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Approved Tech Sylva Motus Force Drive Thruster

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Manufacturer: Sylva Motus
Type: Biotech
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Light
Size: Average

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
  • Primary Sources:
  • Modularity: Yes, somewhat
    • This can be scaled up or down depending on the size of ship that will install the Drive Thruster, with some size limitations
  • Materials:
  • Easily scalable for repurposing and reinstallation if necessary
  • Biotech allows it to be entirely compatible with all Sylva Motus space-worthy vehicles
  • Scalability allows for varied strengths according to necessity
  • Biotech 'battery' allows it to be energized for a sortie without a fuel source or mechanical complication; quick-swapping the power source allows whatever craft it's installed in to have a regenerated engine immediately.
  • Biotech 'battery' is extremely simple and packed full of energy
    • Able to quick-swap as needed for increased mission sortie length
  • SV biotech Compatibility - able to regenerate and recharge as with all SV biotech
  • SV biotech inherent weaknesses
    • Subject to the same weaknesses as standard SV Biotech, the Drive Thruster is susceptible to that which would damage and destroy plant matter.
  • SV biotech Force sensitivity
    • In addition to the usual SV Biotech being Force sensitive and requiring a constant Force connection (lest it entirely fall dormant), the innate Force power of the Drive means it broadcasts its presence before, during, and immediately after a successful jump.
  • Force drive thruster point-of-reference requirements
    • All Force drive thrusters have the innate weakness of requiring a Force-sensitive point of reference. Usually this can be accomplished with a SV bioship, but for atmo-worthy craft the planet itself can be used as the reference. Without a suitable point of reference, the drive thruster cannot function properly.
This is an updated Force Drive, designed specifically for maneuvering in space or in atmosphere without the use of any fuels or traditional propulsion methods. As with the original Force drive, the SV Force drive thrusters do not put the energy source - dense, tightly-aligned Force-sensitive nodules - under duress. The Force is collected and then pushed out, akin to how a ramjet squirts a stream of fluid to move quickly. Energy is not consumed, merely transferred, and as the ship propels itself through space or atmo, the Force moves through it and around it.

The drive thruster itself is comprised of collimated Plem cells, each containing a copious amount of midichlorians and energy; contained as it is within a compact 'battery', each fuel source gives approximately 5 hours of flight time. The entire apparatus can be hot-swapped as necessary, if a craft needs a refuel; replacing the battery can be a matter of seconds. Each battery does take time to refill with Force energies, so having multiple batteries per craft, per sortie, per refueling period, is a necessity.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To update and refit the pre-existing Force Drive in Sylva Motus' biotech suite for propulsion, not just hyperspace travel
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):

Rakatan Force Drive, Sylva Motus Force Drive

Technical Information

Affiliation: Sylva Vitae through Sylva Motus
Model: SVSM-FD-2.0.1
Modular: Yes
Material: C. viridis, L. ferra, Plem cells
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