Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sylver Heavengazer [WIP]

Name: Silver Heavengazer
Faction: The Sith Brotherhood
Rank: Apprentice
Species: Human
Age: 21
Gender: M
HEIGHT: 5'9"
WEIGHT: 187lbs

EYES: Forest Green

HAIR: Brown


APPEARANCE: Sylver's general body and build is rather athletic and muscular for his age. Muscle definition is found all about his body. Granted his figure is still rather slim, as his body hasn't expanded to it's limits yet. Short brown hair sits atop of his head, which is spiked slightly upward, with tiny bangs hanging over his forehead.

ATTIRE: A short sleeves gray cotton shirt is worn on his top. Slight rips and tears are scattered about the shirt, not ripped too much to where a lot of skin can be seen. White bandages are wrapped around his forearms and hands. Slight tethers fall from it. Regular black pants are worn, with a holster belt on the waist, where his lightsaber and blaster is held. Silver high boots are on his feet, with black and brown straps laced across the front in three rows. Over this are dark gray jedi robes, with a black cloak over the entire thing, with a large hood on the back, which normally covers his entire face in shadows when worn.





Work in Progress


Sylver posses the ability to wield a lightsaber, and use some basic force abilities. He also knows how to use blaster weapons.


Form VII Juyo

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Sylver is exceptionally skilled in combat, able to think on his feet, and make split second decisions to ensure victory. Given this he lacks any other types of skills, including engineering, working with computers, how to fly a ship, etc. Given his battle prowess, he lacks the ability to do combat in a ship.


Aside from his attire, Sylver generally only carries around his lightsaber, and a single one handed blaster.








Sylver is generally motivated by his desire for recognition and power. He craves the attention and popularity that high ranking jedi, officers, and other authorities possess. His belief is that these things can be gained through power, and thus is passionate about enhancing his ability to defeat opponents. Sylver's usual behavior is that of apathy and anxiousness. Usually caring for nothing, outside of his want for strength. His taste for people is below average as well, believing people are all weak, hypocritical beings. The most he hates of all are the jedi, whom he feels do nothing for the universe they are supposedly to be protecting. He feels violence will solve problems, for there can be no conflict is there is no opponent. All this ties into his usual pessimistic behavior. Socially he is a heterodox and decedent person, always wishing to swim against the norm and usual and looks down on those whom try to follow the social norm. Given his little interaction with difference species, he hasn't decided what he makes of other forms of life. He holds a smugness almost, believing humans excel beyond other species. It is often shown in his mean sense of humor, finding it at the expense of others. He can easily be seen as a narcissist, though he doesn't admit it.


Growing up for Sylver was something that was rushed. Born to a mother and father on the planet Coruscant, he was an only child. His parents worked as engineers for low business companies looking to etch a living. At the age of 8 Sylver's father died of an unknown illness. Suspected to be the Gulgas Virus. Sylver had to work to help keep his remaining family a float, and able to eat. He began hunting wildlife to support his mother. At the age of 10 an unfortunate event happened, while Sylver and his mother went shopping for groceries. A galactic bounty hunter was chasing down a bounty, whom was racing through the streets. After rushing into a crowd, the criminal bumped into Sylver's mom, separating them. The masked bounty hunter caught up in no time. The criminal was forced to use Sylver's mother as a shield. This didn't stop the bounty hunter, as he fired off several blaster shots, that would hit both victims, killing them before they even hit the ground. Sylver granted his mother a proper burial, grieved, then decided a day later upon revenge. The bounty hunter was said to be located around the Coruscant hangers. Taking the blaster used by the criminal responsible for his mother's death he tried to rush the bounty hunter, but was inevitably outclassed. After a small and pointless scuffle Sylver found himself looking at the barrel of the blaster that was used to kill his mother. Ready to accept death he waited for the man to pull the trigger. Luckily before this a passing Jedi assisted Sylver by disarming the bounty hunter and knocking him unconscious with a broken wing of the ship the hunter flew. Sylver revealed he had no family and no where or no one to go to. The Jedi offered to train him and take him as his padawan for training.

After a swift decision Sylver and his new master,





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