The Obsidian Shield
- Intent: Creating a Support Fighter for the Metal Lords.
- Image Source: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/291007139965566976/308064701407821824/eve_flyby_by_vankaiser.png
- Canon Link: </A
- Restricted Missions: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Manufacturer: Metal Lords
- Model: T-32 Valkyrie Support Fighter
- Affiliation: Metal Lords
- Production: Minor
- Material: Durasteel plating along with other pieces of scrap metal.
- Classification: Starfighter
- Length: 11 meters
- Width: 22.6 meters
- Height: 3.9 meters cockpit, 4 meter long spike on lower surface
- Armament: High (1 x GA-60s double laser cannon, 2 x Proton Torpedo Launcher)
- Defenses: Moderate (
Abregado Combat Shield)
- Squadron Count: 11
- Maneuverability Rating: Low
- Speed Rating: Low
- Hyperdrive Class: N/A
3 x Ion Jet Engine (Surrounded by armor)
Abregado Combat Shield
1 x GA-60s double laser cannon
2 x proton torpedo launchers
1 x Drone Piloting Computer
- Formidable Armaments - Armed with two proton torpedo launchers on the left wing and a double laser cannon on the right by the cockpit, the Valkyrie Support Fighter is formidable against corvettes.
- Tough Shell - The Valkyrie has thick scrapped armor as well as a deflector shield capable of holding off attacks by ion weaponry as well as lasers.
- Heavy-Weight - While being armed with heavy weaponry and heavy armor, the Valkyrie is slow and vulnerable to fast fighters and weak in dogfights.
- No Hyperdrive - To make space for the thick armor and armaments, a Hyperdrive was left out of the support fighter, so it is uncapable of hyperspace.