Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Svante Selanno

Svante Selanno

NAME: Svante Selanno
SPECIES: Human/Ubese
AGE: 34
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.76m (5’11”)
WEIGHT: 89kg (197lbs)
EYES: Azure
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Fair


Marksman – Not only does Svante know how to build a blaster…he’s proficient with them too. With the right rifle, he can easily make shots that would put an Imperial sniper to shame.
Perseverance – Svante is not one to back down; he is willing and always feels obligated to carry out anything to the very end.

Tactless – Even though he can be fairly intelligent, it does not stop Svante from being unnecessarily rude at times; he finds it humourous.
Lewd – Not being terribly tactful also lends itself to Svante’s rude behaviours, especially regarding women…prone to womanize and make sexist comments.
Alcoholic – His mind is fraught with horrible memories and guilt, which he tries to subdue with alcohol. Although he manages to hold his liquor well, with even being drunk affecting his abilities minimally, it causes him severe headaches…and often at the worst of times. Drinking seems to help.
Selfish – Having lost many things throughout his life, Svante has learned to keep things close to him…often refusing to give in to charity or pleas for help. Life is cruel and he’s willing to demonstrate that to other individuals. There is an exception to those who earn his respect.

Svante is an average height person who is half human and half Ubese. He sports his brown hair fairly short, and his facial hair as nothing more than stubble. His piercing blue eyes are said to glisten as the stars. He is typically found in his beloved rugged clothing; a worn trenchcoat, body armour, and a brown satchel.

Svante Selanno was born on Uba IV and grew up among the Ubese, although his mother was a human from Concord Dawn. He grew up feeling an amount of animosity towards his parents due to the fact that although they cared deeply for him, they often acted hard and cold. When he was just a teenage, Svante lost his father; he blames his mother due to her gambling and promiscuous tendencies. Not more than a year later, the family moved to Concord Dawn; here Svante went to work on his grandfather’s farm for the next 5 years. His grandfather gifted him their family’s heirloom, the Sojourner, as well as teaching him the art of blastersmithing which he took on with great passion.

When Svante decided it was time to move on, he left everything behind and joined the First Order as a cargo pilot. After a few years and moving up the ranks, he landed himself pilot of the AAL-327, nicknamed the Chum Bucket. He worked closely with a small group of troopers who would eventually all agree to defect after becoming disillusioned with the First Order, and later became the crew of the Sojourner. Svante and his crew eventually took to be men of opportunity, taking on jobs as mercs, cargo delivery, smuggling, etc.

While Svante acts pretty laid back and laughable, on the inside he is forever torn by the loss of his father and his cold childhood. He feels victimized at times, though he’d never willingly admit to that, which can cause him to strike out at those who upset him; Svante can very easily go from laughing at a joke to holding a knife up to your gut. Svante struggles with his emotional torment caused by the loss of his father and the seemingly cruelness of the galaxy. Although he wants to forgive his mother, he finds it far too hard and know he’ll never be able to feel love for her again. This animosity towards his mother also affects his respect for women in general…and it is easy for Svante to quickly fall back to sexist and chauvinistic remarks.

Though he can be cruel and uncaring himself, Svante can also be extremely easy to get along with…depending who you are. Prone to crude and inappropriate remarks, he often distances himself from higher class individuals while finding similarities and friendship with other mercs, bounty hunters, and so forth. He is always quick to make a quip about a situation, and can always be expected to humour himself. While Svante doesn’t have any noble goals at heart…he does care for many individuals whom he’s come to know well, such as his crew. Those people, as well as anyone who prove themselves loyal or reliable to Svante, earn his trust and his willingness to help them. He is also, deep in his heart, driven by his subconscious need to redeem himself…seeking out some sort of redemption for the foul hand he was given in life.

Redemption, loyalty, and honour are major themes in Svante’s life; he believes that everyone must earn their respect, or be treated as inferior to those who demand it. He is not entirely above dishonesty and cheating, as he will always justify immoral actions if it is to undercut something even more immoral.

  • Custom DC-15 Blaster Rifle - stripped down and rebuilt. It can be connected to a charge pack (carried via backpack) that allows for much greater volume of uninterrupted fire. It has two modes; a single-shot, high powered mode which can easily best plastoid-based armours, and a low powered, rapid-fire mode which puts out shots at a terrifying rate. Attempting to fire the blaster in hi-power AND full-auto will overheat the rifle in seconds...sometimes causing a chain reaction, overloading the charge pack, and often detonating.
  • A180 Blaster Pistol
  • Imperial Ground Crew chest plate with modified back plate.
  • Imperial navy smock - Imperial emblems replace with a solid amber patch with a dark grey streak through it diagonally

Wayfarer-class Medium Transport – The Sojourner – It was an heirloom passed down from generation to generation before being gifted to Svante. Now crewed by Svante and his ex-stormtroopers, it has been refitted and repurposed. The transport itself being a fairly old piece of tech, Seyley was able to upgrade most of the armaments and core systems of the ship through the crew's past couple years flying it. The ship is also equipped with a shield generator and a Class 2 Hyperdrive. It is painted in a dark grey and amber colour scheme, though it is fairly beat up and weathered from constant use.





  • N/A

Sojourner's Crew

The crew of the Sojourner consists of eight people plus Svante himself. All of them were once troopers who served alongside Svante during his time as a First Order pilot, with the exception of one who joined from another regiment. Together the crew's skills cover most things and they are able to operate very well in great coordination.

Emil Rhysyll
Selanno's second in command, Rhysyll was the crew's former Lieutenant, and also the co-pilot of the Sojourner. Because of Svante's trust in him, he usually leaves Rhysyll in charge of whichever ship he's not on. He is arguably better than Svante at planning and tactics, though he's not as charismatic. Being a fairly cut-and-dry soldier, Svante was actually surprised when it was he who first suggested deserting, as well as rounding up the other's of the crew when it came to their separation from the First Order.

Taeren Fel
Fel is a navigations officer who got demoted through some actions he does not like to discuss, which wound him up serving as a Staff-Sergeant under Rhysyll's command. Feeling already betrayed by the First Order, it was of no surprise that he was instantly on board when he caught wind of the deserting plan. On board the Sojourner, he once again gets to act as navigations officer, and helps run the bridge alongside his two superiors.

Locke Albrecht
Albrecht is the crew's longest-serving trooper. Having been in the First Order ten years, he had seen a done a lot of things he regrets. But his MO was to keep his troops alive and that's what he did; Albrecht was an exceptionally good soldier. Having acted as the troops' Sergeant for the past few years, he knew how to keep them kicking. When Svante offered him a new life, he was more than happy to accept.

Alsten Jekurra
Jekurra is the joker; the kind of joker that gets on everyone's nerves. He's also the support gunner of the group, and is almost too eager to lay fire when someone calls 'weapons hot'. Jekurra joined the First Order from a penitentiary program...which he was again almost too eager to accept. Enlisting allowed him to let out his anger and while he followed orders very well...he could be scary to watch in combat.

Grosser Rohtul
The crew's armourer, Rohtul is almost as good at his job as Selanno. Along with him, the two have modified the entire's crew's blasters to be custom tailored; faster fire-rates, fire mode toggles, even rebuilding whole systems. And while he isn't as good of a shot as some of the crew, he can give most troopers a run for their money.

Brand Seyley
Almost dragged onto the crew unwillingly, Seyley was one of the best Imperial mechanics in his company. Secretly he hated serving the First Order, but he also preferred to follow the rules. So when Svante enlisted him to desert he wasn't terribly happy about it. But now that he's out he can't complain either. Usually found working on the engines or in the mess hall, he loves to make jokes and him and Svante love to laugh together.

Evir Airer'th
Brother to Yuno, Evir and her are the only two who aren't called by their surnames. The siblings are both sniping aces, which is why when serving the two were split, as the superiors saw their competitive rivalry as an issue. Of course, when Evir joined the rest of the crew in deserting, he demanded that they save his sister from the First Order as well, which they did.

Yuno Airer'th
Sister to Evir, Yuno was the best shot in her whole company, and probably the best shot among the Sojourner crew. Attractive yet gruff, no one in the crew dares put moves on her; even Svante holds his tongue around Yuno. She also acts as the crew's tech, or at least the best they've got; she may not know how to manually slice or reprogram...but she knows her way around a script or two.

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