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SWRP Builds A Species: [Round 4] Biological

SWRP Builds A Species: Original Thread & Rules
Previous Round: Round 3: Strengths & Weaknesses
Previous Winner: [member="Chupa La'Roi"]

Species Thus Far

Name: Daelite

Homeworld: Mustafar

Language: Basic, Yuuzhan Vong

Average height of adults: 1 square meter, can be adjusted based on width

Average weight of adults: 600kg

Skin color: Bright Red

Hair color: None

Distinctions: The Daellite is a liquid mineral-based being that operates under -extremely high- temperatures. In essence they are molten rock given sentience. Due to this they often 'swim' in the Lava of Mustafar to travel, and have extreme difficulty traveling elsewhere. Suits have been attempted to be made that can contain them and give them a more structured form to allow hyperspace travel, but thusfar none have had widespread success.

+ Heat Resistance: Life in the magma flows of Mustafar requires the ability to survive extremely high temperatures; thus, the Daellite are immune to the effects of heat and radiation.​
+ Liquid Body: As the Daellite are living molten rock, their bodies are fluid and constantly moving. This makes it extremely difficult to damage them with conventional weapons, such as melee weapons or blaster fire.​
- Environment Suit: In order to survive outside of the magma, the Daellite require a specialized enviro-suit which maintains their fluidity, as well as the heat required for their survival. This limits their movement in a similar fashion to heavy armor or a mech-suit to a solid organism. Such enviro-suits are difficult to obtain, and expensive to produce en masse.​
- No Written Language: As Daellite live the majority of their lives in molten rock, the concept of a written language has not yet developed. Thus, all communication between the Daellite amongst their own kind is spoken rather than recorded or written down. This has lead some to adapt the languages of others to survive in the galaxy at large.​
- Cold Vulnerability: The extreme heat required for their survival can be countered by extreme drops in temperature; a Daellite who is freed from his enviro-suit and encounters air at room temperature or below will begin to rapidly cool down, hardening into solid rock in a short amount of time. If not placed back into extreme temperatures as soon as possible, the Daellite will solidify and die.​

Post your own suggestions in response for the criteria highlighted in red, or like other's responses, or do both.

The response chosen will be the response with the most likes.

[member="Chupa La'Roi"] may not win this round.

This round will end 7 PM EST tomorrow.



Average Lifespan: [In standard years]

Races: [Not subspecies, distinct cultural or physical races (aka, just like human races)]

Estimated Population: [Is it common throughout the galaxy? Only found on a single world? Only being of its kind?]

Breathes: [Type of atmosphere or medium it breathes]

Diet: [List common foods, what is poisonous]

Communication: [List common communication medium]
Average Lifespan: 300 standard years in a hot enviroment, 100 in a temperate, 50 in a below-average enviroment.

Races: No races

Estimated Population: 500,000

Breathes: Type II atmosphere

Diet: Mirkanite ore, an ore found almost exclusivly in the lava of Mustafar.

Communication: An odd language of gurgling and bubbling sounds.
Well-Known Member
Sorry the Formatting didn't stick, I'm on mobile. But anyway, I slithered out of the Rejected Realms long enough to see this, and as the founding person here to have submitted a Species, I knew I couldn't pass this up.


Average Lifespan: 200 years in prime environment

Races: Southern Daelite are a MUCH "stockier" build, in comparision to any Daelite that resides North. Due to where they reside (a prime environment of lava rivers), they tend to live longer, and can grow to monstrous sizes in comparision to their 1 meter average. Though its rare for a Southern Daelite to get much bigger than three meters in diameter of maximum stretch. On the flip side, the less nourished North Daelite don't usually get any bigger than half a meter, and take on more of cooler brown-red "skin" compared to the Molten Red of their Southern brethren.

Estimated Population: Only on Mustafar (100,000)

Breathes: Carbon Dioxide

Diet: Kubaza beetle, the occasional Xandank that comes close to a lava flow, unlucky Mustafarans or other foreign occupants of Mustafar, and a supplement of minerals from a lava flow itself (including but not limited to Mirkanite, which are responsible for keeping the liquid creature cohesively together and alive).

Communication: When under-lava they speak by creating vaste vacuums within them that rupture almost like a miniature explosion. With these bellows they can speak through a lava flow, however due to the poor medium liquid rock presents, it's usually just easier to communicate through direct touch. Their bellows are rather short range within a lava flow, and might be heard on the shore unless mistaken for the background noise of Mustafars many active volcanoes. Bellows are usually used to notify nearby Daelite of something interesting while swimming, while direct contact is the most common and clear communication between two or more Daelites.

Out of a Lava flow, they "speak" in much they same way, though on a much smaller scale. They can learn to speak many languages such as basic and Yuuzhan Vong, though they will always be plagued with a gurgling and stuttering accent, which usually takes them awhile to say anything, and because of it they often shorten what they have to say to the barest bones.

Kila Cadau

Mando Rally Master (With a metal kneecap)
Average Lifespan: The average lifespan of the Daelite is roughly two hundred years in its natural environment, however that lifespan can be shortened to 150 years if the Daelite spends much of its time in an envirosuit, due to health conditions that may develop from exposure to the elements or from contact with the material of the envirosuit itself, depending on the Daelite - and of course the material of the suit in question. This is especially notable for the Low-Dwelling Daelite race.

Races: Daelites have four different races - the Low-Dwellers, the Lake-Dwellers, the River-Dwellers, and the Nomads.

The Low-Dwellers
The Low-Dwellers live in the deeps of the lava oceans of Mustafar, and occasionally at the bottom caves of the deeper lakes. They are extremely sensitive to the cold and are the most ancient and traditional of the Daelite races, with the others spawning from the more adventures of the Low-Dwellers who decided to venture to other places. The Low-Dwellers are more susceptible to the cold and exposure to outside elements than other types of Daelites, but can withstand even more heat. Their skin often takes a more orangish tone than the other Daelite races as well.

The Lake-Dwellers
The Lake-Dwellers are the second most ancient of the Daelite races, having branched off to settle the lava lakes of their home planet, which are slightly higher in elevation than the bottom caves the Low-Dwellers inhabit. The Lake-Dwellers are generally very social and their society is quite structured compared to the other races. Like the Low-Dwellers, the Lake-Dwellers can withstand slightly less exposure then either the River-Dwellers or the Nomads, and their skin is a slightly brighter red.

The River-Dwellers
The River-Dwellers are the Daelites who make their homes in the lava rivers on Mustafar. They live relatively close to the surface and are the most commonly seen type of Daelite amongst the general non-Daelite population. They are a little more friendly and welcoming of change than the Lake-Dwellers and the Low-Dwellers, and are slightly less susceptible to the cold as well as exposure. Their skin is a little duller than the Lake-Dwellers or the Low-Dwellers, although it is still quite bright.

The Nomads
The Nomads are the castaways of Daelite society. They are constantly moving and never stay in one river, or one lake, for very long. The Nomads of the Daelite race rarely have any physical distinctions, being a purely cultural race rather than a physical one. The Nomads are welcomed by some and shunned by others, and while some Daelites choose this lifestyle, others are criminals, cast out to live without a place to call their own. Nomads are, generally, very friendly and helpful, but they hide from the outside world had rarely venture to the surface. If one sees a Daelite in an enviro-suit, it is most likely a Nomad.

Estimated Population: The Daelite exist only on the planet Mustafar, where their population is roughly 250,000 planet-wide.

Breathes: Can breath Type II atmosphere, can also draw the necessary gases from the lava.

Diet: Lava rock - especially Mirkanite ore, the main staple of their diet - occasionally supplemented by Kubaza beetle.

Communication: The Daelite communicate using a system similar to echolocation, by causing their bodies to vibrate at certain frequencies to send out messages. This form of communication is rather vague and not as reliable as the main form of communication, which is shape. By contorting and twisting their bodies, the Daelites can send complex and specific messages to each other, and is the main form of communication. Daelites in envriosuits can learn to speak more conventional, spoken languages, but they will always have a gurgling accent and their speech will not be terribly fluent.

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