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Approved Species Swamp Leviathan

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RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."

Jungle Swamp Leviathan. (

Name: Swamp Leviathan
Designation: Non-sentient
Homeworld:]Terra Damnatia
Language: None
Average Lifespan: 120 years of age.
Estimated Population: 20 million.

Average height of adults: 0.8 m
Average length of adults: 9 meters
Skin color: Brown, dark green, black and yellow.
Hair color: None.
Distinctions: The Swamp Leviathan has a long snout, which is lined with teeth, The teeth are long, and serated, the perfect kind to cleave flesh from bone. The Leviathan has short stubby legs which carry it on land, and can perform at intense bursts even a Jindaburra can't escape. However, its main form of propulsion is the tail, which acts as a rudder to steer the beast. The tail is often a third the size of the animal. A Leviathan's back is scaled, with darker scales which act to disguise it in the murkiness of the water it abodes within.

Breathes: Type One Atmosphere.

+Under The Sea: Able to hold its breath for up to two days, the Swamp Leviathan is able to live underwater to escape its predators. So for those two days it can live independent of the surface.
+Camouflage: The browns and greens of the Swamp Leviathan make it near impossible to find without heat seeking equipment in the swamps of Terra Damnatia. This works well for ambushing their prey.
+Jaws of Steel: The jaws of a Swamp Leviathan are so powerful, that they can snap a durasteel girder in two. This means instant death from shock for anyone unfortunate enough to get in their way.
+Stalker: The Swamp Leviathan is a patient beast and has been known to stalk its meals over a number of days. The best example of this, was reported by former First Order colonel Briar Talbot. Talbot had been exploring the Snoke Delta in 45 ABY. Over the course of three weeks, and several hundred kilometers of winding rivers and creeks, Talbot's expedition was followed closely by a female leviathan. The beast finally gave up on the twenty third day, but not after managing to nearly destroy Talbot's watercraft.

-Not a Land Rover: The Swamp Leviathan has legs, and uses them to sun itself on shores, and can sprint for short distances out of the water, its not a walking beast. It can't run on land over long distances. The Leviathan likes to keep to waterways as much as possible.
-Can't Hear A Damn Thing: Possessing no ears means that the Leviathan can be snuck up on by a stealthy opponent, who could make a kark tonne of noise.
-Reversing: In narrow waterways, a more agile victim may prevail and elude the beast through outmanoeuvring them. The beasts cannot reverse at all. This is also used as a technique for trapping them.
-Creature of the Sun: The Swamp Leviathans rely on sun to heat their cold reptilian blood, and because of that they are often found during the day sunning themselves. This can be either towards the surface or on riverbanks/beaches.

Races: There are two types of Swamp Leviathan, the Jungle, and the Beach type.

The jungle types main difference is it lives more inland.. Another is that the females are incredibly aggressive, and prone to getting caught in rural and outlying urban areas. The jungle variant have deep green scales and brown scales which make them hard to see in the muddied water.

The beach type are less ferocious, and live on the coast rather than the estuaries and rivers of the inland. These leviathans feast on food that comes from the sea, and although not able to be domesticated, are known to show affection.

Diet: Jindaburra's, Smaller Constantine Sharks, Eopie's, Jindaburra's, Mastiffs, assorted fish and the occasional human.
Communication: Body language, pheremones and guttral growls.
Culture: The Swamp Leviathans are a matriarchal group, with females being the most dominant of the species. The females are responsible for most attacks on humans and livestock. In terms of how their young are treated, they stay with the mother until they are eighteen months old. The males meanwhile leave, and try to mate again. There is no mating season, and babies are born all the time. The incubation period of the Leviathan is seven months, until they're live birthed. Sexual maturity is reached at thirty six months of age.
Technology level: None.
General behaviour: Swamp Leviathans are an aggressive breed, and are always on the hunt for more prey. The jungle variant are more territorial and aggressive. Their beach variants are more relaxed, but are still known to kill.

History: None.
Notable Player-Characters: None.

Intent: Space Australia must have crocodiles.
The jungle types main difference is it lives more inland, and requires less sun.
This negates one of your weaknesses and goes against the biology of a cold-blooded creature. Local average temperatures make no difference. Even alligators and crocodiles living at the equator on earth still require sunbasking to heat themselves. Remove it OR add another weakness.

Designation: Sentient.
Change this to non-sentient.

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]
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