Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Svenja Dietrich Fürstin Von und Zu Exocron


  • Full name: Svenja Dietrich Fürstin Von und Zu Exocron
  • Preferred Name: Svenja
  • Alias: N/A
  • Titles:
    • Fürstin Von und Zu Exocron - Ruling Princess from and of Exocron
  • Species: Near Human
  • Race: Echani and Epicanthix heritage
  • Homeworld: Exocron
  • Faction(s):
    • The Sith Order
  • Rank(s):
    • Ruling Princess of Exocron
    • Sith Acolyte
  • Class:
    • Tank
    • Fighter
    • Anti-paladin
  • Master(s):
    • N/A
  • Padawan(s):
    • N/A
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Force Alignment: Lawful Evil
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: Young Adult
  • Height: 2.5 meters (8.2 Feet)
  • Weight: 105 kgs (230 lbs)
  • Complexion: Fair skin
  • Eye Color: Lavender
  • Hair Color: Purified White
  • Distinguishing Marks: Body and frame are devoid of any blemishes.
  • Appearance description: On the taller side of her heritage, Svenja Dietrich could be a rather imposing figure. Lean but muscular in her training to use various melee based weaponry, Her extremely pale skin, white-silver hair, and uniquely purple or lavender hued eyes, forces her to stand out among a crowd. More often than not, she is wearing Imperial dress uniforms, or regal uniforms of that of her house.


  • Marital Status: Single
  • Sexual Conduct: Undetermined
  • Languages:
  • Occupations:
    • Ruling Princess of Exocron
    • Sith Acolyte
    • Imperial Warlord
    • Student of the Sith Order Jutrand Academy
  • Residence:
    • Familial Castle on Exocron (Make a sub later)
  • Familial Relations:
    • Ill get to this later. Gonna make a family tree
  • Melee Combat
  • Armored Combat
  • Force Proficiency
  • Sith Magics/Alchemy
  • Leadership skills
  • Stress
  • Blood thirsty rage
  • Hasty
  • Outspoken
  • Ranged weapon disadvantage


Write it out later

  • N/A
  • Adding Later

Heritage, Family, Royalty, and loyalty are the tenets that have been presented to Svenja her entire life. Having been borne of an arranged marriage, to a family that has been desperately attempting to bring forth an heir to the family on Exocron. Many of the attempts of procuring children from the two have ended with producing no viable heir. Many of the children dying well before they were old enough to even receive a true name. Svenja therefore, is the oldest of the children if only due to her surviving through childhood. Which wasn't much of one. Her father wanted a son to carry his name, and thus for the entirety of her life was looked down upon. Always given the treatment that she was lesser because she survived when it should have been his first-born son to do so.

This has caused a massive riff between the family. The mother wishing to aid her in exploits, while her father sought to break her every chance he could get. More over, this causes Svenja to be seeking approval from her father. Doing all that she can with near reckless abandon. Throwing herself into every aspect of life as though perfection would never be good enough. More over, with her family not having any true latent force powers, with only her father being no better than an acolyte himself, she has been pressured heavily into training in the force to become a Sith. To at least not be a disappointment to her legacy.

With her Father as a vassal Emperor for the planet of Exocron, his hope is to bring his daughter up to one day be an Empress of Exocron, and then to expand further should the opportunity arise. What has caused this complex situation to become worse, is the separation of her father from her mother. With her mother being exiled to the wastes of the planet due to speaking against the Emperor, but unable to kill his own wife. For that, many of any potential heirs have now fallen to the poor consorts he throws around. Many of which are killed when unable to produce an heir.

Recently, with the new enrollment into the Sith Academies, Svenja has been forced to do it on her own with no help from anyone else. Her own father refusing to support her or sponsor her for the school. As such, she now has to find her own, and work her way to the top with her own guile, words, and actions.

This, is the beginning of a young girl who is thrust into the mantle of responsibility.
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