Character Voice: X
Location: Dagobah
Gear: Nightmare of Exegol (Lightsaber), The Fiend's Grin (Lightwhip), Pistol, Sniper Rifle
Tags: Darth Malum of House Marr
Gear: Nightmare of Exegol (Lightsaber), The Fiend's Grin (Lightwhip), Pistol, Sniper Rifle
Tags: Darth Malum of House Marr
The galaxy is like a puzzle, jigged and sawed, constantly looking for the lost piece to connect it back to wholesome days. However, that's a pipe dream, the galaxy is dying as it looks for heroes and saviors to resurrect its lost soul; a vision some hope to once again to feel it's warm, comfortable vision upon their faces. I'm not one of those, I'm a non-believer, a heretic to those people's religious beliefs. Hmm...if the galaxy was grand, why does she allow such strife? I'll answer my own question, because she sees her failures in those organic constructions, allowing these undesirables to roam upon her blood-soaked undergarment unchecked; now realizing her counterpart, this so-called male mate, dropped the ball because he was far gone into that stretcher of laziness. Organics.
I chose this planet, Dagobah, for three reasons:
1....there's a history here. According to legends, if one is apt to follow such Jedi fairy tales, a self-imposed powerful Jedi Master exiled himself here out of knowledgeable fear he knew his weakness and powerless attempts to halt the growing Sith of his time was futile and, if alive, still powerless to staunch the emerging Sith onslaught now generations later. Rest in Peace fable.
2...This so-called Jedi stumbled upon a john, hoping if he trained this organic properly that he could emerge into the galaxy as a hero; redeeming himself for his failures and clouded judgments: one powerful mind that sent the galaxy he knew into darkness and turmoil. Or perhaps, he hated this organic's father to the point he wished to unite them together in hopes they would be murdered in tandem, training one to kill the other, or die in a death befitting of miserable book writing? Exile has a tremendous effect on one's psyche; more so if you put yourself on timeout out of the knowing you failed, and quite possibly, now responsible for the downfall of those that looked up to you. But Jedi do not harbor emotions of hate or revenge.... or do they?
3...ahh, now to my point. The Sith love to hoard their treasures and conquests, whisking them away into intolerable riddles and sites. But the Jedi do not...or do they? The Jedi preach against attachments, love for one example, and well, any feelings really. What if this is a lie? Why do they honor their dead in archives and stories, and with statues of those worthy to be cemented into stone? Shouldn't a Jedi be forgotten after death for fear of falling into the feelings of loss? Jedi is no different than the Sith, just a few thousand years of catching up their own dogmatic lies. But....I'm here looking for such Jedi treasures. Trinkets, bones, whatever is around here somewhere lurking to be unearthed. If not Jedi goodies, I'm sure there is something worthy here: can't sell me on the idea some sister-kissing boy was the first to find this fable Jedi's haven; lies is the foundation of the Sith; Jedi harbor their own lies under the guise of something different. And let's find what these guises are, shall we?