with a blaster are unparalleled, and her precision shots often seem almost supernatural. In the heat of battle, she moves with the grace of a dancer and the ferocity of a rancor. To Suvi, combat isn't just a means to an end; it's a way of life, a dance of survival that she has perfected over the years.

Despite her undeniable prowess, Suvi carries a burden deep within her. She constantly feels the need to prove herself, not only to others but to herself as well. Her Mandalorian upbringing taught her that strength is a virtue, and she is determined to prove that she is worthy of the Mandalorian legacy. This drive for self-validation pushes her to take on increasingly dangerous bounties and face off against the most formidable adversaries the galaxy has to offer. Each victory, each conquered challenge, is a step towards earning the respect she craves from her peers and the fulfilment she seeks within. Suvi roams the galaxy's fringe, an untamed spirit in search of combat and validation.


+Exceptional Marksmanship
She has been trained from a young age to handle a wide range of firearms, from blaster pistols to heavy rifles, with unmatched precision. Her ability to accurately hit targets, even in the midst of chaotic battles, makes her a formidable opponent. This skill is not only useful for combat but also for bounty hunting or mercenary work, where accuracy can mean the difference between success and failure.

Despite not being born as a Mandalorian, She has lived all her life as one. Growing up in the care and tutelage of an experienced Mandalorian warrior, she is well-trained in the Mandalorian Way and is a fierce and highly lethal combatant in her own right, even without any force powers. She excels in a variety of combat tactics and adapts to different situations. Whether it's a long-range sniping operation, close-quarters firefight, or a duel in a crowded cantina, she can adjust her strategies to match the circumstances. Her ability to think fast on her feet gives her an edge when facing unexpected challenges.

+Highly Resilient and Determined
She possesses a strong will that allows her to persevere through even the most challenging circumstances. This tenacity enables her to confront adversity head-on, refusing to back down in the face of danger or setbacks. Since young, Suvi has always embodied remarkable resilience and unwavering determination.

+Loyalty and Camaraderie
She holds deep bonds of loyalty and camaraderie with those she trusts. Once she considers someone a friend or ally, she becomes fiercely protective and committed to their well-being. This loyalty extends to her crew, clan, or the team she works with, fostering a sense of unity and trust that can be invaluable in team-based missions. This unwavering support for her comrades can create a strong sense of solidarity and mutual respect.


- Stubbornness and Inflexibility
One of the personality weaknesses she has is her tendency toward stubbornness and inflexibility. Her unwavering determination, while a strength in many situations, can also make it difficult for her to compromise or adapt to new ideas and perspectives. This rigidity can lead to conflicts within teams or hinder her ability to find peaceful resolutions to conflicts that don't involve combat.

- Impulsiveness and Risk-Taking
In the heat of battle or when pursuing a mission, She may sometimes act impulsively and take unnecessary risks. This strong desire to achieve her goals and protect others can lead her to make hasty decisions without considering the full consequences. This impulsiveness can put herself and her comrades in danger and may lead to regrets after the fact.

- Difficulty Forgiving and Letting Go
She has a long memory for past slights and betrayals. Suvi finds it challenging to forgive those who have wronged her or her clan, which can result in grudges that linger for years. This reluctance to let go of past grievances can lead to ongoing conflicts and hinder her ability to move forward in certain situations.

- Harsh Self-Criticism
She holds herself to incredibly high standards and can be excessively self-critical. While this can drive her to constantly improve her skills, it can also lead to self-doubt and a fear of failure. She may be quick to blame herself for any setbacks or perceived shortcomings, which can affect her self-esteem and mental well-being.


In the sprawling urban jungle of Nar Shaddaa, where the neon glow of cantina signs bathed the narrow streets in an eerie, flickering light, Suvi, a young Chiss girl, came into the world. Nar Shaddaa was a moon consumed by chaos, a haven for smugglers, bounty hunters, and criminals. But for Suvi, it was home, or at least as close to one as she'd ever known. Suvi's parents were Chiss who had fled the strict hierarchy and political machinations of the Unknown Regions, seeking refuge on Nar Shaddaa. They hoped for a life free from the intrigues of the Chiss Ascendancy. However, the lawlessness of the moon proved inescapable.

Her parents, once respected members of Chiss society, were forced to make deals with ruthless crime lords to survive. Suvi's childhood was marked by both the hardships of the criminal underworld and the love of her parents. They taught her the traditional Chiss values, though these virtues often seemed out of place in the tumultuous world they inhabited. She grew up listening to tales of the stars and the wonders of the galaxy beyond Nar Shaddaa's smog-choked skies.

But fate had a cruel twist in store. It came on a night when Nar Shaddaa's ceaseless cacophony seemed unusually hushed. The calm before the storm. A violent eruption of blaster fire shattered the silence, and Suvi's world crumbled in an instant. She scrambled out of her bunk, heart pounding, to find her parents fighting valiantly against a merciless gang of criminals. Blaster bolts lit up the room as her mother and father held their ground, their brilliant blue skin marked by sweat and determination. However, it was a battle they couldn't win. The attackers, driven by greed and vengeance, outnumbered them. Suvi's world unravelled as she watched her parents fall, their final moments etching themselves into her memory. Her mother, with a voice of unwavering resolve, whispered a promise as her life slipped away—a promise to reunite among the stars.

Suvi, now an orphan in a world that showed no mercy, was dragged away by her parents' assailants. Bound and bewildered, she found herself thrust into a life of slavery on the desert world of Tatooine. Her once-vibrant blue skin, a source of pride among the Chiss, became a painful reminder of her past.

The harsh desert world of Tatooine, with its twin suns scorching the arid landscape, was a far cry from the neon-lit alleys of Nar Shaddaa. It was here, amidst the unforgiving dunes and relentless heat, that Suvi's life as a slave unfolded in a relentless cycle of suffering. Her days in captivity were filled with gruelling labour, the relentless sun beating down on her and fellow slaves as they toiled under the watchful eyes of merciless overseers. Their hands were calloused, their backs bent from the ceaseless work. They were eventually sent to work as scavengers in teams, competing with the Jawas, the Tusken Raiders, along with other bandits and scavengers.

It was a world of pain and deprivation, where survival depended on one's ability to endure. Her nights offered no respite. Cramped and sweltering quarters, shared with other unfortunate souls, provided little comfort. The meagre rations barely sustained them, and dreams of a better life seemed like distant mirages in the endless desert. Yet, through the torment and despair, Suvi clung to the promise her mother had made. She whispered it to herself as she fell asleep each night, a beacon of hope in the darkness that surrounded her. It was this promise that kept her going, a promise of reunion among the stars. Suvi's childhood had been stolen from her, replaced by a ceaseless cycle of labour under the watchful eyes of cruel overseers. She and her fellow slaves were nothing more than property to be exploited, their spirits crushed by the relentless demands of their masters. But hope has a way of flickering even in the darkest of times. That hope took the form of a Mandalorian warrior named Volo Dragr.

One fateful day, as the scorching sun reached its zenith, an attack descended upon the slave camp like a vengeful desert storm. Blaster bolts tore through the air, and the oppressors were swiftly overwhelmed. Suvi, her spirit battered but unbroken, watched in awe as her captors were defeated by an armoured warrior. The warrior approached Suvi, his Mandalorian armour a stark contrast among the desert landscape. He offered her a hand, lifting her from the dust and despair of her former life. Her heart swelled with gratitude as she took his hand, her eyes meeting the T-shaped visor of his helmet. She soon became a foundling of Clan Dragr, and under Volo's guidance, Suvi embraced the teachings of the Mandalorians. She learned the art of combat, training diligently to become a skilled warrior. She absorbed the Mandalorian creed, holding dear the principles that all of the Mando’ade valued greatly.


Prudii'drahr | Suvi Dragr's Beskar'gam
M.I. Model 6 Hybrid Pistol x2
ENCL-36 Paranaor Blaster Rifle



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