Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Swoop racing

So I've seen some pod racing threads in the past, but what about swoop racing? I think it would be interesting to have a good dangerous, hazard-filled, deadly swoop race down in the undercity of Coruscant. Any amount of racers will do, but I think we'd need at least five to make it really something. Then again there would have to be an announcer or two. If this does take off however, keep in mind that not many politicians or people of power would be part of such an event, as it's illegal (or at least it is in the comics I've read anyway) Of course though, that's just the general idea. Anybody would be welcome. Thoughts?
I think races in general are an interesting idea for RPs, but it's the winning part that trips me up and keeps me from getting behind it. I know that here we generally all write to win, but I think to write a really good race it would be more fun to randomly and secretly select the winner ahead of time. My proposition would be this: racers sign up ahead of time, with a closing date for registration. Once all the racers are registered, an RP Judge randomly pre-selects the winner using a random # generator, and sends that person a private message prior to the start of the race. If you didn't get that private message, you're not the winner, and need to write your posts accordingly. Maybe you crash, maybe your swoop breaks or was sabotaged, maybe it's neck and neck to the end. The readers and other writers wouldn't know the winner until the last post.

If it took off there could even be a season-long league, where standings are recorded and a champion crowned.
Nope! As the assassins say, "Everything is permitted." You wanna sabotage someone's vehicle before the race? Just make sure they don't catch you. Getting tired and feel the need to throw a trip-wire into the mix? You'd better be quick then. Anything goes. @[member="Daxton Bane"]

Vix Wul'Tof

Swoop racing. Right up this girls alley. Count me in. Lets just make sure we're not caught by the Jedi old'y you shouldn't be having fun guys.

Aleidis Zrgaat

Young soul from an older generation.
I wrote up some pretty good Podracing rules for the board when I was on Staff. They're in the Staff-only portion, so if somebody who has access there wanted to retrieve them for you guys, I'd love to see them get some use.


I might consider joining... if I knew what the heck swoop racing was. *runs too wookiee*
As for politics/power, not one of Republic seating, so I could care less about the legalities; I just wanna have fun!

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