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Approved Vehicle T-33 Luxury Speeder

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Manufacturer: Vrotoa Industries
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Width: Average
Height: Average
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average

  • Intent: A luxury Speeder Car for those that lead a more dangerous lifestyle.
  • Image Source: {X}
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Layered Defenses. ECMs, Missile Interference, military armor, multiple shields, and more all contribute to an extraordinary resilience.
  • Over Powered. The T-33 is powered by an engine designed for Space Craft. Despite it's weight, the Domo's Roadster is Fast, Agile, and confident behind it's protective systems.
  • Unarmed. Intended as a pleasure craft, the T-33 has no offensive capabilities.
  • Delicate Power System. The Clan Heart Reactor is powerful, and reliable however, it's highly susceptible to sabotage for it's simplicity.
The T-33 Luxury Speeder was born from Major Domo Zenva Vrotoa's desire to drive herself, safely, around the favored territory, Nar Shaddaa. As driving armoured convoys through the club sectors of Smuggler's Moon is impractical, and heavily frowned upon by neighboring criminal organisations, a vehicle more appropriate to the night life and business entrepreneur aspects of the criminally inclined was devised. A finely toned machine combining raw power and style with enough resilience for anyone accustomed to assassination attempts to be confident in their own transportation. The Domo's Roadster is yet another demonstration of Zenva's need for customized security measures, and unparalleled determination to look impressive while she's doing it.

A veritable Tank without the cannons, the T-33 Luxury Speeder is built in a fashion more befitting a Combat Space Craft than a Land Speeder. The chassis and frame are constructed of Quadanium Steel, a metal typically reserved for Military Space Stations. The "windows" are layered Transparisteel sheets worthy of the viewports in any modern Star Fighter. Finally a Faraday Cage of Iridonian Damascus, a highly radiation resistance metal, in conjunction with Ionization Buffered electrical systems leave the T-33 nearly impervious to any small arms form of Ion attack. All this armor is further safeguarded with a Stun Panel coating, available in numerous colorations and patterns, powered directly by the Vehicle's oversized power plant. Finally the T-33 Luxury Speeder is enclosed in two separate Deflector Shields, one specifically calibered as a Ray Shield which is in turn protected by a Particle Shield.

While content with the levels and layers of protection, no Vrotoa Industries product would be complete without Zenva's personal, near compulsive, need for bells and whistles. Elaborate encryption technology safeguards a powerful communication system, and Holoprojector, as well as the on board half of a Beckon Call Device. While no security system is perfect, it's highly unlikely that someone could hijack the communications of the T-33, let alone get inside to tamper with the Beckon Call. A sophisticated array of sensors, including Missile jamming systems and Electronic Countermeasures, all give the T-33 Luxury Speeder entirely more safety features than is likely necessary for even the Crime Lord who envisioned the vehicle.​

Out Of Character Info

Intent: A Personal Speeder for the Criminally Inclined
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Vrotoa Industries, Select Individuals
Model: T-33 Luxury Speeder
Modular: No
Material: Iridonian Damascus, Quadanium Steel, Transparisteel
Movement: Repulsorlift
Armaments: None
Vehicle Type: Speeder
Vehicle Role: Personal Transport
Defense Rating: Very High
Traction Rating: None
Top Speed Rating: Very High
Braking Power Rating: Low
Corner Speed Rating: Average
Speed Rating: High
Acceleration Rating: High
Balance Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: High
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: High
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 1
Cargo Capacity: Very Small
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Zenva Vrotoa Zenva Vrotoa

Very cool sub! However with the new rules, it can't be Limited. I would like to ask you to modify the production scale or the rating:
6. Extreme ratings require justification and elaboration in the main body of the submission.
7. Extreme ratings must be submitted as Semi-Unique or Unique.
You can find this in the Factory rules (General Submission Guidelines section)
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Zenva Vrotoa Zenva Vrotoa

Thank you! Ratings/maths/balance is not exist anymore. The subs can be overpowered, the only rule is the Extreme rating with the Unique/Semi-Unique production scale. So if you want to modify the ratings, feel free, if not, I'll accept this. :)
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