Sybil Inon
I Can Feel If I Feel The Need.

Name: Sybil Inon
Factions: The Sith Empire | The Resolute
Rank: Sith Acolyte | Grand Enforcer
Species: Miraluka
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 122 pounds
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Medium Length, Light Brown
Skin: Light Brown
Force Sensitive: Yes
| Wise/Knowledgeable | Sybil is considered to be quite wise, despite her young age. Perhaps it was born out of fending for herself or perhaps it was simply another trait of her personality.
| Analytical | In almost every situation, Sybil will look at all angles and determine what she should do. It has become second nature to her.
| Resourceful | Fending for herself in the the jungles of Akiva taught Sybil to use what she had. It also forced her to find and make what she wanted, all while strengthening her resolve and improving her speed and agility.
| Stoic | She rarely shows compassion or fear, emotion or instability. Her feelings and are blank to those who do not know how to read them.
| Blind | While many would consider her blindness a massive disadvantage, she did not view it in that manner. While it was a type of disadvantage, she saw it as an opportunity. If she were to reach out through the Force, her sight could be restored in more ways than one.
| Audacious | Living on her own and providing for herself has only helped to make her rebellious and disrespectful towards figures of authority until they prove that they are worth listening to.
| Blunt | More often than not, her bold and straight-forward way of speaking tends to get her into trouble for offending one person or saying something that could otherwise make someone upset in some way or form.
| Limited Blindness | As stated previously, Sybil is blind. While it does have its advantages, a disadvantage would be the obvious lack of sight, both through her eyes and through the Force, as her "sight" through the Force is limited at the point.
She is of average height and weight for her age. She has what can only be described as lean muscle. An off white, thin cloth covers her piercing grey eyes. She is dressed in a white and purple cloak over the leather and cloth tunic, which she wears on most occasions.
Complex Beginnings
It would be an understatement to say that her early life was "rough". In fact, it was more complex and shrouded than anything. But, from what is remembered by Sybil, she was born on Akiva, a jungle world in the Outer Rim. Growing up as a child, she had no parents, and thus she was forced to defend and provide for herself.
She would run and climb through the jungles, finding it a comforting but dangerous home. She had never known her parents, but she knew that, even without them, she would be fine. She forged for food, learned to purify water, and made herself a shelter to live in. Through her time in the jungle, she learned to be resourceful, agile, and calculating. Soon, those skills would serve her well.
Lessons of Akiva
The jungle became her teacher, her... parent, if you will. From it, she learned that survival was based on her own skills. With that in mind, she built up her physical, mental, and emotional strength. Sybil became faster, stronger, and emotionless. She learned to mask her true motives and emotions, so much so that it became like second nature to the young girl. She began to open her mind and see from different perspectives and angles, always looking for the most advantageous solution to a problem.
Hunting became easier, climbing tall trees occurred in less than four minutes, runs became nearly effortless.
She was growing and, unbeknownst to her, another ability was growing in power and festering inside her very being.
She hadn't felt it until now, had not even paused to recognize the untapped power she possessed. The Force was within her, coursing through her veins as if it were her very blood.
Before now, she had been blind (literally) to the world around her, moving along by her other senses alone. But, now... now, she could see in a new way. This new feeling...this new sight she gained was nothing short of liberating for Sybil.
Over the course of five years, she learned to reach out and manipulate the things and being around her. She learned to cloak her presence, both physically and mentally. Sybil would eventually gain passage on a ship, seeking out new things and new people. All the while, secretly hoping that someone would find her and train her to use the Force properly.