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Approved Ranged Weapon T-73 (Judgment) Sidearm

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Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Light
Size: Average
The only easy day was yesterday.

  • Intent: To create a versatile, effective blaster pistol
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: Blaster
  • Permissions: My Subs
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Blaster Pistol
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Light
  • Ammunition Type: Power Cell
  • Ammunition Capacity: Large
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: Low (Sem-Automatic)
  • Damage Output: High
  • Recoil: Average
  • Short design, low-recoil type slide, detachable onboard laser site.
  • QUICKDRAW: Designed for a fast draw and load with its curvature and short design, the T-73 "Judgment" is designed to be a faster option than reload in combat situations.
  • STUPID CHEAP PIECE OF...: The Laser site is a benefit of the weapon, but is remarkably shoddily attached. Designers claim it was a technical error and are working on it but in the meantime, the team is working without the benefits of a laser site more often than not.
Tired of having his team's hands proverbially tied, Aien began using every authorization he could give, use every advantage that his position, and can muster, and every connection he could call in to begin untying them. The Ronto, the armor, The FIST, this is in a long line. This is a designed handgun/blaster for the entire team. It will not be the only weapon in their upcoming arsenal, but it is the start that they need. Lt. Alazar built on this design with a longer barrel, a better bore in the slide and increased output.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create and improve upon existing sidearms for Special Forces
Image Source(s):
Permissions: My Subs
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Model: T-73 "Judgment" Sidearm
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic
Material: Agrinium– Condensed-Matter Composite frame, Durasteel Internals, blaster components
Ammunition Type: Powercell
Ammunition Capacity: Large
Damage Output: High
Recoil: Average
Ranged Class: Pistol
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