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Sword Ship Idea

I had, some time ago, came up with an idea for a ship that was basically one giant sith sword. By using the metal of the remmanents of the ravenger and the star forge over Rakata Prime I would imbune differnt parts of a ship into one giant sith sword with the idea that it would act as both a battering ram and something of a force nexus to improve force abilities in the area or to act as one large medium for force abilties and be resistiant to standard methods of attacks. The tradeoff would be that it would have no exterior weaponry, all power gone to the engins as sith alloy is much heavier.

I've been told there is issue with using the star forge alloy or ravenger alloy, this was only flavor text for the ship and if its not possible then it could be done with normal alloy.

Doing such for an entire ship (a faction ship probabbly 2000M) is too much for you and will kill. True if I try it in one go but couldnt' I do it in multiple sections over a period of time? What if I use a smaller ship.

The force nexus idea was another problem but what if it was a very limited area such as the bridge of the ship. Would that also disallow usign the ship as one large sith sword? Could I create a smaller medatation sphere perhaps and reinforce the metal around that?

Would the ship be able to survive the impact of another ship if it was forged of sith alloy anyway?

Ultimatly the fighers would beable to allow them to crash/cut thourhg other smaller ships and starfighters.

Stealth combined with ship's ability to cut thorugh other ships even if the force nexus idea isn't possible.

The interor of the ship would be used for reactors and cages for sith alchemy results (living weapons and droids)

Was also considering a fusion of ship/sith like that one ship from the books

non-ship related

I had also wondered at what a sith sword would be allowed to do seeing as it's supposed to allow one to channel the force more easily.

Also considering on the idea of either sith alloy armor or living armor that draws on his blood/force powers to help him focus.
A very ambitious project. I can already tell you that there are ships designed to be battering rams, so you're fine on that front. Though if you want it to snap a ships spine clean in half, I'm not sure how much farther you would have to go.

Also, that much alchemical metal must make for one doozy of a dev thread, something that would far exceed your current abilities. Additionally, pretty confidently certain that those canon elements (star forge, etc.) would have to be removed. I don't see any conceivable reason why you would 1) need those, or 2) how you would reason collecting them after they've been destroyed for so long.

Not sure how comfortable judges would be with a stealth battering ram, and would only go on to increase the necessary dev thread. Force nexus also adds to that.

As a whole though seems pretty neat.
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

I hadn't been aware that they were destoryed in terms of the site. Last I heard the star forge metal had formed a ring around Rakata Prime and the Ravenger remains were in the hands of the Hutts.

Edit: You can make app before dev thread right?
[member="Nezuel"] Are they? I had assumed that since they were destroyed, they'd already be blending in with the other scrap and taken off after the hundreds of years they've spent adrift as destroyed remnants.

Also, how would the Ravager be in Hutt hands? Last I heard it was destroyed over Malachor V as the Mass Shadow drive reactivated...

Unless you're talking about something else?
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

Have you played KOTOR II? The ravenger was revived by a darth and destroyed over telos.

If I remember correcly palpatine did something with Rakata prime? Or perhaps it was bane.
[member="Fabula Caromed"]

Thank you?

I suppose this thread can also act as a recruitment for help creating it should it turn out to be possible.

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Ambitious. Not sure if it would work or not (I don't know much about alchemy), but if it does I certainly look forward to seeing it in action.

You're going to need a very big dev thread, though.
Nezuel said:

I know its going to need a dev thread...but I want to make sure its possible or what is possible first -_-
Rakata and celestial tech are banned, so as long as the star forge doesn't fall under that and you get enough master alchemists behind you this could be doable. Not recommended, but technically doable.
Nezuel said:

Its not the technology really...only that the metal will "feel" darker for flavor text?
The metal is part of the tech that is banned and therefore would be banned as well. It's not a seafood buffet where you don't get shellfish, but can get lobster meat without the shell. There's no shellfish. Period. Honestly there are a LOT easier ways to achieve that 'flavor text' via alchemy and sith magic rather than using some super secret OP tech.

Nezuel said:
The force nexus idea was another problem but what if it was a very limited area such as the bridge of the ship. Would that also disallow usign the ship as one large sith sword? Could I create a smaller medatation sphere perhaps and reinforce the metal around that?
You can do all three. Sith alchemy has a canon effect of creating a similar effect to a force nexus, and master alchemists are capable of replicating a force nexus through sith alchemy. Or you could get a sith sorcerer, though those are much more rare.
Nezuel said:
Would the ship be able to survive the impact of another ship if it was forged of sith alloy anyway?
Sith alchemy is not an alloy, it is a metal that has its atomic structure altered through the force in a process known as Sith alchemy or Alchemy. It makes the blade incapable of dulling, capable of resisting a lightsaber strike, capable of deflecting blaster bolts, etc. So in theory yes, it would be capable of doing so as long as the material is thick enough to withstand the brunt of the impact. You also have to realize a ship over 100 meters or so will be much more time-consuming, much more difficult, and likely won't be able to retain the same effects as you would see in a personal craft of like 20 meters or so designed for the same purpose.

Nezuel said:
I had also wondered at what a sith sword would be allowed to do seeing as it's supposed to allow one to channel the force more easily.
Sith swords can absorb and retain force lightning and acts as a lightning rod, they never dull, they resist lightsaber strikes, do as you mentioned above, and reflect blaster bolts - among various other things.
I'm not an FJ, and I usually don't deal with factory stuff as I have the Codex to administer.

However, I will reiterate my comment from before, and then expand on it.

pls no

The practicalities here and the leap in logic is immense. There are a multitude of issues here, and I'll discuss each in turn so you might get an idea how others might react.

The Ravager was a regular ship from almost 5000 years before the present. It in no way would be better than regular materials commonly available.
The Star Forge was utterly destroyed likewise almost 5000 years ago. Nothing of that would remain now...and even if it did Rakata tech is banned.

A Sith sword or other item is usually about a metre long. That takes a lot of effort to make as it is a draining process of injecting the Dark Side into an item. It not only requires dev threads but a skilled alchemist.
A ship of any size made of Sith Alchemised metal would be an undertaking so stupendous I would call it impossible. Even if the outer shell was the only thing made as such it would be many orders of magnitude above a simple sword. You would need thousands of skilled alchemists working for years to create even the ram of a larger ship.

Even if we were to assume that you could make a ship (which I doubt, but let's say) the outer shell might be nearly unbreakable, but the insides would not be. A single impact would utterly destroy anything inside the ship because of the g-force pressures of the collision. The engines would be forced forward, torn from their mountings, the crew would be thrown about and maimed like ragdolls. Also, since the interior of the ship isn't invulnerable it will be smashed to pieces.
Imagine a car crash using an old car which didn't crumple. The result was GREATER damage to the passengers because the force is passed all onto them.
To create a ship of sufficient size to badly damage an enemy ship it would be slow, hard to turn. Since you're relying entirely on ramming, and since your engines aren't invulnerable they could be easily disabled by a smaller ship getting behind it and blasting them at close range.

A ship like this would be a borderline superweapon. Stealth would not be allowed as well, and in any case would weaken the hull.

So whilst it's a fun idea, it is utterly impractical.

Sorry to burst the bubble, but some logic is needed here.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] [member="Silara"]

Judging by the big red name you're very important XD. Assuming noone vetos that I'm assuming the decision is made.

Is it possible then to make an armor of sith alloy or armor made of living tissue altered by alchemy to maybe turn him into a lesser force like entity? I was thinkning the living armor could draw upon his life force or offer him energy now in exchange for energy a battery or backwards battery.

If the sitch alchemy ship thing does work what about making a meditation it possible to even make one or replicate the effect, what about put one as the bridge of a large ship?

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