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Approved Tech Duun's Honor

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Salak Duun




  • Intent: To create a family heirloom of sorts to be used by Salak Duun
  • Image Source: Swordculture | Dividers and Edits Made by Myself
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Sword (Gladius)
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Lorrdian Gemstone set in the pommel allows for the wielder of the sword to have a heightened sense and increased ability to read the actions of an adversary and in turn respond to said actions appropriately. Heightens the user's overall defenses.
  • Lorrdian Gemstone enhances user's ability to promptly read and react to a given situation, thus increasing defensive alertness.
  • Songsteel, Cortosis, and Taosin Carapace used in the construction of the weapon make it highly resistant and capable of combating lightsaber strikes.
  • Cortosis used in conjunction with the Songsteel of the blade make it so that this weapon has the potential to short out the blade of a lightsaber if it comes into contact with one.
  • The short grip of the handle means that this weapon may only ever be wielded with one hand.
  • In the presence of an area with a Force nullification effect, the effects of the Lorrdian Gemstone will not be present and as such the gem simply becomes decoration for the duration of the time spent in the effected area.
Duun's Honor is a family heirloom of the Duun clan, a family of Immerin native to Myak, the terrestrial moon of Yesmireen. It was constructed more than a thousand years ago and has been passed down from one generation to the next. As such, there is an immense sentimental value placed upon the heirloom and it rarely finds itself used in combat, serving a purpose of a treasured possession of the family overall.

Currently in the possession of Salak Duun, the sword hasn't been used in combat for more than a hundred years at this point and is a token now to the honor and prestige of the family with which it belongs.

Although there is no solidified account as to why the materials used in the weapon's construction were chosen, it can be assumed that each has a personal importance to the family at some point through their history. Whether through the triumphs of their trials or simply luck of the draw, the weapon's foundation and construction are sure exquisite.

Carved and cast into the weapon's overall design, one would notice the overarching presence of an avian resembling a phoenix, which has strong ties to the
Immerin, Clan Duun and Myak.
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