Runi Verin
Two pounds shy of a bomb.
The Janeris Hangers
Early Evening
The Kiffar grunted softly as she hauled herself out from beneath the bucket of bolts that was the Boracyk, features smeared beneath a thick coating of engine grease and blackened coolant. As much as the vessel was her pride and joy, the only honest to ashlan good thing in her life, it definitely was also the biggest bane where her cash flow was concerned. It seemed there wasn’t a day that went by that some part of it wasn’t threatening to fall off or break down, with the salvagers’ meagre funds barely managing to keep to together through a series of creative jury-rigs and bypasses. The shattered converter in her hand was just another prime example that proved the point.
Ordinarily such a development would’ve elicited a choice curse, perhaps something particularly vulgar in Huttese, but she honestly didn’t have it in her anymore. After the first dozen or so times she had just become numb to the Boracyk’s near constant failings, accepting it as just another unavoidable part of her life. Instead she just tossed the part into the pile of components she’d already overhauled, snatching a towel off the top of her tool kit to wipe the grime free from her face, only managing to smear it instead.
“You’re late.” Ru chided out loud, not even bothering to turn around to face the newcomer. She might not have heard the hanger doors open, but she could pick them out clearly enough in the force to know they were standing a few feet behind her. “The job said you wanted to get off this planet in a hurry; turning up a few hours late ain’t exactly what I’d call a hurry. Gonna take me a few minutes to get his mess cleared up.” Tossing the rag into the box as she spoke, she turned to get the first glance of her prospective client, having only dealt with an intermediary until now. “There’s also a matter of payment to sort out. Getting you off this dump without anyone noticing ain’t a job that comes cheap, especially this close to Sith space.”