Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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SWRP: Chaos... Bye

If you haven't noticed im very bord of starwars and everything that has to do with starwars. Can see it in my posting and over all activity im on the edge and ive made my decision. SWRP: Chaos is the best starwars RP website ive been too. Guys let me be a freaking Gen'dai cmon! thats awesome. But im leaving the site and starwars too.​​
[member="Kezeroth the Unyielding"]

See you around. If you want to come back in a few years (if Star Wars is at your interest) I'm sure we'll have a lot more changes, and many differences made for you to explore.
Don't be afraid to return. I've been here for what I consider a while and I still don't got a lot of posts down. Leave when you have to and as said don't be afraid to come back. :)

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